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@famasofwar, bracer is pretty bad on sf since you never build drums on him, aquila is much better and if you need the drums aura to fight early, one of your team mates could build it. Even if you are really behind drums isn't that great on sf.
@gabemeiser, as much as I love midas on sf, I think it is horrible if you are really behind because of how squishy sf is, euls + dagger is much better if your team is losing or if you are behind. With those 2 items, you can start split pushing easier and make some space for your team.
bracer wouldn't hurt depending on the enemy team draft. Being a bit tankier is never a problem, even with an aquila.
I can understand why you might do that, but as a Shadow Fiend your item slots are very limited; what I am trying to say is you will not have the Bracer for a very long time - that 525 gold could have been spent towards your BKB or Blink Dagger.
Thanks for all the feedback guys! Don't forget to rate the guide and also tell me if you want to see anything else in particular implemented into this guide!
Honestly, I feel like every item is situational on SF, other than the brown boots, RoA, and bottle. There are so many ways you can build him, and so many ways to play him, that it will take a lot of work to make a full guide on SF.
That's the actual point, you do not need farming efficiency, gank potential and manaregen in every game anymore, that's why Eul's is a situational item at best, but you list it as core.
Yeah, that is misleading... It is interchangeable with Blink Dagger and Silver Edge in core... Will change it! (Thanks for the feedback! :D)
That's the actual point, you do not need farming efficiency, gank potential and manaregen in every game anymore, that's why Eul's is a situational item at best, but you list it as core.
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@gabemeiser, as much as I love midas on sf, I think it is horrible if you are really behind because of how squishy sf is, euls + dagger is much better if your team is losing or if you are behind. With those 2 items, you can start split pushing easier and make some space for your team.
bracer wouldn't hurt depending on the enemy team draft. Being a bit tankier is never a problem, even with an aquila.
I can understand why you might do that, but as a Shadow Fiend your item slots are very limited; what I am trying to say is you will not have the Bracer for a very long time - that 525 gold could have been spent towards your BKB or Blink Dagger.
And I guess no one of us is will take a lot of work to make a full guide on SF.
not really but for my case im just lazy xD
That's the actual point, you do not need farming efficiency, gank potential and manaregen in every game anymore, that's why Eul's is a situational item at best, but you list it as core.
Yeah, that is misleading... It is interchangeable with