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3 Votes

Viper : Corrosion Poison

May 30, 2014 by wallywest
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TheSofa (54) | June 1, 2014 8:31am
Thank you! It's just that I see a lot of the competitive people get Agh's, so I thought it would be a great idea. I do get a lot of kills with Agh's. My best K/D/A was 41-2-12
wallywest (1) | May 31, 2014 8:38am
TheSofa wrote:

Just would like to give my opinion. If it's not good, please ignore it. I've only been playing for 6 months...

I usually get 1 point in Poison Attack at level 1, then max Nethertoxin, while getting 1 point of Corrosive Skin at 4, and ulti at 6.

I tend to go Power Treads -> Agh's -> Butterfly and/or Manta Style then go on from there (Note this is a carry build)

If I go semi-carry, then I get a mek before Agh's, and (This part I'm not sure of) Heart. the reason I get heart is I play Viper as a tank. Much like Necrophos I feel like the longer Viper stays alive in a teamfight, the more impact he has due to a 12-second cooldown on Viper Strike and Nethertoxin

Thanks for reading my insignificant comment,


A lot of people like Aghanim's Scepter on viper, but i haven't been able to extract best results with that. My best results tend to be with the build i suggest which gets a lot a easy farm and kills and lot less deaths.
Maybe it depends on the style of gameplay.

still thanks.
TheSofa (54) | May 31, 2014 7:55am
Just would like to give my opinion. If it's not good, please ignore it. I've only been playing for 6 months...

I usually get 1 point in Poison Attack at level 1, then max Nethertoxin, while getting 1 point of Corrosive Skin at 4, and ulti at 6.

I tend to go Power Treads -> Agh's -> Butterfly and/or Manta Style then go on from there (Note this is a carry build)

If I go semi-carry, then I get a mek before Agh's, and (This part I'm not sure of) Heart. the reason I get heart is I play Viper as a tank. Much like Necrophos I feel like the longer Viper stays alive in a teamfight, the more impact he has due to a 12-second cooldown on Viper Strike and Nethertoxin

Thanks for reading my insignificant comment,

Illumination0110 (2) | May 30, 2014 10:01am
wallywest wrote:

The orb effect do not stack only when the lightning procs, but that happens only 20% of the time and when that happens, you wouldn't mind not getting the slow from Poison strike.

Mjollnir is an awesome item for DPS heroes, much faster to farm up and 80 Attack speed bonus is insanely good.

Yep, agreed.
wallywest (1) | May 30, 2014 9:58am
Krwiozerca wrote:

I like the guide, it could use some formatting, but I've seen worse. Mekansm is a great item on that hero, just like Maelstrom. Maybe you could add some Friend and Foes section? How does Viper works with and against some heroes.

Radiance on Viper must be a joke.

Thanks man!! .. will improve
Will add friend and foe section on it... but I am relatively new to Dota,
My main concern was the skill build sequence in all the guides which i found a bit mis-guided
Poison Attack is not as good as the passives Viper has.

@ Radiance guy : thanks for the humour :P
wallywest (1) | May 30, 2014 9:54am

Maelstrom and Mjollnir's orb effect does stack with other orb effects, just mind you by the way. I started to build Mjollnir a lot on Weaver and Juggernaut, been thinking about building it for Viper. Now I've finally find a guy who has the same idea. So glad

The orb effect do not stack only when the lightning procs, but that happens only 20% of the time and when that happens, you wouldn't mind not getting the slow from Poison strike.

Mjollnir is an awesome item for DPS heroes, much faster to farm up and 80 Attack speed bonus is insanely good.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 30, 2014 9:51am
I like the guide, it could use some formatting, but I've seen worse. Mekansm is a great item on that hero, just like Maelstrom. Maybe you could add some Friend and Foes section? How does Viper works with and against some heroes.

Radiance on Viper must be a joke.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | May 30, 2014 9:48am
You gotta be kidding me with that Radiance lol

No I'm not
Illumination0110 (2) | May 30, 2014 9:48am
Maelstrom and Mjollnir's orb effect does stack with other orb effects, just mind you by the way. I started to build Mjollnir a lot on Weaver and Juggernaut, been thinking about building it for Viper. Now I've finally find a guy who has the same idea. So glad
wallywest (1) | May 30, 2014 9:37am
wallywest wrote:

Radiance is too expensive to farm up : Sacred Relic + recipe.
Mjollnir build is much faster with Maelstorm within 12 minutes. + the attack speed and active of Mjollnir is very effective in team fights.

And regarding skill build, plz read my explanation for relegating Poison Attack to 3rd priority.
at level 4 Poison attack does only 56 damage over 2 seconds that doesn't stack.

While Corrosive Skin provides the slow and much higher damage (100 at level 4 for every hit taken), and Nethertoxin is effective kill ability.
wallywest (1) | May 30, 2014 9:35am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

I really don't like the Mjollnir on Viper. I would get Radiance instead. Also I max out Poison Attack and Nethertoxin and 1 point in Corrosive Skin.

Radiance is too expensive to farm up : Sacred Relic + recipe.
Mjollnir build is much faster with Maelstorm within 12 minutes. + the attack speed and active of Mjollnir is very effective in team fights.

And regarding skill build, plz read my explanation for relegating Poison Attack to 3rd priority.
at level 4 Poison attack does only 56 damage over 2 seconds that doesn't stack.

While Corrosive Skin provides the slow and much higher damage (100 at level 4 for every hit taken), and Nethertoxin is effective kill ability.
Illumination0110 (2) | May 30, 2014 9:28am
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

I really don't like the Mjollnir on Viper. I would get Radiance instead. Also I max out Poison Attack and Nethertoxin and 1 point in Corrosive Skin.

You gotta be kidding me with that Radiance lol
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