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This guide may contain:
1.Unedited materials which might attract grammar Nazi
2.Immensely boring hero content
3.Some items unsuitable for all audiences
4. For some gay reasons, I cannot scale the size of the picture
<img> src="lolcatz" alt="lolcatz" height="5" width="5"></img>.So if you know HTML, fell free to add comment.
Lving Armour:
Max out living armour Living Armor, this is the bread and butter of Treant!Because of the recent nerf, high level in living armour
Living Armoris a must in every game. use living armour
Living Armorevery time it is off cool-down. What is the best timing? Try to check the minimap after your pull or deny and give it to the hero with lowest health. It may sound contradicting but, sometimes it is better to wait and see if a person is getting ganked. There are few signs for an up-coming gank: 1. Count the number of heads in the mini-map(if there are people missing, ping and look carefully). 2. 20 seconds after the rune spawns. 3. When a lone hero is in lane and he is freely farming and denying. 4. a low health hero who is not forwarding to his fountain.
Nature's Guise
Some people leave nature's guiseNature's guise
Nature's Guiseis a good ganking and counter ganking skill that might need a bit of understanding for the skill. Remember, this skill has the fade time similar to Mirana's Ultimate! Use it for picking off junglers, positioning your teammates before fight, and masking yourself as a Rikimaru!
Leech Seed
Leech seed Leech Seedis ****y, the ****tiest of ****ty. However, this is your only nuke and disable so you have to get it. the heal is good when combined with soul ring
Soul Ringand a Mekanism.
You can cast this while in Nature's Guise.
Ultimate ****(over) bricks(growth)
Icefrog you suck! D:
It used to give damage, which means Treant's KDA ratio was high. But, now you have an ultimate with no damage and mediocre disable. This goes through BKB and channeling. Use Nature's Disguise to position yourself and press R.
Items: Everything on Treant is situational. This means you can do whatever you want!
You can buy Diffusal Blade to counter warlock, you can buy
Divine Rapier to feed your enemy, you can also get Dagon and inta-gib a hero. However, to win a game you will need 3 items. Yes, only three! Observer Wards, Courier and Teleportation Scroll.Come to think of it, that is more than 3 :P
If you want next level Treant, you can get soul ring and synergize it with your leech seed. Urn of Shadows for ganking oriented Treant.
Blink Dagger,
Arcane Boots and
Refresher Orb for team fight oriented beast.
Radiance, Heart of aerrasque and
Hyperstone for tiny wannabe. DotA Allstar is a game with unlimited freedom, don't act as a LOL-er and stick to one item build. In fact, Why are you still reading.
You will want to get a soul ring recipe and a courier coupled with some wards.
since he does not "lane", you only need a set of Tango for emergency(i.e. juking, double pull, pool and heal). These starting items mean your carry will have a hard time last hitting, so bring along with another support and tri-lane.
When you have your Soul Ring, you can harass your enemy and/or use it to gank. The best time to roam for treant is around level 6, so pack up your belongings and journey to the enemy's jungle.
Be sure to use Living Armor on your mid so he can tower dive!
Urn of Shadowsis not needed but it is a strong recommendation.
This is the time for small team fights and tower hugs. It is also when your nature's guise shine! Use it to scout nearby heroes and protect your allies. Use Nature's Guise to initiate and let your counter-initiator do his job in the second round of battle(cast Nature's Guise on him). A good counter-initiator such as Jakiro, earth spirit and warlock can devastate your foes if they try and fight back. These people generally need better positioning so teach them about the use of your first skill!
Wait, you are still here?
This means, the game is not working well. You have to do something to contribute to the team. Most of the time you will find yourself poor and worthless. No need to worry, follow these steps:
1.Ward the lane which your team will push (base ward, behind tower ward, and choke spot ward)
2. Stay in Nature's Disguise .
3. Use Nature's Disguiselike a Mirana ultimate
4. Use your Overgrowth after the enemy carry pops his/her BKB
5. Do not die, you are too important to die. Unless, you have to take one for the team
6. Tank for your carry if he is about to go down.
7. Buyback and use your Living Armor
Best buds:
Buy midas and go carry your team. You are Tiny and you should wrack people with your ****!
Be a man and die first in battle.
Never skill Nature's Guise[/color]
Never gank and babysit near your carry all day long.
Treant is so boring and gay; I report you for writing this guide.
Treant is boring and you should only use your Nature's Guise. Living armour is broken and Icefrog should nerf it for the 3rd time.
People who read the long text:
Treant Protector synergies really well in an aggressive team composed of tower-divers, escapees and hot-heads. You should pick him if your team wants to end the game fast and has considerable understanding of his weakness/strength.Do not follow what other Treant players are doing, be productive early on and lead the pace of your team.
If your game drags to a late game, cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Note: I will add more pictures and high-lights. Grammar and structure editing will follow soon!
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