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24 Votes

Traxex - U Mad? Yes, I'm!

April 19, 2012 by SpectrumMortis
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E4rl | January 29, 2014 9:32am
Seriously... I stopped reading at "Awesome towerdiver". DROW ISN'T THAT IN ANY WAY (She is squishy and anyone who has brains will kill you if you tower dive). YOU'LL JUST FEED! -1
Edit: Also, MoM. I wish I could -1 you 181381783718 times.
mightycookie (5) | January 29, 2013 2:52pm
The grammar, it's killing me..... ugh, agh agh!!!!!!!

on a side note. this is very bad, basically only for low, very low level pubs. any smart eam will just burst you down in seconds. even if you get BKB, i will just pick lanaya and beat the **** out of you
Johnthedragon (1) | January 29, 2013 1:06pm
This build is the bane of my existance. Its an awful, awful build, yet every noobie in game does it, and since my team is too stupid to say, attack drow, or get blademail, it usually ends up being a free win for the drow, if shes on my tea, she gets stomped into oblivion and reports everyone on my team for feeding. Thanks a lot, this guide officially makes me play either Captains Mode or All Random, and rarely anything else.
Kemedo (1) | January 14, 2013 3:17am
For start I recommend a bit diferent itens... I always did this starter on Sniper and Drow, but I find this one smoother and a better transition to your core itens:

Slippers of Agilityx2

Wraith Bandx2
Boots of Speed

I still prefer Power Treads, but it´s kinda personal... Since both have great status and utility.

I´m always do Shadow Blade when I can, since depends on how much money you can hold in early and mid games, some games are more dificult to get 1600 gold. If I can I put my drow hands on it early, nevertheless I move to:

Mask of Madness
Power Treads or Phase Boots

The combo Shadow Blade + Mask of Madness is our gank lone heroes and push unguarded lanes like a hurricane.

Nice guide, but I did a different build of skills.
No Bear No | December 25, 2012 8:44pm
Holy **** this is a terrible build, look if you want to play Drow then you shouldn't be taking Blade Mail, she shouldnt even be getting attacked in the first place.

Mask of Madness... seriously? If you enjoy getting snapped apart like a twig in 0.36 seconds then fine take it, but getting some ACTUAL damage items might be a better idea. I like the Phase Boots, and the Daedalus though.

By the way you have a skill called "Silence", and it *gasp* silences people. Why on earth would you need Orchid Malevolence. A much better idea is to pick up Shadow Blade for the damage and the attack speed, and an escape, which she lacks. Gem is a good idea! Never thought about that.
Manu76 | November 10, 2012 2:47pm
Nice guide but... with this build, it's all or nothing.
Big damage but no survivability.
Numeta (27) | May 22, 2012 4:29am
Holy sh---

If you get que'd on my team I will kill you.

This is pub only.... singsing **** ............. plz do not do this
Garfield#228682 | May 17, 2012 12:19am
Dude, nice guide! Drow's the first hero I won a game with, and this was the build I used. +1
Compressicep (9) | April 20, 2012 9:29pm
Hey man nice guide. Very detailed. I'm slowly but surely working on making mine more detailed as well. Check it out on Venomancer
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