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Hi guys. I'm Pocciox and I decided to publish a guide on Huskar, my favourite hero, because I feel like this site needs an updated one on him.
He is a durable carry and somebody says initiator. There's also a risky way to play him as jungler (best jungler in the dota world if you are lucky)
First of all: his Skills.
Inner Vitality [Q]
Unlocks the regenerative power of a friendly unit, with healing based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster. Lasts 16 seconds.
Cast Range: 550
Health Regen Bonus: 10
Main Attribute as Regen Above Threshold: 5%/10%/15%/20%
Main Attribute as Regen Below Threshold: 20%/40%/60%/80%
Health Threshold: 40%
Duration: 16
Cooldown 25/22/19/16
Mana cost 170
This is your heal. It's very powerful late game because it scales very well and that's what makes you so durable. You can also use this to push towers, save allies and be a free Urn of Shadows
Burning Spears [W]
Huskar sets his spears aflame, dealing damage over time with his regular attack. Multiple attacks will stack additional damage. Each attack drains some of Huskar's health. Lasts 8 seconds.
Cast Range: 450
Health Cost: 15
Damage per Second: 5/10/15/20
Duration: 8
It's not a unique attack modifier.
Damage type on self is HP removal.
Burning Spear stacks additively when used multiple times on the same target.)
Every instance's duration is independent from other instances. They do not prolong or refresh each other.
Huskar cannot kill himself using this ability.
This cannot be dispelled by anything and deals a total of 40/80/120/160 damage per instance.
This is an auto cast ability (remember to right click it when you are going to jump on somebody). In lane, you want to use it to lasthit as you wont draw creep's aggro IF MANUALLY CAST. Mid and late game, always use this when fighting because it is a really powerful DoT (Damage over Time).
Berserker's Blood [Passive]
Huskar's injuries feed his power, giving increased attack speed and magic damage resistance based on missing health.
Attack Speed Bonus per Stack: 14/16/18/20
Magic Resistance Bonus per Stack: 4%/5%/6%/7%
This is what makes you the nukers' nightmare. at max level, under 3% life, you will have 98% magic resistance. Sounds good doesn't it?
It will also give you a LOT of AS (attack speed) to dish out your Burning Spears.
Life Break [R]
Huskar draws upon his health to break an enemy's life, leaping at a target within attack range to shatter a percentage of that hero's current health, and slowing them. While leaping, Huskar is spell immune.
Cast Range: 550
Current Health as Cost: 35%
Target's Current Health as Damage: 35%
Move Speed Slow: 40%/50%/60%
Slow Duration: 4/5/6
Huskar leaps at a speed of 1000 and cannot be disjointed.
Most debuffs will be removed upon cast.
The damage to self is magical. Thus, it can be reduced by magic resistance (including the effect from Berserker's Blood).
The leap stops oly if Huskar is disabled during the leap or the target moves more than 1400 units in 0.015 seconds. For example: you jump on a Queen of Pain who uses her
Blink while you are in mid air. The leap wont be disjointed and you will keep following her.
Use this skill to initiate a fight and don't worry to use it on creeps to push faster as its cooldown is really low. It can also be used to slow enemies and to escape by using it on an enemy's creep.
Starting items are quite simple. Blades of Attack are the armelt part that we get first because of the low huskar base attack. You will need this item to lasthit.
Tango is for regen in hard lanes.
Warning: wall of text incoming.
Armlet of Mordiggian this might be the best item on huskar.
It gives you some hp regen, armor (you NEED armor), attack speed and attack damage (65 if activated. that's a lot for a 2500 price) . The active will also boost your hp by 475
If you rush this early, you will be able to:
High level players prefer using the high huskar's attack speed to proc effects, like Alchemist does . that's why they build
Mjollnir and
Veil of Discord. Also, the veil amplifies your ultimate's damage. This build is less item dependent and useful for teamfighting purposes as you help your team too and have an AoE presence.
You want to have the mid lane. This allows you to get quick levels and fast ultimate.
You also want mid lane because you counter a LOT of mid laners like QoP, Death Prophet, Lina, Zeus...
Your main purpose now is to get lasthits to farm a fast armlet.
If they play aggressively, spam some Burning Spears on them and when they reach 1/3 hp back of. usually, the burning effect (wich is huge and denies bottle and healing salve) will be enough to kill them.
As soon as you get the armlet, kill them 1 or 2 times. don't be afraid of tower diving because you can armlet toggle it. The toughest thing to armlet toggle right now is the enemy's ranged creep.
Many times, I saw a death prophet dying to me and TPing instantly back to lane, then repeat and then call GG and disconnect saying OMG huskar OP Volvo nerf.
If you have some slows or stuns (example: Crystal Maiden)in the side lanes, go there and gank. Don't forget to buy a
Smoke of Deceit if you see they warded the area.
After this, you can start to take down towers with your allies and soon little teamfights will begin to occur.
Special mention goes to runes: although you don't buy a bottle and you don't need mana, runes are still useful.
Your favourite are Invisibility and Haste. With these you become a powerful ganker and with invisibility you can enter the rosh pit without having to buy a Smoke of Deceit
This can be done only on the radiant side. Most of the dota 2 players don't recognize huskar as a jungler but in fact he's the best one if he doesn't find Troll Camps. Also, beware the ranged satyr.
This method involves buying a Quelling Blade and a set of
Tango . After this 2 items, the progression is the same as the other build.
Here is a video on how to do this.
I did this when enemy's team had a lot of nukers but a stupid teammate called mid after me.
Huskar has been buffed A LOT in the last updates.
Inner Vitality
base hp regen from 2/4/6/8 to 10
regen bonus when hurt form 30%/45%/60%/75% to 20%/40%/60%/80% (late game buff)
Inner Vitality cooldown reduced from 25 to 25/22/19/16
Berserker's Blood attack speed bonus increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20 this is an enormous buff. At level 1, you have almost the same attack speed you before got at level 3.
-Life Break
Cooldown reduced from 45/30/15 to 12
Damage reduced from 50% to 35%
Self damage rebalanced from 40%/35%/30% to 35% these 2 aren't nerfs or buffs. just rescaling. The aghanim's upgrade is buffed anyway
Slow duration rebalanced from 5 to 4/5/6 (stronger late game)
Slow rebalanced from 50% to 40%/50%/60% (stronger late game)
Armlet price has been reduced by 100 (Recipe cost reduced from 600 to 500) (indirect buff)
And finally. I can't stress this enough.
You see a teammate wants to play Oracle? You MUST pick Huskar. It's a no brainer really (unless they have axe or AA (ancient apparition) )
why? because if you are huskar and you have armlet and at least 1 level on your q, this combo is soooo strong.
1 of the huskar's cons is that you need to stay low on hp but never reach 0. to achieve this, you must heal yourself with items like satanic or your Inner Vitality.
Well oracle FREEZES your health when it's low and you just start tanking all the teamfight damage without dying thanks to your q and later on your satanic. oracle will also be able to heal you without disarming you like he should with other heroes because your magic resistance is so high. For 9 seconds you will be unkillable and permanently with 1 hp if done correctly.
What i do is:Activate armlet and jump on whoever and tank enemies stuns and nukes. When I'm about to die (more or less 475hp), Oracle casts on me his False Promise and i cast on me my inner vitality . Meanwhile, he continuously casts on me his
Purifying Flames and after 9 seconds i usually got a rampage and back off with all my hp. With this combo you can tank 2 fountains shooting at you. Don't believe me? Try it in a lobby ;)
I think this should be nerfed although I don't know how. It's really broken. I know there aren't any OP heroes in Dota 2 and everything is balanced but this combo has only 2 counters ( Axe and
Ancient Apparition)and has a 20 sec cooldown (not like, let's say, an
Echo Slam +
Reverse Polarity +
Black Hole combo).
19/01/2015 Published guide
Please, help me to improve this guide as I want it to be one of the best guides about Huskar.
Thanks for reading my guide :)
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