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7 Votes

Ursa Build 2.0

November 8, 2012 by Schike Multz
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mastadoom (7) | May 12, 2014 6:16pm

As of the recent patch, would a Satanic become a preferable option over the Vladmir's Offering because that would then synergy with his ult better, and give him more lifesteal? I'm honestly not sure, that is why I ask you guys...the gods of Dota :D

If the game goes long enough, 100% Satanic is one of the late game carry luxuries for a reason.
unicornzombie999 | May 12, 2014 5:52pm
As of the recent patch, would a Satanic become a preferable option over the Vladmir's Offering because that would then synergy with his ult better, and give him more lifesteal? I'm honestly not sure, that is why I ask you guys...the gods of Dota :D
Sotren | January 6, 2013 11:03am
It's a simple guide, but a very effective build. Got my first beyond godlike with it.

Moving the focus towards survivability and early build-up of health instead of rushing Vlads and soloing Roshan is interesting, and it works wonders. And Heart of Tarrasque just makes Ursa a stomper...

Schike Multz | November 3, 2012 1:39pm
Sp12 wrote:

You're building lifesteal anyway to compensate for the degen, and armlet gives +475HP when active, which is 225 more than vanguard. Plus it gives damage and attackspeed. Vanguard blocks on average (.63*40) 25 damage per hit. Armlet gives +30% physical DPS block. Once your opponents are doing 85 damage per hit armlet gives more block from armor than vanguard does from block.

*note, vanguard actually procs about 63% of the time. I CBA to find the RNG thread on the dota 2 dev but the block chance is lower than 70%.

Yep. In fact they're often called the Vlads boots, and are pretty standard earlygame on ursa for at least a few months.

God I love Math. I think I actually saw that Vanguard post now that you mention it. I'll def try out Armlet in place of Vanguard but I'm not big on adding too many abilities to activate before a battle because I suck at Dota and people surprise me now and then. lol Passive abilities = nothing to **** up. I see your point though that Armlet scales better than Vanguard.

I'll make another build for Lane Hopping with Ursa after I test out the Armlet, tranquil build if it works well for me. Ranged heroes like Drow Ranger make it really painful to stay in lane though so thats why I resign myself to the jungle. More reliable gold in my mind with creeps getting stolen by teammates and denies, plus I figure if I can outfarm people while in the jungle that exposes me to less chance of death. Ursa really shouldn't be messing around with ganking til he gets the right items IMO.

**Edit: Just did the math on how much Gold it takes to get to completed Vlad. Basically you'd have to buy the boots of speed before Vlad so that adds 450 gold between you and Roshan. While having the boots of traquility probably will add survivability to early game, building Armlet before Vlad also adds to costs in comparison to Vanguard. Once I have Vlad, I pretty much have Phase Boots within 30 seconds or so of beating Roshan. Hmmm, its more complicated and costly to do Armlet/Tranquil so this may not work as well for noobs like me. Adds a likely fountain visit too for disassembling... Preparing to try out in game soon so we'll see.
Sp12 (25) | November 3, 2012 1:23pm
Schike Multz wrote:

Really? I had no idea they nerfed Vanguard.

It was a while ago when antimage used to actually build vanguard. 6.67?

I'll have to try out Armlet but I don't know. The strength buff on it is a toggle and it eats your HP. +250 HP from Vanguard is going to help Ursa's Ult more than Armlet me thinks and the 70% damage block is nothing to sneeze at.

You're building lifesteal anyway to compensate for the degen, and armlet gives +475HP when active, which is 225 (=enrage damage) more than vanguard. Plus it gives damage and attackspeed. Vanguard blocks on average (.63*40) 25 damage per hit. Armlet gives +30% physical DPS block. Once your opponents are doing 85 damage per hit armlet gives more block from armor than vanguard does from block.

*note, vanguard actually procs about 63% of the time. I CBA to find the RNG thread on the dota 2 dev but the block chance is lower than 70%.

Edit: found one of the RNG threads, not going to flip through and find the page.


As for Tranquil boots, I'm looking at the wiki now. Can you disassemble them? Because all the ingredients are the same as Vlad and Phase so that would really play nicely into my item flow if so.

Yep. In fact they're often called the Vlads boots, and are pretty standard earlygame on ursa for at least a few months.
Schike Multz | November 3, 2012 1:01pm
Hades4u wrote:

Consider adding a Skull Basher -> Abyssal Blade, it goes well with Ursa's Overpower.


I do like Skull Basher, I used to build it in actually. It's just I think Vanguard, Vlad, Phase, Heart are all essential and I don't usually have the gold to get it til late game. The stun is nice but I'd rather rely on my teammates to fill that role. As for Abyssal Blade, with a price tag of 6750 I just don't think its going to be attainable when Im getting Heart. For the same cost I can grab Blink and BKB.

Good thought though, Skull Basher does work well so if you can have success with it by all means.

...I gotta learn how to add item pictures and link items in text so this guide isn't so "wall of text". Damn you programming language! {shakes fist at computer}
Schike Multz | November 3, 2012 12:51pm
Sp12 wrote:

Not bad, but I would say with the buffs to armlet and nerfs to vanguard you should basically just build armlet in place of armlet on almost everyone.

Also, ursa should probably lane rather than jungle. Another consideration is that you can build tranquils on your way to vlads, at which point you can jungle at a speed worth doing.

Really? I had no idea they nerfed Vanguard. I'll have to try out Armlet but I don't know. The strength buff on it is a toggle and it eats your HP. +250 HP from Vanguard is going to help Ursa's Ult more than Armlet me thinks and the 70% damage block is nothing to sneeze at. Idk, I'll have to see how much dps the Armlet adds... I think it comes down to whether that +25 Strength actually adds HP or just increases your maximum without giving you the extra health.

As for Ursa laning, yeah I think that's a good point. I like to use the jungle creeps to farm on the way to different lanes later game but maybe I should push the lane longer before jungling to the next one.

As for Tranquil boots, I'm looking at the wiki now. Can you disassemble them? Because all the ingredients are the same as Vlad and Phase so that would really play nicely into my item flow if so.

Thanks for the tips!
Sp12 (25) | November 3, 2012 6:07am
Not bad, but I would say with the buffs to armlet and nerfs to vanguard you should basically just build armlet in place of armlet on almost everyone.

Also, ursa should probably lane rather than jungle. Another consideration is that you can build tranquils on your way to vlads, at which point you can jungle at a speed worth doing.
Hades4u (296) | November 3, 2012 3:03am
Consider adding a Skull Basher -> Abyssal Blade, it goes well with Ursa's Overpower.

wilddeonpwn (102) | November 3, 2012 2:19am
Nice guide, it's simple, short and effective. I like the Cookie Vanguard build on Ursa, and ofc Vlad's and Phase. Nice job, keep it up

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