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Visage of 6.84

May 6, 2015 by SoylentGamer
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Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Visage

Hero Skills

Lurker (Innate)

Grave Chill

2 8 9 10

Soul Assumption

1 4 5 7

Gravekeeper's Cloak

3 12 13 14

Summon Familiars

6 11 16


15 17 18

Welcome to the New Age of Visage!

Visage is a Support/Core hero that has incredible burst damage and utility, strong laning presence, but requires a lot of skill and co-ordination to play correctly. Please keep in mind that this will not teach you how to micro manage, but is more for someone who already can micro manage and co-ordinate. Before 6.84, his ability to scale into late game was quelled by the fact that his familiars could only take 1-2 hits from enemies, but with the change to taking 4 hits to kill and the addition of the Solar Crest he can scale into late game far more effectively.

Pros and Cons

-High burst damage
-Powerful in lane
-Scales fairly well into late game
-Not easy to kill

-Micro skills
-Can't be played well with teammates that don't co-operate

Support: Ability Build Explanation

First of all, someone might notice that I never added skill points into the first 2 levels. This is because Soul Assumption and Grave Chill should be leveled according to how your early game goes. If there's an opportunity for a potential first blood, Soul Assumption should be leveled first, but otherwise Grave Chill is a better choice due to its usefulness at averting early game ganks. After this it's good to put a value point into Gravekeeper's Cloak but it's scaling isn't great now, so it should be maxed last. You want to max Soul Assumption first due to its very effective scaling early on.

Support: Item Build Explanation

The starting items and support items are quite self explanatory. Early on getting Boots of Speed and Medallion of Courage will be useful for roaming once you hit 7, your first peak in bursting potential, the Medallion will already increase your potent damage from familiars and the Boots of Speed will allow you to move lane to lane efficiently. Tranquil Boots and Solar Crest continue to build on this, allowing you to get even more armor reduction off, but also applying a blind on enemies, rendering them incapable of killing your familiars. The rest of your gold should be used to buy support items for your team.

Solo Core: Ability Build Explanation

The ability build is nearly identical to the support one, except you will always want to put a point into Grave Chill since you will be solo and you won't have any chances to gain charges in Soul Assumption at level one, however Soul Assumption should still be maxed first, since once you have Summon Familiars you can easily gain full charges to burst down enemies with ease.

Solo Core: Item Build Explanation

Initially, the item build seems almost identical to the support one. Iron Branches at the start gives good sustain early on, but are sold for space for other items, 75 gold is a small price to pay for the advantage they give in lane. Aghanim's Scepter is incredibly important though, the 50% increase in nuking power makes it well worth its high cost.

Core Extension
There are many options for extension items in the many different situations that may arise. Orchid Malevolence is very good in situations where an enemy is reliant on an ability to escape, examples being Slark Anti Mage Queen of Pain and Puck. Rod of Atos is strong against enemies that simply have very high movement speed like Skywrath Mage Luna Razor or Enchantress. Heaven's Halberd is strong against heroes that have a high enough attack speed to ignore the blind from the Solar Crest, examples include Troll Warlord Windranger Alchemist and Ursa. Shiva's Guard is effective in situations where they are both quick and have high attack speed due to its attack speed and movement speed slow.

Scythe of Vyse A very powerful disable that can replace many of the aforementioned items
Assault Cuirass Even though the armor buff is wasted on the familiars, the armor reduction aura is well worth the cost.
Desolator Although it is more efficient than the Assault Cuirass, it does not provide the armor bulk that is useful on physical damage heavy lineups.
Necronomicon Helpful for pushing and extra damage output in addition to familiars.

Rejected items explanation
Ring of Basilius It used to be first item every game on him, but now that familiars don't get the bonus it isn't great anymore
Mekansm No normal health, no armor, useless.
Urn of Shadows Same as above
Vladmir's Offering the 15% buff to base damage isn't effective due to the familiars' poor base damage of 10
Drum of Endurance the familiars do not benefit from the bonus move speed and the miniscule buffs to attack speed only marginally increase the speed that you can burst a hero down.

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