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58 Votes

Update 6.82: Bloodseeker Compendium Guide (detailed)

October 22, 2014 by Poerxn
Comments: 35    |    Views: 842724    |   

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builderboy8524 | September 24, 2016 7:24am
sorry wat is this about i will buy starter first? then early game??? then late game?
builderboy8524 | September 24, 2016 7:14pm
sorry my grammar is bad
michimatsch (26) | September 24, 2016 9:24am
This a pretty old guide and chances are no one is gonna answer you.
If you got any questions just ask under forums=>general=>smalltalk.
Standin.LexLexLex | August 9, 2015 1:36am
Nice Guide sir, But I prefer to buy BM than MS. BM is useful when you have Rupture and Blood rite when ganking. [R] + [W] + BM. Then The enemy will choose it's Either Run(Ruptured), Stay(Attack + Blood Rite), or Counter Attack(BladeMail). Sorry for my English. But Overall this Guide Help me a lot!

TheSofa (54) | July 8, 2015 7:06pm
Hi Maex, welcome to DotAfire!

Unfortunately, no, you can't. However, if the author wants to put this into steam, that would be nice too!
maEx | July 8, 2015 6:50pm

Im new at dotafire. is it possible to copy that build into the game like the steam guide do ?

EpicDinosaur | March 12, 2015 10:58pm
This is really helpful! I'm gonna use this, thank you!
hagit213 | February 21, 2015 4:36pm
pls add to build stygian desolater because it makes your targets more squishy and easy to destroy
hukka0126 | December 3, 2014 9:34am
hey Force staff works great with rupture ...
Unscathed (47) | October 25, 2014 10:35pm
with the new Bloodrage, i think Radiance is better than Mjollnir
Poerxn | October 25, 2014 7:44am
Tigerre wrote:

Great guide. My only issue is there is a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm not sure if English is your main language, but it might be useful to get someone to check it and correct some mistakes there. Can't wait for the guide to be fully updated to 6.82 :D

I shall +1 it and will keep track of it to see how it's coming along :D


no im not a native english speaker and i have nobody who has the time to check this Guide for correct grammar.
Sorry about that ;)

I am working on it.
Try some Jungle builds at the moment, he is an insane easy Jungler with 6.82
Tigerre (4) | October 24, 2014 5:59pm
Great guide. My only issue is there is a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm not sure if English is your main language, but it might be useful to get someone to check it and correct some mistakes there. Can't wait for the guide to be fully updated to 6.82 :D

I shall +1 it and will keep track of it to see how it's coming along :D
Poerxn | October 22, 2014 1:59pm
Zrog wrote:

One of Bloodseeker's big weaknesses (still) is that you can just TP away if you see him coming for a gank, because he doesn't have an interrupt. Would Treads--> Orb --> Basher be a good progression?

Yes, I know if he hits like a truck you can just kill people in the TP time, but that's for later...

i try your skull basher idea - check the new item section!

i would go boots - orb - Phase Boots/Power Treads and then you can go for Basher if you want.
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