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9 Votes

Utilizing Zeus Properly

December 13, 2011 by kumquat
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nakedoldguy | March 12, 2012 2:12pm
The full guide isn't written here. You can find it written in full here.

What the hell? The point of the MOBAFIRE network is to be a central repository of guides for heroes. Not a place to link to your blog.
MoosetheMonkey (12) | March 7, 2012 6:29pm
S'alright I suppose but Zeus hasnt changed a bit in the last 5 years. Merlini guide from '08 is the way to go my friend.
usaspark | January 29, 2012 4:53pm
I love this build.
silverdragon97 | January 17, 2012 9:18am
quote merlini (number 1 competitive zeus player ever) from his zeus guide:

Why not get Arc/Bolt/Bolt/Static/Bolt instead of Arc/Static/Bolt/Bolt/Bolt?

"If you start spamming at level 3 (when the build is actually different), then mathcrafting it:

It's 65 mana for 85 damage + 5% of Current HP (~25 hp) + almost a guaranteed creep. 95 mana for 175 damage. I value the former choice over the latter. And I don't usually spam bolt until level 5 anyways unless I'm at full mana (rare) or I think I can get a kill. Another argument for static at level 2."

and for my own opinion i think u might spam bolt at lvl 5 if in bot or top but then arc and static would hit 2 heroes would be a lot better considering lower mana cost and more spammable which would easily kill greedy chasing enemy heroes

but leveling up arc at lvl 8 isnt good though the increased damage not as good as static since all ur spells would apply it.
HamSandwich (34) | December 13, 2011 9:53am

Why couldn't you just say that instead of what you said originally?

I figured people read skills before they blindly suggested them in a guide.
PotatisFarfar (11) | December 13, 2011 8:10am
I guess becouse you would be blind not to see it?
kumquat (15) | December 13, 2011 1:32am
HamSandwich wrote:

Static field is better. It gives 5% of current hp as damage, so if someone is over 300hp, it's more effective than taking an extra level of arc lightning (+15 dmg at lvl2). The difference is, however, that static field is applied on both lightning bolt and on chain lightning, and to all targets within the 1000 AoE. Therefore, the only time in which it would be better to take arc lightning is when you are soloing a lane against zero enemy heroes. So in the case of practice games without opponents, your skillbuild is best.

Why couldn't you just say that instead of what you said originally?
HamSandwich (34) | December 12, 2011 11:18pm
Static field is better. It gives 5% of current hp as damage, so if someone is over 300hp, it's more effective than taking an extra level of arc lightning (+15 dmg at lvl2). The difference is, however, that static field is applied on both lightning bolt and on chain lightning, and to all targets within the 1000 AoE. Therefore, the only time in which it would be better to take arc lightning is when you are soloing a lane against zero enemy heroes. So in the case of practice games without opponents, your skillbuild is best.
kumquat (15) | December 12, 2011 7:01pm
Reed wrote:

I fundamentally disagree with not getting an early level in Static Field solely because of its utility. But then, I don't think there's a single best way to play Zeus either.

Yeah, my main issue with Static Field early on is it's situational use. It's based off % of health (obviously), so if someone has say, 800 hp, that's like 40 damage, which is 80 damage, which is nice, but I still feel like it is extremely situational, and I would rather have the earlier level in Lightning Bolt. I can't count the number of times that I've gone early static field and someone has gotten away due to me not having that bonus 75 damage in lightning bolt.

I understand that it is more or less about using all of your skills in conjunction with one another to reap the benefits, but it's still extremely situational, and you are giving up his ability to last hit easier, which in my opinion, is one of his main early assets.

I guess I should add in an alternate build for people who want to go static field, as it isn't the WRONG way to go. It's simply a matter of preference.

I updated the guide itself to represent that choice. Thanks.
Reed (3) | December 12, 2011 6:55pm
I fundamentally disagree with not getting an early level in Static Field solely because of its utility. But then, I don't think there's a single best way to play Zeus either.
HamSandwich (34) | December 12, 2011 6:52pm
I looked at your skillbuild and it made me laugh.
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