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26 Votes

Vengeful Spirit - A Support Guide

June 12, 2015 by Sando
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ChiChi (47) | June 30, 2015 6:29pm
Tirolone wrote:

how about Venge's after death debuf on enemies, isnt it worth describing?

I also agree with this remark, it would be important to talk about her debuff on death. In my opinion it is one of the evidences that the hero was in fact made to die first in teamfights.
Tirolone | June 30, 2015 5:39pm
how about Venge's after death debuf on enemies, isnt it worth describing?
Bukler (1) | June 12, 2015 4:34pm
What about ethereal blade? It is a nice pickup if the other team has a lot of right click power and also gives you extra agility for helping venge at being somewhat more relevant in late game, you can also dissasemble it into a butterly for transitioning into a carry in really late game.
Sando (118) | June 12, 2015 11:56am
Sok, you just have to bear with me if things don't get done straight away (erm or at all :)). Whether I've even had the chance to try out the new builds on the new heroes in time to update the guides before the next patch comes out is somewhat debatable.

Hopefully you'll find the general builds are solid and stand the test of time - or there's at least enough explanation in the guide for you to come to your own conclusions about when to add/change items or skilling orders anyway.

75 guides has taken over 3 years...maybe the secret is I'm much better at writing new ones than updating old ones :).

I think the Enchanted Mango is pretty solid btw, I'll usually pick one up rather than a Healing Salve on any part way mana dependent hero. It's a more efficient pickup, I'll fly a Salve out if we need one generally.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | June 12, 2015 10:40am
Sando wrote:

Holy S*** Sando!How??
YellulzQuiet (8) | June 12, 2015 10:13am
Sando wrote:

Give me a chance!!! Updating the items is actually quite time consuming when you need to add/move sections around and write new descriptions. I have about 75 guides on this site, most of them are probably out of date at any one time. Take what you can from the descriptions and apply your common sense to the builds.

You're fired.


so sorry :((((((, i just want to put new things up :)
ChiChi (47) | June 12, 2015 9:46am
Sorry, I saw you updated for Solar Crest, so I was really asking your opinion on the "mangos unchained",as michimatsch said :)

I've been picking it up with Venge when possible, so I wanted to confirm it's not completely noobish (specially if we indeed try to keep it some time for the HP regen).

To update so many guides will indeed be time consuming. Have you ever won an award for "more excellent guides written on dota fire"? :D
Sando (118) | June 12, 2015 7:42am
YellulzQuiet wrote:

Well, i think you did not used the full potential of 6.84 on venge

Sando wrote:

Look at the guide date guys :)

Give me a chance!!! Updating the items is actually quite time consuming when you need to add/move sections around and write new descriptions. I have about 75 guides on this site, most of them are probably out of date at any one time. Take what you can from the descriptions and apply your common sense to the builds.

TheSofa wrote:

Teehee! Sando's going to "swap" it out!

You're fired.

YellulzQuiet (8) | June 12, 2015 12:39am
Well, i think you did not used the full potential of 6.84 on venge
1) Vladmir's Offering now work for ranged too, so its viable on venge, and since aura stack its almost CORE
2)What about Phase Boots ? the boots become moar for supports this patch as the price is lower than before
3)So sorry, the age of Eul's Scepter of Divinity is over, you already have Arcane Boots and some regen itens so with good mana management you can roam without trouble
4)I am trying in pubs the Glimmer Cape plus Aghanim's Scepter WOMBO COMBO that i created, your strategy with ult + is good, but only works in teamfight for the Rax(deathball push), a good swap can almost secure the enemy retreat, if they do not have dust you can escape easily as nothing have happened, if they have so they will need enough right click to kill you( if you swapped the carry this is almost impossible)
TheSofa (54) | June 11, 2015 11:36pm
Teehee! Sando's going to "swap" it out!
Sando (118) | June 11, 2015 7:30pm
Look at the guide date guys :)

But yeah, I'd probably swap out the Healing Salve for a Enchanted Mango these days - sure it's expensive mana-wise, but the longer you keep it, the more than +1 health regen pays :).

Solar Crest is good too - any additional armour reduction is great with this hero.
michimatsch (26) | June 11, 2015 6:20pm
Mango unchained can bepicked up in my humble opinion but I usually only build it on heroes that really need the mana in tight spots. Like Wraith King for example.
Keep in mind that you are paying one gold for one manapoint. Which kinda sucks. -_-
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