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6 Votes

Unusual Support: Sven

February 16, 2015 by GumbyR0b0t
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famasofwar (4) | March 3, 2015 8:17pm
Blink + Shiva + aghs

Ult on your teammates and warcry
Blink in and stun
use shiva
Smoklez | February 21, 2015 7:14pm
Decent guide, I like how you're trying out a different kind of playstyle for Sven. However, I must add that Aghanim's Scepter must be before 30 minutes for it to be worthwhile. Nonetheless, great job.You could go through your guide again and fix some technical errors. Really, it makes reading and understanding a lot easier.
apaz (17) | February 17, 2015 7:44pm
Unscathed wrote:

i disagree with the support buying aghs, timm. you could still but aghs (which is the utility item) for your team if you are paired up with drow, tiny, or morphling.

boots of travels
Blink Dagger
Black King Bar
Assault Cuirass
Aghanim's Scepter

Yeah, no. That's a carry Sven. That's another bag of worms. We're talking about a support Sven. Also, when running a support Sven, Boots of Travel is Uber-Luxury, Daedalus is useless, and Aghanim's Scepter is usually core. The entire point of a Support Sven is to provide OP 16 Armor boost, and to add other buffs on top of that, like Aghanim's Scepter God's Strength, and Assault Cuirass. Also, until the very late game on a position 1-2 Sven, a Daedalus will never be worth it over Heart of Tarrasque, not that you'll ever have enough money for one anyway.

Btw, Support Sven + Carry Drow Ranger = Ownage

( Marksmanship with Sven Aghanim's Scepter (Assuming God's Strength level 3) gives 120/180/240 damage every hit, and it also gives 40/60/80 Attack Speed as well, because it's Agility. OP.)

Then again, If you ARE playing a Sven as a carry, and happen to also have a Chaos Knight, Tiny or Drow Ranger on your team, it can be a very viable option.

Simple comparison between Heart of Tarrasque and Daedalus

80/100/120 Damage with God's Strength
1060 HP

81 Damage
35% DPS boost

As you can see, Heart of Tarrasque gives more utility, Tankability, Damage, and Sustain than Daedalus, making it better, at least until your DPS gets a bit better to where the 35% boost can become efficient.
GumbyR0b0t | February 17, 2015 3:01pm
Krwiozerca wrote:

I am extremely sorry, but I can't see Drum of Endurance anywhere in this guide.

lol, you're right forgot to list it, i meant too. thanks
SatomiCappucino (12) | February 17, 2015 9:26am
Vlads and drums should not be luxury, because they are cheap...
papa_akar (1) | February 17, 2015 9:03am
Good Guide! I agree with the other people who said there should be a gameplay section, since most people would be used to playing carry Sven, it can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially for newer players. I do agree that there should be more tank items, but I would add an Assault Cuirass, and/or a Crimson Guard. Which seems to not be picked up as much as I would think, despite it's huge armor buff, I would definatly pick this up over Assault Cuirass if at least three of the enemy heroes are melee, since the damage block for ranged heroes is only 20, while damage block for melee is 40. if three of oposing heroes are ranged, I would definitely go Assault Cuirass.
Overall, great guide! +1 from me!
Krwiozerca (34) | February 17, 2015 8:36am
I am extremely sorry, but I can't see Drum of Endurance anywhere in this guide.
GumbyR0b0t | February 17, 2015 8:14am
Krwiozerca wrote:

I would add Vladmir's Offering. I actually played support Sven like 2 times (I guess it was before his Aghanim's Scepter upgrade), and I focused on Blink Dagger, thus I was a main initiator. That was really fun.

I imagine support Sven as some intitiator/aura carrier. Probably items like Drum of Endurance, or previously mentioned Vlad's are good, but it depends on the game. Sometimes you will want to get Blink Dagger ASAP, even without upgrading your Boots of Speed.

General advice on support Sven: get cheap, yet effective items in early/mid game. In fact, consider Urn of Shadows. Mana regen, tankiness and active is very good on him.

Both Vladamirs and Drums are listen in the "luxury Items" section at the top of the page. I think both are solid items. You are already an aura pack mule so you might as well carry a few more auras around with you. If you have a a few melee core heroes, then vlads can be a great benefit. It also provides some decent mana regen.
Krwiozerca (34) | February 17, 2015 7:01am
I would add Vladmir's Offering. I actually played support Sven like 2 times (I guess it was before his Aghanim's Scepter upgrade), and I focused on Blink Dagger, thus I was a main initiator. That was really fun.

I imagine support Sven as some intitiator/aura carrier. Probably items like Drum of Endurance, or previously mentioned Vlad's are good, but it depends on the game. Sometimes you will want to get Blink Dagger ASAP, even without upgrading your Boots of Speed.

General advice on support Sven: get cheap, yet effective items in early/mid game. In fact, consider Urn of Shadows. Mana regen, tankiness and active is very good on him.
Kyphoid returns (42) | February 17, 2015 5:14am
Full support sven with soul ring aghs and arcanes doesnt work.

It works if you are me.

Only then.
Unscathed (47) | February 17, 2015 4:56am
exactly. all im saying is that you dont always have to play a support sven if you wanna buy aghs. its still a good item at certain lineups
Timminatorr (57) | February 17, 2015 4:37am
Unscathed wrote:

i disagree with the support buying aghs, timm. you could still but aghs (which is the utility item) for your team if you are paired up with drow, tiny, or morphling.

boots of travels
Blink Dagger
Black King Bar
Assault Cuirass
Aghanim's Scepter

then what are you gonna buy? i wouldnt say aghs is core 100% but since only utility items will help your team its weird to say you shouldnt buy it.
and on a farming sven its just weird because of the ****py stats it gives.

also what is that list of items? looks like carry sven items.
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