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I would like to suggest a HoTD, MKB rush on PA. works like a charm and a naked demon edge gives you 46 damage, which is probably better than buying a Yasha.
Since the build says for vlads, i'm gonna assume that ur gonna roam around and snowball. Try desolator since you can lifesteal with the vlads. Obviously if it's replaced by satanic or is going to be replaced late game, it's not a good idea. Have two sections for a snowball carry and farming carry. Nice guide +1
Next, you don't really detail what makes Phantom Assassin different from other carries. The difference is the potential to prime crits. Coup de Grace isn't true random. You can prime crits. If you don't crit 7 times in a row, you have a 75% chance to crit in four attacks, which happens to be the amount of attacks you have with Phantom Strike. Because of Phantom Strike, you don't actually have to buy any attack speed. If you can't kill them in four hits with a crit, then chances are you shouldn't be going for them anyway. To make sure that crit kills, you buy big +Dmg and Armor Reduction items instead of attack speed. Note that the two items that make the most sense with these criteria are Desolator and Meadallion of Courage. The idea is to prime your crits, buy items to make the crits gigantic, and then delete people. In the late game, when you already have so much +Dmg that it isn't worth building anymore because your attack speed isn't scaling, Assault Cuirass is a great choice because it actually increases your attack speed and decreases their armor even more. when somebody has -22 armor, crits hurt.
Lastly, Blur is nearly worthless for the evasion component. Tho only way that you are going to die is a spell, with or without it. The maphacks are the overpowered part. You can scout Roshan without having to peek in, you can farm two waves of creeps in a unoccupied lane completely unnoticed, you can completely avoid ganks by watching your buffs, and you can catch invisible people without ever seeing them.
Rant over. If you want to learn the hero, you can check out the guide below, or stay tuned for my own, but I probably have a couple more months of work to do on it.
You're all correct, of course. But, I'm also not wrong. As OP and Sofa said, we all have our own ways of playing the hero. Lifesteal is indeed a good option, If you crit with a Satanic it's like eating a Cheese, and it's just more reliable sustain. As Kyphoid says, Medallion is a dead end, but it helps you farm faster and helps you push, which means that it will pay for some of its cost. Then, what you have left is utility in fights, and it gives lots. The item is 1200 gold, it can be sold back for 600 when you need the slot, and in that time you can make back maybe 300 farming and pushing. If you get a kill or save an ally because of the +- 7 Armor, it pays for itself. I only really detailed her strengths. The other weakness that Kyphoid mentioned is "Avatar state," as I like to call it, or Black King Bar. I is, of course, a problem and Phase Boots helps a little, as would Sange and Yasha, but you can still be kited around in this case. It would be great if they just changed it already. A weakness that wasn't mentioned: Low HP pool, and bad Stats. Again, Sange and Yasha will help, but again they might just change it. We have to wait. In the meantime, if you find yourself having to deal with Monkey King Bars and Black King Bars, S+Y is a viable choice. Lastly, the greatest weakness of all, you can't buy every item.
I quoted this guide a while back.
But you need to keep in mind that PA is not what she was when that guide came out. Medallion is a dead end for her since solar crest has depressing rewards for her.
I agree, that you can prime crits and get some benefit. Scouting and sly pushes are more here game right now.
Her weakness is dealing with silver edge and how to stick to Avatar active heroes.
What i think about PA is that people get afraid of picking her becaause of concerns over Break. Just buy one yourself! She is about the utility that she brings. A dagger that can bash, crit, cleave, reduce armor. and you would agree that Blur is a great ability, out of the evasion part.
Try this build here, but know that PA is a versatile hero that needs skill on the player's part to truly shine. You wont be able to abuse her in any case.
As a last note: There is something for PA in the next patch. Its kinda indirect; but people will praise me for what i've done.
Lifesteal has gotten me sooooo many outplays as PA tho like being able to turn around with like 10% HP, get two crits in a row, get up to like 20% and just keep fighting just happens too often and it too good for me to pass up. Praise RNGesus.
Not only are there lots of viable builds on PA (not saying yours is bad by any means, I use it myself), but this is his guide. A few suggestions are helpful, but not if you just post your entire build.
You could, however, write your own guide. I'd be sure to be the first to vote on it.
The amount of health a unit gains from lifesteal is calculated by a percentage of the actual damage done to the attacked unit. This means it does not heal for overkill damage dealt to a unit, so if an attack's damage exceeded the target's current health and killed it, the heal is based on the target's remaining health
Try it. If you crit on a 10hp creep, you won't be getting 150 lifesteal.
As a frequent Pa playr Deso is the far better option here, and is usually comboed with the Vlads. The damage output is juts so much more compared to SnY, for around 800 less gold.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
My build is
Next, you don't really detail what makes
Rant over. If you want to learn the hero, you can check out the guide below, or stay tuned for my own, but I probably have a couple more months of work to do on it.
But you need to keep in mind that PA is not what she was when that guide came out. Medallion is a dead end for her since solar crest has depressing rewards for her.
I agree, that you can prime crits and get some benefit. Scouting and sly pushes are more here game right now.
Her weakness is dealing with silver edge and how to stick to Avatar active heroes.
What i think about PA is that people get afraid of picking her becaause of concerns over Break. Just buy one yourself! She is about the utility that she brings. A dagger that can bash, crit, cleave, reduce armor. and you would agree that Blur is a great ability, out of the evasion part.
Try this build here, but know that PA is a versatile hero that needs skill on the player's part to truly shine. You wont be able to abuse her in any case.
As a last note: There is something for PA in the next patch. Its kinda indirect; but people will praise me for what i've done.
Not only are there lots of viable builds on PA (not saying yours is bad by any means, I use it myself), but this is his guide. A few suggestions are helpful, but not if you just post your entire build.
You could, however, write your own guide. I'd be sure to be the first to vote on it.
Try it. If you crit on a 10hp creep, you won't be getting 150 lifesteal.