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Viper UBER Ganker (TEAM CARRY)

April 7, 2012 by Andromeda
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Andromeda | May 15, 2012 10:50pm
Nickro wrote:

It's a bad idea to start with boots of speed. I recommend 2 early gauntlets for braces later and forget about the vanguard.

I can see the case for gauntlets instead of vanguard if your going drum however try boots off the start just once and you will see my point too many people over commit when chasing or trying to get that last hit. With your nether toxin and slow they will try to run or fight with half hp you win every time. On a constant basis I get 1st blood at lvl 3-4 with this and if your team is worth anything you have a Currier it can bring the belt to you for the hp.
Nickro | May 2, 2012 9:30am
It's a bad idea to start with boots of speed. I recommend 2 early gauntlets for braces later and forget about the vanguard.
Andromeda | April 17, 2012 8:52pm
dmnRO wrote:

1)The text needs some "," "." here and there because some sentences are way too long and mix up many ideas.
2)Never get Hood over Vanguard.
a) You already have Corrosive Skin, on level 4 Corrosive Skin is very good. If they have way more nukes/magic and normal attacks then jump Vanguard]Hood and make BKB.
b) I did not check but long time ago the only way that the magic resist from the Hood will stack with Corrosive Skin, was to buy first Hood and then skill up the Corrosive Skin.
But if they do stack I am sorry for pointing that out.
3.Please say to the average players that if the enemies have disable, stun, hex -> go BKB. Your hood wont help if you are disabled.
4. Explain how/what to do in the first part, second and 3rd part of the game.
5. The starting items (boots) are not good for viper all the time. If you are good at denying and have a babysitter and pick viper so you have 600 gold go Gloves of Haste + Tango (590 gold) and rush Hand of Midas. With this build choose the top lane and use HoM every 60 seconds on big neutrals.
6. You can't be team ganker and team carry. I suggest to farm only on your lane until level 11, at level 11 you should kill most of the heroes in the game. Ask your teammates to buy wards and set them on river and in the forest next to you so that you can farm freely.
So my build will be for experienced players that play with one friend at least and pick Viper after analyzing the opponet's picks.
Play top lane.
Glove of Haste -> Hand Of Midas till minute 12 at most. (every 60 seconds get neutrals ~100 gold on every use if I remember correctly.)
Boots (normal at 500)
Poor man shield. (Use the Courier to get 2xSlippers) If no courier available just keep Stout Shield and rush a vanguard. But if courier available make Poor man's shield, skip vanguard and go Ultimate Orb.
Get Yasha.
You should have now Boots, Hand of midas, poor man shield, Ultimate Orb and Yasha. 5 Items that you should make until min 18 if you have a friend babysitting. And you should have frags from your lane. Finish Manta quick.
Now you have 3 choices:
Choice number 1. If they have a lot of disable, aoe damage, you need BKB, start with Ogre club.
Choice number 2. Or Monkey King Bar. The chance from the Javelin to hit with 40 pure damage does wonders with your second skill. I don't recommend Crystalis because it will show you when you use Manta. Because the biggest critical strike will always show above the real's viper head.
It is much better to have Monkey King Bar if the want to escape with TP, or they have channeling spells.
Sorry for the long post. Please reply so we can't bounce ideas of each other.

Yes in the new engine they do stack at any time you get just over 60% resistance
Trust me if Zues and Lina are on the same team you'll be praying for 1 of 2 things Anti-Mage or this hood.

I will clarify in the guide but early game if your center lane you make the enemy pay for pushing too far your poison is op when you have the lvl advantage hence the boots and ganking in mid-late game your the team carry by laying down the poison and in both situations your not really doing huge amounts of dmg but keeping the enemy from doing theres 40% reduction in atk/move speed.

Hand of Mias is not a good item for viper that is a almost enough for a yasha or most of vanguard if I have to choose I go with one of those.

I would rather blitz Manta Style than pointedly (might, maybe, possibly) get better farm later and the increase atk speed isn't enough.

1900 gold =42 creeps @ 45 gold per or 8.5 normal hero kills @ 225 kills. I know that you get more gold/xp with midas but that is allot of gold best spent elsewhere.
dmnRO (1) | April 15, 2012 4:13pm
1)The text needs some "," "." here and there because some sentences are way too long and mix up many ideas.
2)Never get Hood over Vanguard.
a) You already have Corrosive Skin, on level 4 Corrosive Skin is very good. If they have way more nukes/magic and normal attacks then jump Vanguard]Hood and make BKB.
b) I did not check but long time ago the only way that the magic resist from the Hood will stack with Corrosive Skin, was to buy first Hood and then skill up the Corrosive Skin.
But if they do stack I am sorry for pointing that out.
3.Please say to the average players that if the enemies have disable, stun, hex -> go BKB. Your hood wont help if you are disabled.
4. Explain how/what to do in the first part, second and 3rd part of the game.
5. The starting items (boots) are not good for viper all the time. If you are good at denying and have a babysitter and pick viper so you have 600 gold go Gloves of Haste + Tango (590 gold) and rush Hand of Midas. With this build choose the top lane and use HoM every 60 seconds on big neutrals.
6. You can't be team ganker and team carry. I suggest to farm only on your lane until level 11, at level 11 you should kill most of the heroes in the game. Ask your teammates to buy wards and set them on river and in the forest next to you so that you can farm freely.
So my build will be for experienced players that play with one friend at least and pick Viper after analyzing the opponet's picks.
Play top lane.
Glove of Haste -> Hand Of Midas till minute 12 at most. (every 60 seconds get neutrals ~100 gold on every use if I remember correctly.)
Boots (normal at 500)
Poor man shield. (Use the Courier to get 2xSlippers) If no courier available just keep Stout Shield and rush a vanguard. But if courier available make Poor man's shield, skip vanguard and go Ultimate Orb.
Get Yasha.
You should have now Boots, Hand of midas, poor man shield, Ultimate Orb and Yasha. 5 Items that you should make until min 18 if you have a friend babysitting. And you should have frags from your lane. Finish Manta quick.
Now you have 3 choices:
Choice number 1. If they have a lot of disable, aoe damage, you need BKB, start with Ogre club.
Choice number 2. Or Monkey King Bar. The chance from the Javelin to hit with 40 pure damage does wonders with your second skill. I don't recommend Crystalis because it will show you when you use Manta. Because the biggest critical strike will always show above the real's viper head.
It is much better to have Monkey King Bar if the want to escape with TP, or they have channeling spells.
Sorry for the long post. Please reply so we can't bounce ideas of each other.
IbbleBibble | April 11, 2012 2:00am
Looks good, and it's how I play Viper, but I tend to take Shadow Blade just to run away, but I guess it's only good against pubs. Vanguard's a good idea, I'll try it out next game I play as him.
Andromeda | April 6, 2012 1:33am
Atlas wrote:

The build looks good. Could use some prettying up, though.

Atlas (117) | March 31, 2012 9:24pm
The build looks good. Could use some prettying up, though.
Andromeda | March 31, 2012 9:11pm
Advice/Arguments Welcome!
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