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Venomancer - proper skill build

August 17, 2012 by Razdatko
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Razdatko | September 5, 2012 1:30pm
Ninnyhammer wrote:

There's one viable way to play venomancer]

That depends on the situation, if you always build the same you probably missing out on some very important thinking

Ninnyhammer wrote:

Poison sting gets 1% more slow per level and 5 damage over time. Wards basically get twice as good per level.

Your main slow is gale not sting, and 20 damage for a period of time every time you hit your opponent does a lot of damage, you are underestimating it.

Again, this is not a pushing build so maxing wards first just means that you have tanky observer wards. Read build description before making such comments

Ninnyhammer wrote:

Heck, a lot of competitive players get one gale and one poison sting, max wards, then get stats.

Competitive games are alot different from your normal pub so it can not be compared really. And frankly, are those your gods to the point where you are ready to abandon all of your own thinking and just brainlessly follow what some other dude have done? If so, I am very sorry for you
Wulfstan (77) | September 4, 2012 7:56am
The only problem with not maxing wards at level 7 is that you cannot solo Roshan with level 1 wards(lol).The build is not that good but its not bad either.
NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 4:24am
It shouldn't be too hard to opt in the Orb of Venom as it is only 350 gold. Therefore if you felt compelled you could buy it as a starting item on top of Tangos. Also placing your Plague Wards on hold-fire reduces the amount of free gold you give away as a result of the ward dying to enemy heroes, which is why you don't see many Venomancers around. Especially in public match-ups.
Razdatko | September 4, 2012 4:20am
Thanks for a first sensible comment NotSureIf!!!

Not touching items builds really, but still. I guess if you doing good on a lane and it is you who is farming you can get that orb why not.

Never occurred to me to put my wards on hold-fire :P I normally have them in places where they don't get much attention unless it is a hero approaching to gank my lane. Still, it something new that I myself learnt here :)

Thanks alot NotSureIf once more...
NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 4:12am
The guide is alright. You may want to bring up that Orb of Venom stacks with Poison Sting damage and slow wise which makes it quite dangerous. This will also aid in increasing your harassment capability. You mentioned that the Plague Wards can be used in the same manner as Observer Wards. You may want to identify that you should put them on a Hold-Fire state to fulfill the ward's longevity in providing that vision. +1 from me.
Razdatko | September 3, 2012 9:58pm
Read guide description again, try the build and only then comment please. I wouldn't post it if it was not working.

P.S. no one talks about 'competitive' play here so, again, read the guide before posting

Changed the name of the guide so that ppl would stop getting tunnel-visioned
Ninnyhammer | September 3, 2012 4:11pm
I don't think this is a proper skill build. There's one viable way to play venomancer and that's maxed wards at 7. Any other skill build just doesn't have the some effectiveness. Poison sting gets 1% more slow per level and 5 damage over time. Wards basically get twice as good per level. Heck, a lot of competitive players get one gale and one poison sting, max wards, then get stats.
wilddeonpwn (102) | August 18, 2012 6:04am
Agreed with Sefi
Sefi (3) | August 18, 2012 12:59am
Well, I wouldn't call this a "Proper Venomancer" guide because maxing Wards is a very viable and useful strategy. I myself prefer it over maxing poison sting first. I would specify this is a "Harasing Venomancer" rather than indicate it's the only way to play him.
Razdatko | August 17, 2012 5:32pm
the build is not meant for a pushing line up, read introduction and skill description section for a reasoning
StevenLK (10) | August 17, 2012 4:44pm
^ Why?

I think the skill build makes sense unless you are going for a pushing strat, in which case plague wards first is mandatory.
wilddeonpwn (102) | August 17, 2012 3:40pm
WRONG, max out Plague Ward first
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