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9 Votes

Unlocking Visage's Potential *7.01*

January 5, 2017 by Zantetsuken
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psybotz | January 25, 2017 5:47am
even fat AM would not stand a chance against visage
but the annoying thing is you can't farm CM with fammiliars anymore, she would just slow them down and get a free gold
Zantetsuken | January 25, 2017 11:42am
Yes I consider the changes to Familiars 7.00 to be a major nerf. I hope they buff their health or magic resistance in the future, or change Agh's to give an extra Familiar and all Familiars get +200 health or +20% addition magic resist. They are just really easy to kill now and you can't fly them into teamfights like you used to.
Mowen (17) | January 4, 2017 10:56am
As I mentioned in your Sven guide looks like you accidentally skilled your ults / talents at the wrong levels. The new levels for ults are 6/ 12 / 18 and talents you can get at 10+ / 15+, but you have 3 levels where you've selected taking talents.
Zantetsuken | January 5, 2017 6:48am
Both guides are updated now :) Thank you for the heads up!
Tshirt | June 20, 2016 1:58am
Visage is a great hero but it's kind of boring to play with him :)
Zantetsuken | June 20, 2016 6:49am
Thank you for your comment!

Personally I think he's a fun hero to play if you're comfortable with the micro :) I've played 590 games as Visage and it never seems to get boring for me lol. There's always something to do even when you're dead as long as your birds are alive :)
Zantetsuken | February 8, 2016 1:15pm
DreamPeddler wrote:

You seem to have written the guide before Solar Crest came out. What do you think about going medallion first on Visage now? Especially since it translates into SC later on. And IMO your familiar damage without medallion is miles apart and not always sufficient in getting a kill.

Hello! When Solar Crest was added to the game, I updated the guide and my thoughts on Medallion of Courage. I used to consider Medallion a situationally useful item, but now I consider it more of a core item because it transitions better with SC. Medallion first is absolutely viable on Visage. Something like Medallion of Courage --> Aghanim's Scepter --> Solar Crest is very strong.
DreamPeddler | February 7, 2016 2:24am
You seem to have written the guide before Solar Crest came out. What do you think about going medallion first on Visage now? Especially since it translates into SC later on. And IMO your familiar damage without medallion is miles apart and not always sufficient in getting a kill.
Zantetsuken | December 6, 2015 7:30pm
Fire309 wrote:

I thought Visage's Familiars got killed by number of attacks right? So it doesn't matter how much armor they have, they will still die to 3 attacks if I remember correctly.

Thanks for your comment! Yes this was changed a while back. Familiars are now killed by 3 Hero attacks, 6 Tower attacks, or 12 Neutral attacks. Did I forget to change that somewhere in my guide?
Fire309 (2) | December 6, 2015 5:20pm
I thought Visage's Familiars got killed by number of attacks right? So it doesn't matter how much armor they have, they will still die to 3 attacks if I remember correctly.
Zantetsuken | March 15, 2015 3:34pm
Tigerre wrote:

Hmmm. Good guide overall I think.

But there are a couple of things about it that are incorrect.

First and foremost: Aghanim's Scepter is gotten as a first item for a reason. That reason is so you can farm faster, be more useful in fights/ganks and you get 3 familiars that can contribute so much to the team even when you're dead. Going Tranquil Boots- Medallion of Courage- Aghanim's Scepter- Assault Cuirass is the normal build if I remember correctly. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that you shouldn't be dying too much once you have your Aghanim's Scepter up since you get so much HP and Armour from it.
(Also, screw Google spell check. It's telling me that "Armour" is incorrect :V)

Second: Why wouldn't you always buy Medallion of Courage??? It's one of the best items on Visage due to the bonus armour and and mana regen, not to mention how good the active is with his familiars. Don't forget the fact you can give allies bonus armour with it, so when a familiar is about to die you can be REALLY cheeky and use it on the familiar.

(Couple means two Kappa)

Thanks for your feedback! Visage can be built a ton of ways and have a high impact on a game, it's one of the things I love most about the hero. That's also why there's a lot of disagreement over what should be considered his "usual" build. I rarely see Visage built the same way twice, and I rarely build my own Visage the same way two games in a row, but Force Staff and Aghanim's Scepter have really become my bread and butter on the hero. Some games I will go Boots of Speed straight into Agh's, sometimes I don't even get to farm an Agh's and a Force Staff is the best I can do that game. It always depends on the game, which is why I listed so many luxury/situational items.

I would argue that a larger part of the reason you see Visage going Agh's first in the pro scene is because it's unlikely that he will get to farm two items because pros are still playing him as a hard support. So in games like that, Agh's first makes sense, and hopefully my guide doesn't imply that Agh's first isn't a viable way to build him. I've had games where I get Agh's and lvl 2 Familiars before the 15-minute mark and I just snowball out of control from there.

As for your concerns about Medallion, I wholeheartedly agree with you that Medallion is a fantastic item on Visage for the reasons you listed. But I don't pick up Medallion on Visage that often for the same reason Templar Assassin doesn't pick it up that often: It's overkill and delays items that scale better. I do, however, tend to pick up a Medallion in the following situations:

- My team has multiple sources of - Armor
- The enemy team has multiple high Armor heroes
- I'm having a bad early game and need cost-efficient items

Otherwise, Medallion is actually overkill and it just delays items that scale better into the mid and late game. Honestly, Visage deals more than enough damage without it and you'll get more utility from a Force Staff in the mid and late game. But like I state in my guide, Medallion will always be a great item on Visage, and especially a Visage who isn't expecting to have much gold in a game. But there are better options for a Visage who can expect to have more gold.
Tigerre (4) | March 13, 2015 7:05am
Hmmm. Good guide overall I think.

But there are a couple of things about it that are incorrect.

First and foremost: Aghanim's Scepter is gotten as a first item for a reason. That reason is so you can farm faster, be more useful in fights/ganks and you get 3 familiars that can contribute so much to the team even when you're dead. Going Tranquil Boots- Medallion of Courage- Aghanim's Scepter- Assault Cuirass is the normal build if I remember correctly. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that you shouldn't be dying too much once you have your Aghanim's Scepter up since you get so much HP and Armour from it.
(Also, screw Google spell check. It's telling me that "Armour" is incorrect :V)

Second: Why wouldn't you always buy Medallion of Courage??? It's one of the best items on Visage due to the bonus armour and and mana regen, not to mention how good the active is with his familiars. Don't forget the fact you can give allies bonus armour with it, so when a familiar is about to die you can be REALLY cheeky and use it on the familiar.

(Couple means two Kappa)
Zantetsuken | February 25, 2015 5:59am
akhokhay wrote:

ring of basilius is useless you have pretty high armor
Famillars have stone form ability thus they dont need armor again.

During the laning stage, Basilius is fantastic :) The mana regen and damage help you dominate your lane with harass and denies. And Lvl 1 Familiars are VERY squishy so the armor buff to them is quite necessary in my experience. It's far from a useless item.
akhokhay (1) | February 25, 2015 1:25am
ring of basilius is useless you have pretty high armor
Famillars have stone form ability thus they dont need armor again.
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