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14 Votes

Tricks for Pros ! Juggy Style.

August 11, 2015 by Fatt Catt
Comments: 31    |    Views: 98889    |   

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Tirolone | September 13, 2015 11:12am
great guide!

one question though: how often do u get Refresher orb for jugger?

ty, +1
ChiChi (47) | August 11, 2015 4:45pm
Nice guide! +1
Fatt Catt (1) | March 7, 2015 6:00am
LOL ~!
that kind of spell ! lol !
yeah , sorry about that but the site didn't give me a red line so I thought I'm ok, apparently I'm not :) please do tell me where I'm wrong and I'll change it thank you very much.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 4, 2015 10:19am
boy. spell-check.grammar-check .-.
Fatt Catt (1) | March 4, 2015 5:38am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Please remove the colors they hurt my eyes ;_;

Also, the guide needs some huge spell-check.

Otherwise, your guides has some truely new stuff +1 from me :D

Really sorry about that, it'll be a hard work to remove all the colors, if it's ok I'll promise not to be colorful on updates and on my other guides.

So just excuse me for this time, it was my first guide and the shame is on me :D !
or if you want to read it again and it hurts tell me and i'll do the work.

I didn't get what you mean about spell check . if you mean lvling up
I'll be glad to be challenged :D
Fatt Catt (1) | March 4, 2015 5:38am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Please remove the colors they hurt my eyes ;_;

Also, the guide needs some huge spell-check.

Otherwise, your guides has some truely new stuff +1 from me :D

Really sorry about that, it'll be a hard work to remove all the colors, if it's ok I'll promise not to be colorful on updates and on my other guides.

So just excuse me for this time, it was my first guide and the shame is on me :D !
or if you want to read it again and it hurts tell me and i'll do the work.
Starbucks 64 (3) | March 3, 2015 5:57pm
wangyuphing wrote:

Btw, leave your smokes to the supports if possible


Buying smokes doesn't have to be the support job. In the wise words of Sunsfan "If you think smoke is just for supports, SHAME ON YOU!!!"
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 3, 2015 1:54pm
Please remove the colors they hurt my eyes ;_;

Also, the guide needs some huge spell-check.

Otherwise, your guides has some truely new stuff +1 from me :D
Tigerre (4) | February 14, 2015 8:09pm
I don't follow the "Normal" builds on most heroes in this game. I've always done strange/different builds compared to everyone else. I was always a fan of going Mask of Madness on Juggernaut simply because I was trying to decide on the best way to build him. I used to go Phase Boots- Ring of Aquila- Battle Fury- Mask of Madness- Aghanim's Scepter-Whatever-the-****-is-needed-for-game-item.

Then KuroKy Juggernaut XMG 2.0 happened...
Fatt Catt (1) | February 13, 2015 10:43pm
Tigerre wrote:

Your idea is mostly valid, but I hardly ever see Aghanim's Scepter on Juggernaut anymore, it's sort of fallen out of fashion, whereas the Mask of Madness build is coming more into fashion as the meta-game is changing to the late game. And I got the skill order messed up, most pros do 1-1-1 with 2 in stats, then proceed to max Healing Ward then Blade Dance. So generally the priority of the pros is Omnislash- Healing Ward- Blade Dance-Stats- Blade Fury. It's sort of similar to the BurNIng Anti-Mage build, as it helps you with farming so much. As for saying Juggernaut's not a late-game carry, you are very wrong. He excels at late-game. In fact, I'm fairly certain that he's one of the strongest late-game heroes in the game, mainly due to the fact a 6-slotted Juggernaut's (This doesn't include Aghanim's Scepter, I have to say I do miss the item though.) Omnislash is extremely scary late game, especially if you have Mask of Madness.

I can't believe I mixed up the skill build... *@&! %@&*

Yeah actually there's been a great reduction in jugger aqanim and a great increase in jugger MoM pick.
But fashion doesn't prove anything there were time when people were used to buy Vangaurd as razor's first item.
Dota evolves and that's the beauty of it.
I said jugger is not a late game carry and I insist on it cause if you are a 6 slot late carry without aqanim ( which means an average of 8 free attack plus slashes ) and you Omnislash someone and he gets cycloned, becomes ethereal or even if he's pretty healthy and disarms you, you come down with nothing to do anymore and just relying only on your items, you won't even use your Q cause it won't let you attack, so you have your ward and a 20% critic chance.
easily countered and out carried by other carries. Just imagine that you can't reduce trolls health to half and he doesn't even need all his 6 slots to do this.
As I said before, YES juggernaut can become a late carry eventually but it isn't worth the money neither the efforts.
but if you want to be a late carry with him and think that's fun, then do that ,be C00L mon and do not forget you have to outfarm literally every carry on the other team do that and you'll be a scary freelancer.
thanks for the challenge though, made me look again and play again. +REPed you for that
Tigerre (4) | February 12, 2015 2:42am
Your idea is mostly valid, but I hardly ever see Aghanim's Scepter on Juggernaut anymore, it's sort of fallen out of fashion, whereas the Mask of Madness build is coming more into fashion as the meta-game is changing to the late game. And I got the skill order messed up, most pros do 1-1-1 with 2 in stats, then proceed to max Healing Ward then Blade Dance. So generally the priority of the pros is Omnislash- Healing Ward- Blade Dance-Stats- Blade Fury. It's sort of similar to the BurNIng Anti-Mage build, as it helps you with farming so much. As for saying Juggernaut's not a late-game carry, you are very wrong. He excels at late-game. In fact, I'm fairly certain that he's one of the strongest late-game heroes in the game, mainly due to the fact a 6-slotted Juggernaut's (This doesn't include Aghanim's Scepter, I have to say I do miss the item though.) Omnislash is extremely scary late game, especially if you have Mask of Madness.

I can't believe I mixed up the skill build... *@&! %@&*
Fatt Catt (1) | January 30, 2015 9:50pm
Tigerre wrote:

Great guide overall!

There's a few issues I have with it though...

1. Aghanim's Scepter rush? I don't think I've seen that since last year... Most Juggernauts get Mask of Madness+ Phase Boots early on, then transition into more damage and attack speed. I can see some use for this build though.

2. I don't like the skill build :(. Most pro players go for 1-1-1 then 2 points in stats then ult. After level 6 most pros proceed to max Blade Dance then Healing Ward, unless you're KuroKy... KuroKy did a 1-1-1 then maxed stats first, taking a point in Blade Dance again at lvl 10, ult at 6-11-16. He maxed the ult second, crit third, ward fourth and Blade Fury last. This was a very effeciant build. He also dealt a lot of damage...

I have nothing else :D

Thanks for the comment.
To be factual lets go two comments top and see the attack speed - Slash diagram I put there.
( or just open the link below if you're too lazy to scroll :D )
. .
As you can see buying a Mask of Madness Gives you nothing in the first level of Omnislash and then gives you one extra attack at the second level. So even if you are buying it you won't benefit from it during your ultimate. Although You'll get a lot of extra attacks (2 or 3 at least) if you build it in the late game.
So Compared to Aghanim's Scepter rushing for MoM is not recommended unless you want to go full carry which you should pick a Phantom Lancer or something.
About the skill build it's arguable if you want to level stats to get a little extra mana pool but leveling your Blade Dance is not a wise thing to do before leveling your Healing Ward, It gives you 5% critical in exchange for 25% of your whole team's maximum health !
I wouldn't do that even if it would heal me only ! :)
And you'll have the mana to use it if you rush for the Aghanim's Scepter, so different parts of this guide do work together ! :D
So maybe to each is his own way, but early MoM , Maxing Blade Dance early on, is all signs of
again thanks for the attention.
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