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9 Votes

Venomancer, The Ultimate Support

March 24, 2014 by
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F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 25, 2014 3:17am

Dude read the headline, its support veno, how the hell do you expect a 5 to farm like a 1.

Well he can get items somehow. I've seen a lot Veno players done that.
Z.E.R.O | March 25, 2014 12:30am
Good Basic Guide, well done
[-] | March 24, 2014 11:30pm

Sorry, my mistake: with "going" I meant "maxing". I agree with getting Poison Sting at 1 though I sometimes prefer to take the Venomous Gale, especially when in a trilane or a very aggressive dual lane: the extra harass from the DoT really adds up, but sometimes you might prefer to secure a kill with the best level 1 slow in the game if you're sure your lane can get first blood. Otherwise, you're right.

I guess you're right about that. Venemous Gale works great when your'e in Veno-Ursa lane, or something similar. Yup, it works great on tri-lanes too. I was trying to focus this guide on Pubs though, where, at-least for me, tri-lanes are extremely rare.
Also, you're right about that. I normally max my skills up depending on how the opponents play. If they go aggressive, Poison Sting and if they go Passive, Plague Wards . I dont really follow my own Skill Build sequence too strictly when it comes to veno.
One thing that is essential though is that you get an early level of Venemous Gale because, if you can land it right, you can end up with First Blood, or better yet, a Double Kill.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 24, 2014 10:06pm wrote:

Poison Sting should almost ALWAYS be skilled first. Yes, I've see competitive teams level up Plague Ward first, and I often do that myself. I guess these too are fairly interchangeable. It's best to get into lane and then decide which one to skill first.
If the enemy have a melee carry, Poison Sting is great to keep them at bay. I've often done enough damage with it helping get first blood within 2 minutes.

Sorry, my mistake: with "going" I meant "maxing". I agree with getting Poison Sting at 1 though I sometimes prefer to take the Venomous Gale, especially when in a trilane or a very aggressive dual lane: the extra harass from the DoT really adds up, but sometimes you might prefer to secure a kill with the best level 1 slow in the game if you're sure your lane can get first blood. Otherwise, you're right.
[-] | March 24, 2014 7:09pm

(...)And about the skill build, personally I've never seen a competitive (western) team going for Gale/Sting first on Venomancer in the past months (especially because of the damage reduction after the 6.80 patch), and I watch more or less a match a day. I might have missed some of them, but I'm pretty sure 90-95% of the time they go Plague Ward first. The usual skill build gives priority to, in order, Poison Nova --> Plague Ward --> Poison Sting --> Venomous Gale, though the build may vary after level 7 depending on the situation.

Poison Sting should almost ALWAYS be skilled first. Yes, I've see competitive teams level up Plague Ward first, and I often do that myself. I guess these too are fairly interchangeable. It's best to get into lane and then decide which one to skill first.
If the enemy have a melee carry, Poison Sting is great to keep them at bay. I've often done enough damage with it helping get first blood within 2 minutes.

Xyrus wrote:

Also, since they break every time you attack or take damage, they aren't particularly suited to a "Harrassing" style imo. Power Treads or Phase Boots would work much better with Poison Sting, but Arcane Boots are always an option if your Team needs Mana.

Well, about the Tranquil Boots first. They do infact work well with the harassing style. The way I use them anyways is to go through the jungle, and attack the enemy a few times and maybe even use Plague Ward. This keeps them out of XP range. Then, run back towards the tower and repeat. In that time when I run back, the boots help for regen.

However, after reading other comments and trying the build out myself, I figured it wasn't super effective having Tranquil Boots , since they only really help in the very early game. Plus, by them time you build those, early games is almost one, and the boots don't make a huge difference anymore.

Yes, Power Treads ARE an option, but this is a support build so I'm not gonna recommend that really. I guess I'd rush Arcane Boots followed by a Force Staff Instead. They always come in handy
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | March 24, 2014 5:50pm
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

Well you have to add Aghanim's Scepter because Venomancer needs it so much and Blink Dagger as well. Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Linken's Sphere, Necronomicon should be added to.

Dude read the headline, its support veno, how the hell do you expect a 5 to farm like a 1.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 24, 2014 5:04pm
Well you have to add Aghanim's Scepter because Venomancer needs it so much and Blink Dagger as well. Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Linken's Sphere, Necronomicon should be added to.
Xyrus (104) | March 24, 2014 4:43pm

Can you still break up Tranquils though? I thought it wasn't possible anymore.

Nope, since they got reworked in Patch 6.79, they're no longer disassembleable (try saying THAT when you're drunk).

Also, since they break every time you attack or take damage, they aren't particularly suited to a "Harrassing" style imo. Power Treads or Phase Boots would work much better with Poison Sting, but Arcane Boots are always an option if your Team needs Mana.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 24, 2014 3:00pm
Sando wrote:

I assumed you meant get Tranquil Boots and then break them up later to make your Ring of Aquila, Arcane Boots and Force Staff. You could do this without wasting any components and still get the early benefit of Tranquils.

Can you still break up Tranquils though? I thought it wasn't possible anymore.

And about the skill build, personally I've never seen a competitive (western) team going for Gale/Sting first on Venomancer in the past months (especially because of the damage reduction after the 6.80 patch), and I watch more or less a match a day. I might have missed some of them, but I'm pretty sure 90-95% of the time they go Plague Ward first. The usual skill build gives priority to, in order, Poison Nova --> Plague Ward --> Poison Sting --> Venomous Gale, though the build may vary after level 7 depending on the situation.
[-] | March 24, 2014 2:15pm
Those are some pretty valid points there. Personally, I prefer the harassing method. The best method to do that would be to level up Poison Sting and Plague Wards first. Having an early level of Gale always helps. I generally switch these depending on how the game is going... but it always starts with a level of sting.
Rudd (3) | March 24, 2014 1:59pm
I have also seen some competitive players leveling up Venomous Gale and Poison Sting first, leveling up Plague Ward really late. It's a more ganking/damage output oriented Veno
Sando (118) | March 24, 2014 1:00pm
I assumed you meant get Tranquil Boots and then break them up later to make your Ring of Aquila, Arcane Boots and Force Staff. You could do this without wasting any components and still get the early benefit of Tranquils.

Skilling with Veno is rarely straight forward, it's very situational as all 3 of his main skills are useful early on. Venomous Gale gives you ganking and escaping possibilities. Poison Sting is incredibly strong for harassment. Plague Ward gives you valuable vision, and pushing potential.

So, you might take Gale first in a trilane, sting first in a dual lane, or wards first when in the offlane.
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