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2. | about the writer |
3. | about troll |
4. | Skills |
5. | Items [long chapter] |
6. | Runes |
7. | situations |
8. | jungle\Roshan |
9. | Lanes |
10. | Friends and Foes |
IM thnking for my friend hbui282 for helping me writing this guide i couldnt do that without you bro :D
hello guys , i decided yo write a guide about Troll :D
so im saw many people play him and as much as op he is as much as noob they were!
so im trying here to give you some tips and advice and even something that a lot of people know!
i dont have so good english so please dont say things about our english
So for pro troll there is nothing new here but if your not familier with this hero watch this video and read this guide
Troll warlorde is a range hero that can turn into melee hero with the Berserker's Rage abilty.
Troll Warlord is an ailty hero that based on the role Carry!
Lore:[dont have to read this thing]
It's an easy thing to offend a troll. A prickly and contentious race, trolls thrive on argument and strife, missing no excuse to raise their voices in dispute. Males grow to maturity in subterranean chambers beneath their matriarch's domicile, feeding and amusing themselves while contributing nothing. Often they stay for years beyond the age of maturity, while the matriarch provides them with sustenance. When young trolls are finally pushed from their sub-chamber, they gather with others of their kind, forming roving gangs of malcontents who complain loudly about all manner of vexation.
As much as trolls love to argue, imagine how rare it is for a troll to be driven from his own kind for being too difficult to get along with. Such was Jah'rakal's fate, a monger troll from deep in the Hoven. So deluded was he, so bitter and abrasive, that even other trolls found his company intolerable. After one particularly vitriolic outburst in which he claimed the lion's share of loot from their latest raid, his cohorts finally snapped. They turned on him, beat him with clubs, and drove him from the encampment. Enraged at his banishment, he returned the next day, armed with steel, and slew them all, one by one. He then swore a blood oath: he would ever after be a fighting force unto himself. Now he roams the world as the Troll Warlord, bitter and angry, the Imperial high commander of an army of one.
[took it from dota Wiki]*
troll is a carry role hero whch mean's he will be much more effective late game if he have a good early\mid farm game!
troll is also a great pusher because of his Battle Trance and his
which grant him a huge amount of Att. speed which can be really useful Vs towers [and also on enemies]]
Troll Warlord has 2 active 1 passive and 1 active skill but he is passive effect :D
Berserker's Rage
this skill turning Troll Warlord into a killing machine...
you can turn yourself from melee to range and from range to melee
this skill also turn Whirling Axes (Ranged) into
Whirling Axes (Melee)
when you playing as a melee you have a chance to bash your enemy for 2 sec.
the chance to bash the enemy is 10%
with a bonus of 50 damage
so its preety good when ganking someone...
but when playing against range hero you need to concider playign as a range hero for the farm and when you can get close enough just change yourself into melee and hit the enemy a few hits! [more about gameplay will be in the rest of the guide]
remember to turn it into melle when your ganking its much stronger but there is some spaciel sutations that being range is better
1.facing axe-when you attack axe from close distance with a Att.speed like troll has you will die fast!
2.attacking someone strong from secret spot-you can turn yourself into a range type and attack your enemies from the bushes or from a place they cant see you so well adn you can hit them a lot of times until they will come to you and then you can turn yourself into a melee and gank them fast.
Another important thing you need to know if you buy manta style [which is not recommended by my guide] the illusians wont have bash.
Whirling Axes (Ranged)
this skill is the range version of Whirling Axes and this is the effects and cause of the abilty:
Cast Time: 0.2+0
Cast Range: 900
Axes Travel Distance: 945
Axes radius: 100
Axes Spread End Radius: 206.17
Damage: 75
Move Speed Slow: 30%
Slow duration: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25
you can use this skill to slow down enemy and then run to him and turn into a melee then you can use your Whirling Axes (Melee) and deal a great damage to the enemy and just hit him until he dies!
another thing you can do its slow the target and shoot the target from ar away if you facing a close stunner like slarder and you dont want to be disable.
this is an impotrant thing to know:
this skill and the Whirling Axes (Melee) block by [black king bar]] and purge by
Diffusal Blade so when someone active
Black King Bar go back and hit him when your on the range type of troll without using your skills.
Whirling Axes (Melee)
this skill is the melle type skill of the Whirling Axes skills
here is the effects and cause of this skill:
Cast Time: 0+0
Spin Radius: 350
Axes Radius: 100
Damage: 75/125/175/225
Miss chance: 60%
Miss Duration: 4/5/6/7
Whirl Duration: 3
this skill is so awesome when you hit an enemy with it ots giving him a 60% miss and you can hit him fast without being hit so much...
you can use this skill right after using Shadow Blade or taking an Invisibility rune
this item will help you survive faster in team fights thank's to the miss chance and its can deal a preety sick damage to the enemies!
another cool things about troll is that if you max Whirling Axes you can waste 100 mana to use Whirling Axes (Melee) and
Whirling Axes (Ranged) on a stack of creeps and its will kill them all "the more the merrier
this item is also useful if you speed enough and you see Faceless Voidcomign and you use it right when he use his
Chronosphere and then he will have a 60% chance to miss you itsworks on
Legion Commander when she use
Duel you can use this skill to turn the table and she will have a 60% miss chance this Move can give you the winning
Duel bonus.
this skill is giving you a lot of Att. speed
this is how its works:
every hit on an enemy will give you one stack another hit at the same enemy will give you another stack and that how its goes up to 4 stacks!
when you hit a diffrent enemy all of the stacks gone and its starting back from the beginning
skill effects:
Max Stacks: 4
Attack Speed Bonus per Stack: 16/22/28/34
MAX Attack speed bonus per stack 64/88/112/136.
so in this skill ther is no much to say but you need to know how to use it on an enemy and dont move from one enemy to another because the stacks will reset.
if you reach level 6 and you level the Battle Trance and the
Fervor dont use the
Battle Trance after the
Fervor reach to 4 stacks... you first need to active your
Battle Trance and then go to an enemyand drain your
Fervor stacks...
why? the anwer is simple you will get your stacks much faster thenk;s to the bonus attack speed
this thing can make the diffrent between death and life!
Battle Trance size 30 Battle Trance Battle Trance size 30
this skill is a good killing and pushing skill
Cast Time: 0+0
Radius: Global
Attack Speed Bonus: 60/120/180
Duration: 7
this skill can use you to push and to gank
PUSH - if you push with this item and you do it well in the middle lane you can get 2 towers in 5 min. and its one of the bets push you can do!
after you doing that thing by wating for the lane to get clean from enemies and push safely you can change the lane you are and push some other lanes!
also the Battle Trance effect is global so you can use it if your team push without you! that will also be a great push to your team
when you use this ulti on tower dont active it right away you need to attack the tower a little bit and w8 for the enemies to active the tower immunite after its end use your ulti and push hardcore
Gank - is you using this item to gank you need to use [shadow blade]] or hide and gank someone from his back so he cant escape!
also so not use that to gank an escape hero like Queen of Pain and
Storm Spirit because they can escape form you and you use your ulri for nothing.. even if its dosent have a long cool down you can use it to push and its safer use for your ulti
what i think?
i think you need to use it for pushing most of the times and when you face a tank or some one trong you can active that to gank him safely
this item is a great start item the effect is:
Proc Chance: 53%
Blocked Damage (melee): 20
Blocked Damage (ranged): 10
so as you can see its not helpful agains range hero at all so you can just give up on this item if the enemy team have 0\1 melee and you can save the gold for the next item!
you really need to get this item if you face a melle hero in your lane cause its gonna save you and help ypu get some last hits cause the enemy wont kill you fast!
this item is the only boots troll need dont let someone confuse you this boots giving you Extra Damage and a very Movement speed:
+24 Damage
+50 Movement speed
you can use this boots to chase people and kill them or chase them and use your Whirling Axes (Ranged) to sloe them down then you can gnak them in your melle type.
this boots prove her speed on Ursa already so you wont be disapointed form this boots!
this item is a "must buy" item without it you will be a little bit lost and unfarmed
this item allow you to jugnle kill the creeps fast and heal your self and push the tower hardcore by killing the enemy team creeps before they hitting your creeps and heal yourself during doing that!
this item will even make you be undying man thank's tou Troll Warlord attack speed you can heal your self fast even against a strong enemy hero!
this help of the diminator can take a control on an jngle monster or an enemy creep here is the active and passive of the item:
Take control of a non-hero, non-ancient target unit. Dominated units gain 500 bonus health.
Cast Range: 700
Max Units: 1
Health Bonus: 500
Lifesteal: 15%
+3 HP regeneration
+20 Damage
+5 Armor
a cool thing to do with troll to farm fast:
you will steal a none hero mosnter from the natural camps but it have to be trong one likethen you take it into the ancient monsters you hit them when the clock show X.54 then you send your monster our of there they will chase her and theyll stack do that a few times and then fo to there there will be like 20 Ancient monsters in there use your
Battle Trance and kill them all that will make you really fat for the mid game and help you be a better carry!
this item is another "must buy" item for Troll
i see many people who said that item is in the late game but its not!
that the item which will help you can so much all over the map..
the prblem with troll is that when enemy see you he wont face you he will run bacause he know he wil lose that lead you to chase him and you may die doing it... so the sulotion is simple buy Shadow Blade get close to the enemy and now the Move split
low Hp hero if its Low Hp hero you can just go close when you on your melee type and hit him he will die fast [Remember turnning your type from range to mele and from melle to range will cancel the Shadow Blade ]
an Example for Low HP heroes:
Skywarth mage
Hige Hp heroes when you face that type of enemy you need to get lose to him and use your Whirling Axes (Melee) and your
Battle Trance both fo those skils have 0.0 cast time so you will cast them at the same time then you need to auto attack the enemy and you will deal him ahuge amount of damage if he keep hiting you you will kill him cause troll is a beast one vs one hero but if he is running away you can just use your
Whirling Axes (Ranged) and slow him down and chase him.
its can give you some easy kill so you can buy it even before Shadow Blade if you think its better for you.
DO Not buy Smoke of Deceit because troll need
Shadow Blade to get close the the target and
Smoke of Deceit can allow you do that.
this item is the first DPS [Damage Per Second] item you need to buy...
stat passive effects of the item:
Proc Chance: 25%
Critical Damage: 240%
the illusian you can make from Manta Style dosent have the same crit. damage to your actually hero.
thank's to Troll Warlord massive Attack speed he will attack the enemy preety fast and with the 25% its semms like 1 from 4 attack is actually a crit. hit that mean that troll warlord will bcome a great carry\DPS after buing this item.
after buying it you need to pay attantion to your Shadow Blade moves...
when you use Shadow Blade you need to attack with a hit and not with some skill so the bonus damage of the
Shadow Blade may happen with a crit. hit!
this item is a good item for you thanks to troll massive attack speed and damage you will heal yourself fast after using it!
passive and active:
Increases Lifesteal by 175% for 3.5 seconds.
Lifesteal Bonus: 175%
Duration: 3.5
Gives lifesteal on attacks.
Lifesteal: 25%
this item is very nice on troll and you can buy it if you have some survive problem...
you can use it wise or you can fail the fight...
how to use it and when?
so do use Satanic wisely you need to use it after hitting with shadow blade then active it only if you attacking 2 or more heroes!
if your not attacking 2 or more with Troll Warlord your not really need to active this satanice Its correct that
Satanicdosent cost any mana but you really need to save that for later is has a 35 sec. cooldown and you may ot into truble and if you have your
Satanic ready you can survive a lot of time in TEAMFIGHT or just alive after facing strongs heroes...
Satanic is an unique attack modifier.
this item is preety good on troll just because of his Amazing damage and his mini bash
Gives a chance to minibash and deal bonus damage.
Proc Chance: 35%
Damage: 100
Stun Duration: 0.01
+88 Damage
+15 Attack speed
this item is a nice DPS item and its "must buy" if facing some miss hero like
Phantom Assassin
Brewmaster ot some one with butterfly!
this item will give you "true strike" that mean you can hit evasion heroes with out miss..
its a sure item to buy vs some hero like the heroes i named or you wont be able to kill and farm!
without your farm your not so god carry at all!
if you want to turn yourself into a better DPS you may consider skip on [satanic]] and go straight to buy Monkey King Bar .
Offensive items
lets start with the Butterfly this item is a nice pick on
Troll Warlord thank's to the evasion its giving to you :D
its can save you sometime and when you has Satanic and
Butterfly you become very hard to kill so its a very defensive Attack
the Butterfly can save you but the damage and the agilty its giving are better then the evasion:
+30 Agility
+30 Damage
+35% Evasion
+30 Attack speed
Move Speed Bonus: 20%
Duration: 8
so the PASSIVE is awesome but there is nothing to say...
its giving you 60 damage and 60 attack speed + 35% evasion
the ACTIVE is a important thing on Troll Warlord its trading the evasion to movement speed for 8 sec.
this skill is helpful in many ways...
team fight or just facing some one strong:
when you facing someone strong or few heroes you dosent need to turn it into movement Speed because your Evasion gone and the enemies can use that for there on adventage and you can die fast without this evasion...
luckly troll is strong enough player to survive without this evasion thank's to his massive damage and Att. speed!
chasing an enemy
when chasing an enemy you can turn it on active so you can chase him and kill him fast...
as ive already told you when you chasing an enemy you need to use Whirling Axes (Ranged) so you can get close to him because the movement speed from the
Butterfly is just for 8 sec. and you may miss him after its gone!
now its the Mjollnir .
this item is a nice pick on Troll Warlord iil tell you here for real i dont like to buy that to him because its not offering him anything new...
the attack speed its giving isnt so good because Troll Warlord is fast enough thank's to is
Battle Trance
Fervor his attack speed alredy hige and the
Mjollnir just get it higher...
about the electric thing its prrety helpful for the farm but you can actually farm with hits and save the money...
you decide!
defensive items
lets start with Heart of Tarrasque
this item is just a defensive item that can keep you alive when every one is die!
this item is a very good pick on hard carried and tanks just cause of the Hp and the 2% Hp regan!
you can survive and take some risks without being scared to die!!!
now lets talk a little bit about the Eye of Skadi
this item is a really good item!
offensive and defensive!
you can use it to gank and its help you because you dont have to chase people becaus ethey really slow and you can just kill them fast!
its also a defensive item just see what it does:
Move Speed Slow: 35%
Attack Speed Slow: 45
Duration (Melee): 5
Duration (Ranged): 3
Passive Cold Attack
+25 Strength
+25 Agility
+25 Intelligence
+250 HP
+250 Mana
so you can see why is it so good item..
but what can you do with it?
so if you chase an enemy you need to hit him with your Berserker's Rage
and then the enemy will be slow down by 35% and you turn yourself into melee and finish him!!
its preety good with troll because a lot of people will run at the moment they will see you. that why you need to buy Phase Boots and
Shadow Blade they ment to chase and gank enemies!
the Eye of Skadi is a nice item when you have a problem to chase or escape!
trying to escape?
just hit some one fast and fast after it use your Whirling Axes (Ranged) so you can run away safly!
if you can use Shadow Blade and
Phase Bootsuse them fast! every sec. you alive giving you gold do you must play safe that why you need to consider but defensive item!
this item is a saving angel for you... if the enemy team has 3 stuner abilties just but this item because troll dosent have that much Hp that why youu need to consider buy Heart of Tarrasque .
if you get stuned in team fights or just in battle you may die and lose gold!
so if the enemy team has stunners like Lion
Chaos Knight or
Earthshaker or spirit braker etc.
you MUST buy Black King Bar do survive a team fight and kill someone!
so you active it and then go and gank them as much as you can!
you can useit after hitting with the Shadow Blade you need to active it and gank the stunner first!
Finally we finish the items chapter!
so Troll Warlord is a nice hero with runes!
there are 5 types of runes:
invis. rune turn you into invisvible
1.this is the invis. rune.
you must take it when you taking it you need to go and gank the enemies.
[not the mid lane because its easier to escape there]
go from behind the enemy use your Whirling Axes (Melee) and fast the
Whirling Axes (Ranged) and then go back to melee and kill the enemy...
make sure your going to gank in a lane with a stunner by your side of the fight so he can stun and you can gank easly...
just go close to an enemy [make sure you can kill him] then use your Whirling Axes (Melee) and hit him...
as i told you before if the enemy is a tank or just a strong hero you need to use your Battle Trance and hit him fast!!! he will die for sure
another tip i can give you here its when you coming to gank someone make sure there is no enemy around so no one can suprise you and change the situation and they can kill you...
After you bought your Shadow Blade do not take invis. rune just let the team take it.
now to the next rune Type
2.Bounty rune-give you Gold and experience
so when you see this rune just pick it up!
no one need it more then troll the carry :D
the only reason for you NOT to pick its if the other carry in your team need it to buy something good
like he need 100 gold for Monkey King Bar just let him pick it up.
3. haste rune-give you MAX movement speed for some time...
you dont really need this rune because your fast enpugh with your Shadow Blade and
Phase Boots and you can let the second carry or the stuner\ganker in your team to take it.
if there is no one around take it...
now what can you do with it?
A.run to an enemy and use your Whirling Axes (Melee) and become melee.. you dont have to use your
Whirling Axes (Ranged) to slow the target because your super fast and chasing him is'nt a problem for you :D
B.go fast to an low hp missing and gank him before he get to base
how can you do it?
A.you can see where there is a low Hp ene,y and go to him then if he disapper go to where you think he escape to and try to kill him before he get into base...
BUT becareful ig you running to thire tower you can die
So do not do that to a stunner hero!
B.you can do that more fast and easy if you play with Bloodseeker
Bloodseeker has
Thirst that can see Low Hp enemies and make him faster...
that mean he will chase him to and you can see him and chase him with the super movement speed!
4.Double Damage-will Double your damage.
This is the Best Rune For Troll Warlord
after you picking this up this is what you need to do:
the first option
so here iil give you some situations and iil explain what bad and how can you do it!
your Troll Warlord and you see in the mid lane
you need to gank them and the item you have are
the bad thing: is that they have Sven
Storm Hammer and lion
Earth Spike
the good thing: Lion and
Warlock are easy target they dosent have a lot of Hp and
Troll Warlord can gank them easy!
wo what you should do:
what you need to do is use your Shadow Blade then go close to
Lion and fast hit him and use
Black King Bar Immediately then use
Battle Trance attack lion and kill him fast the
Black King Bar still on you for few seconds go on
Sven and try to kill him\deal good amount of damage to him then hit him until he died then move to
Warlock .
Warlock have no stun exept the
Chaotic Offering and he will use it on you if he dumb then just keep hunt him or go back.
if he use and you think you can kill him chase him and kill him
if he dosent use it kill him..
lets keep going and chack this situation!
your doing roshen and you have 30% Hp left!
then a Meepo with 5
Meepo is coming
Good thing: you have
the bad thing: you have only 30% hp left and you may die to Meepo .
the good thing: your mana Full and you can use your magice stuff...
what should you do?
in this case the best thing to do is escape... WHY?
when you see any other hero [not ANY hero but most of the heroes!] you can kill them thank's to your Helm of the Dominator But this case is diffrent!
Meepo can use
Poof and kill you in a sec.
that's is a really deadly move because if you will use Whirling Axes (Melee)
Meepo will have a 60% missing chance that mean you can kill him!
but he will use Poof so you will lose...
so what you need to do is go back and w8 a few sec. then use shadow blade and go inside roshen pit...
if Meepo is there w8 for him to kill roshen and take it before he will take it!
if Meepo sint there kill roshen and the the aegis!
another situation is this:
playing in the lane with Earthshaker and your facing
Chaos Knight and [lion]]
its the beginning of the game and you have
BAD=they are really good stunner adn you may die
Good= Troll Warlord with
Earthshaker is a great combonation.
Earthshaker is a great stunner and all you need to do its kill.
you need to play as a range hero and farm as much as you can...
every time you can hit Lion and when he have Low Hp tell Es to use fussil and you go to the enemy and use
Whirling Axes (Melee) and hit
Lion until he dies!
that way you get a good farm and a safe kill
so in this chapter iil explain a little bit about jungling and about roshan!
so Troll Warlord can play however you like.
this is what we are gonna talk about in this chapter:
1.mid lane with Troll Warlord
2.Normal Lane with Troll Warlord
3.Off lane with Troll Warlord
4.a triple lane with Troll Warlord
So lets start
so here is the good part when you need to pick troll and when you need to search another hero...
Bane is one of your foes thanks to his
Enfeeble this skill will reducing your damage by 120 and that will make killing a little bit harder.. but its dosent matter its still good hero to play so you can pick troll and gank
Bane with your
Shadow Blade
Razor is a really strong hero on
Troll Warlord because of his
Static Link its will STEAL your damage and take it to himself that will help him kill you and your allies...
when the enemy tema picking him concider picking someone else!
more FOES of you can be heroes that can disable you for a long time liek stunner's or disablers like Earthshaker or Legion Commander
Duel that disable you for a long time.
why they are strong?
Troll Warlord dosent have magic resistance so spells like
Laguna Blade and
Finger of Death will kill you fast so you have to becareful!
if they pick this hero dont pick Troll Warlord because faceless boid can disable you with his
Chronosphere and kill you fast!
you need to prevoide a fat Faceless Void so pick some one else!
every hero that can slow the target for a long time can actually help you
heroes like those can help you very much:
skywarth mage
those kind of heroes can slow the taget while your hitting him and killing the enemy!
great ally!
he can slow the target with Ice Vortex can stun the enemy with his
Cold Feet and can make you stonger with his
Chilling Touch
another thign he can do for you is cast Ice Blast on many enemies this way they all left Low Hp in the late game heroes with low hp are a gift for troll and he can get a lot of kills that way.
after i wrote this guide you may leran and see some cool and new stuff in those videos:
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