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4 Votes

Traxex the Drow Ranger a quick guide REVISED

March 5, 2012 by Dempsy Roll
Comments: 6    |    Views: 9755    |   

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Pokemaster#200599 | March 17, 2012 12:19am
Every one of these guides you've "made" are cut and paste from playdota.
So 1) stop calling them "your guides" or saying you "made" them.
2) Newsflash, this is DOTA2, and the playdota alt+tab guides your copying are for DOTA 1, which is why they say 6.69 next to them.
Ancient (2) | March 8, 2012 10:35am
Making guides for heroes you have little to no experience with isnt constructive, nor is it helpful. It's nothing more than spam.
Dempsy Roll | March 5, 2012 8:38pm
I was making plain guides for multiple heroes. Playing with the guide creator. If you can't wait one day for stuff don't bother posting. If you have nothing constructive to say go eat a chode. It has been revised and has actual content.
Ancient (2) | March 5, 2012 5:34pm
This guide shouldn't even be looked at as the writer of it is a troll, he has created a guide for every single hero in the game all on the same day.

-edit my mistake, ALMOST every single hero.
Atlas (117) | March 5, 2012 6:08am
Flossy wrote:

SnY on drow? that's pretty stupid imo, when she already has a slow.

SnY is purchased for more than it's chance to slow, infact the slow usually doesn't have much to do with anything. The stats it provides + movespeed is why you buy it, if you need a slow then you purchase Skadi.

Edit: not to justify this guide, the item and skill build are both wrong.
Flossy (4) | March 5, 2012 5:30am
SnY on drow? that's pretty stupid imo, when she already has a slow.
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