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25 Votes

TP Scroll - What to know

May 20, 2014 by SkyStormSpectre
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The Untouchable | June 7, 2017 9:48am
I strongly suggest ticking the "Right-clicking cancels teleportation" option in settings. Sure you'll lose a scroll and go into CD, but better than dying.
HowDoIShoot | April 17, 2014 7:46am
You should add that you can see which hero is teleporting in by the color of their TP animation.
NinjaMovesPro (7) | January 13, 2014 9:30pm
Activating and/or deactivating Armlet while teleporting does not interrupt the teleportation. Not sure though if it works in DotA 2.
spare145 | January 3, 2014 3:12am
I didn't read the entire thing but I don't think you mentioned that you can TP into the forest next to the tower to avoid being seen by the enemy. And trying to defend a tower against multiple people is suicide if you're the only one TPing in. I've seen many people stupidly TP into 5 people attacking a tower and die immediately. Not to mention waste of a TP scroll. If there's nothing you can do to defend the tower, it's simply better to let it fall. Also, don't know if you mentioned this, but never TP into a disruptor. He will use glimpse on you, and waste your TP scroll.
The Untouchable | June 7, 2017 9:45am
Or worse. Barrier ult you lol
C0L0NEL999 (1) | July 31, 2013 1:08am
You wrote a whole guide about TP-scroll, but you didn't mention shift-queuing?!
Twelveeleven | May 22, 2013 3:35am

Perhaps. I have used a TP to teleport in, do a push, then use the scroll to go back to another tower. But its very situational, and the cooldown on Teleport is so short its almost not worth the use of an item slot on him.

I get it on him just so I can TP in behind enemy lines, kill their courier, TP to safety. It also works well vs heroes who have silence AOE spells, assuming you get the sprout off before that you can still tp out using the scroll.
SkyStormSpectre (22) | May 2, 2013 5:29am
Perhaps. I have used a TP to teleport in, do a push, then use the scroll to go back to another tower. But its very situational, and the cooldown on Teleport is so short its almost not worth the use of an item slot on him.
lukson987 (5) | April 27, 2013 12:55am
I think even nature's propher should always carry a TP scroll
SkyStormSpectre (22) | April 21, 2013 11:34am
It has a certain epicness to it hasn't it? Sudden coming together of your team to form up your heroes against the enemy within 8 seconds.
Demolibium | April 12, 2013 12:13am
Nice work :D I really love tp'ing in for an all team clash xD
SkyStormSpectre (22) | April 9, 2013 6:20am
Hey, that's a great idea. I'll look at doing something like that, thanks.
Mirror (22) | April 6, 2013 12:45pm
This is a very nice guide. Every one always tells new players to cary a tp scroll and this shows why. +1

If you wanted to put in the time you could add a map with some nice tp escapes shown like the ones in the side shops, the ones near the tier one towers or even the little places you can hid in the jungle.
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