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- starts to read guide
- slight pain behind ears
- looks at build
- pain intensifies
- reads more
- a lot of pain now
- tries to understand what language this is written in
- pain too much
- dies gruesome death
The thing about your build is you have no defensive items except for satanic. Meaning, you are a glass cannon. You probably have the highest dps in the entire game, but you will fall to anything that is not a 1v2. Especially since your preferred build does not contain bkb.
Another thing is that to kill roshan, in my experience all you need is yasha, phase and HoTD.(5250 gold). Compared to yours, crystalys, sb, HoTD, phase(8150 gold), it is much cheaper. If you are worried about wards, just get a smoke(100 gold) and walk into the pit.
I suggest getting shadow blade later after sny because i want to tank up a bit before starting to gank.
any way not all the people know how to play trilane well so its too risky!
can i ask you what is your name on DOTA or the number
Here is a trilaning guide:
It is a bit old, but it should still apply.
ik that trilane its a very safe lane with sun and a lot of ways to gank... any way i dont really like to go there because you may lose some far,m to your team mate.. you alsolvl really slow and as i said your farm may be suck...
you right that you can play safe and kill safly in the trilane but if i had to choose i would have go mid lane this way you can getthe lost gold back if you died or buy Tp i think its alsoa great kane cause you can level up fast to level 6 and you will get the ultimate
you can go trilane but i dont really like it!
any way thank you man you actually right but i dont like this thing i wont add it sorry :D
By your explanation, I can tell that you don't know what a defensive trilane is. Let me explain.
Usually, your opponent will be running a trilane or jungler. It is very rare that pro teams go 2-1-2. All that you see(usually) is 2-1-1-1 or 3-1-1. This is because aggro dual lanes don't do anything. Usually, there is no kill potential, you are left open to ganks, and it becomes a war of harassing. Nobody actually ends up getting much gold, but there is just a stalemate.
In a trilane, however, you have much more options. Under almost all circumstances, there will only be one hero getting exp at a time. This is because supports are free to stack, pull, gank mid, zone the offlaner, and control runes. In dual lanes, you usually have to stand next to your carry not actually accomplishing anything. In trilanes, your supports aren't usually getting XP. They are creating space and farm for the carry.
Watch some pro games. I think they will greatly improve how you play. Here is a link to BTS's Youtube Channel.
about the
i explain a little bit about it but i may add a little bit more THANK'S
OVERKILL is generally a bad thing in DOTA, because it means you are being superfluous with item slots - And in a game where item balance comes from more from slots rather than gold cost, that matters.
bout the
i dont think
after you buy it you not allow to farm in jungle you can just gank every one!
and about my build its OP but you can switch something and add a def. item like
plz rate i work hard for that thintg :D