Utilizing Zeus Properly
December 13, 2011
Before you argue against any of my items, please take the time to actually read why I picked them. I'm not a fan of repeating myself multiple times simply because someone doesn't take the time to read my guide and my reasoning. I also ask that formulate your criticisms clearly and explain WHY you don't like something, instead of simply stating that you don't like it. I don't care if you don't want to click the link, but please don't criticize my guide unless you've actually read it. =)
Zeus epitomizes the concept of a mid ganker. He is extremely item independent and has one of the most potent bursts in the game. This potency is nurtured by his amazing range (not to mention his ult being global). Although he falls off a bit in the later stages of the game, his sheer item independence and extremely unavoidable burst makes him one of the best, if not the best post 6 ganker and his kit is simply amazing if you want to dominate the early stages of the game and ensure your team a victory simply from being so far ahead. His main issues are the fact that he falls off a bit later in the game, his lack of escape mechanism, and his lack of hard CC. He is somewhat mana intensive as well. In regards to his strengths, he doesnt need much to empower them, and because of this, my item build will focus on nurturing his weaknesses.
The full guide isn't written here. You can find it written in full here.
I'll check dotafire somewhat regularly and answer any constructive criticism / questions you might have.
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