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9 Votes

Understanding Item Builds

August 18, 2015 by Sando
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granninja | October 4, 2015 6:45pm
Also, Iron Branches can be upgraded into a Magic Wand, which I believe is good on almost any hero(even without a spammer on the other side, 255 mana/hp for free in a teamfight can be lifesaving... That and the 4 stats for only one inventory space)
Sando (118) | September 6, 2015 10:08pm
Thanks for the comments, glad to help!

I kind of covered this in the "Efficiency Vs Flexibility" section - stripped down builds like this are great "when you get away with them", i.e. you don't take much harassment and can still do what you need to.

There are games where I've started with just an Enchanted Mango for health regen. Basically you have to make a judgement call depending on what you're expecting to go up against - if you're solo offlane you probably need to stock up. If you're a semi-jungling support or well protected hard carry, not so much.

Remember that things like Iron Branches are really very cheap - if you keep them for the first 5 minutes and then sell them, they only cost 25 gold each. Anyway, the main thing is don't get too locked in to one way of thinking - buy what you think you'll need, and then buy extra if you need it.
DerrickZoolander (4) | September 6, 2015 8:58pm
+1 Your guides have helped me since I first started playing Dota and still are a great read today. This one reminds me of a common theme I have seen myself play in games. In the beginning when most players would buy wands, iron branches, circlets, gauntlets of strength, tango and a salve, mine is usually more simplified.

Blades of attack and tango
Quelling blade, stout shield and tango
Boots and a tango
(Any of the 3 stat items for treads) and a tango
For CM I buy the courier, wards and a ring of protection to rush tranquils
The only time iron branches are bought is when my hero will be making a headress or I am playing lone druid.

I realize that one iron branch can mean the difference of life and death, but I find it so hard for me to want to buy one even if it is only 50g. I don't think I've ever bought a Salve either.

But when it comes to games, I still do well, but I've had several players look at my starting items and say "ggwp look at Huskar's items. Boots and a tango."

I just want to know, is this kind of setup really frowned apon?
masaaki14 (11) | September 4, 2015 8:41am
E blade hus? I'd say its a variation of lumi's way
Blubbles (13) | September 3, 2015 11:32pm
EBlade Husk?
Pocciox (2) | September 3, 2015 11:13pm
When I was noob, I thought that buying tangoes, wards and courier was useless.
I'd really appreciate your work if you add a section about this huge problem in low mmr games
W.J.E. | August 24, 2015 8:45am
Maybe a work on the blink? I know it's supposed to be AM's Blink. But what shows is QoP's Blink. +1
Webb | August 21, 2015 1:33pm
As always, nice work Sando. +1
TheSofa (54) | August 18, 2015 11:41pm
Sando (118) | August 18, 2015 9:09pm
Thanks, although I couldn't quite bring myself to quote Xyrus :-{)
TheSofa (54) | August 18, 2015 5:23pm

Great guide. Also you should add that "All items are situational. Core items are items with more situations for than against." -Xyrus
Sando (118) | August 18, 2015 4:47pm
This has been kicking around in my "nearly complete" guides queue for so long it seemed time to kick it into the light. The formatting and content could probably use some additional work, so please feel free to make suggestions, as always...
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