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45 Votes

Top 2 World Visage Guide - Relaunch!

January 8, 2015 by Viveroth
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Maykelph | June 27, 2015 8:16am
Now this is a guide. You should be top 1 not the other guy who just made a pretty page.
CriticalState | February 15, 2015 11:28pm
im bored reading pictures or flowers to watch for ? ...well your guide is good though ....
I Have Layers (4) | January 8, 2015 6:19am
Quite honestly Visage and Lone Druid are the only heroes I haven't played, for fear of the Micro.

When I get more time, I'll definitely study the guide and try out Visage.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | November 29, 2014 4:16pm
One of the few heroes i cannot play :/
CaseyLHY | November 29, 2014 3:15am
Hi, I followed exactly your guide and the result is pretty good. +1 and thanks a lot!!
muffinmad | October 3, 2014 4:56pm
Be careful following this guide, it is outdated...

I desagree with visage beeing a capable offlaner. He may have a good slow and very high armor with his passive skill, but his regen is very low, his attack speed is low as well as his attack animation.

He'll do great as a second support and may be good at midlane, but he is easy to gank.

As for his utility in game, it changes a lot at the mid game when his main damage source is his nuke. If he's able to get lvl 11 before the enemy the gargoyles will have a HUGE impact at the team fights, but it's ok if he is a few lvls behind. At mid game the enemy heroes won't have magic immunity, so stuns and damage will be VERY usefull, even with ult lvl 1.

As for the item build, I agree with mekansm and aghanins, but if you're NOT going to chase enemies since STONE FORM takes a lot of time to finish, so either you kill while they're close or you give up. Instead of a Eul's, build a amulet and go straight for aghanins! Amulet will let you do tons of damage with your ult even as lvl 1, as well as help doing roshan really fast.

I won't recommend BKB since visage won't be dealing much damage with his right click, instead you should get more mobility to avoid get caught. If you get focussed, use your stuns to save you. If that can't help then you're as good as DEAD.

A good tip is trying to control visage and familiars as diferent groups. Try walking with visage inlane and familiars at the tress or jungle. This will help you to avoid ganks from fog.
lovejet | January 27, 2014 6:13am
I'm a visage player too (around 150 games). I started using eul's scepter in some games (nice idea) and I would say it's situational, not a core, and it should be bought after aghanim. Also, medallion is a good situational item in pub, if your team possesses many physical damage dealer. In a coordinated team, medallion is closer to a core (can be skipped to rush aghanim still), since early to mid game physical damage is crucial in ganks, fights, or roshan, and it synchronizes well with the damage of the gargoyles.

Rod of Atos is a good item after Aghanim, even in late game, to chase or kite melee heroes. Some pros always buy this item in their pub games with visage.

Some may laugh, but I found Dagon 1 is good for Visage in pub games (though very situational).

One more thing, Ring of Basilius is extremely good (a must!) for visage early: mp generation, +2 armor aura (for the hero himself and the gargoyles whose armor is initially 0), and a nice damage addition for harassing, last-hitting. On the contrary, magic wand is usually a waste, unless enemy team contains many heavy casters.
Viveroth | January 26, 2014 9:56am
Add me to steam dude :)
Toadnecklace (1) | January 24, 2014 12:46pm
You seem to be the very Visage-bender im my oppinion, which why im asking you this. When microing the familiars i've noticed that you dont just select them and use both stoneforms right away. you have to click on them individually to activate all the stuns. Am i wrong and if yes, what do i do wrong?
Dagonite | May 31, 2016 5:30pm
Well the stuns don't stack, so you use them not at the same time but right after the other. There is a .5 sec delay before the stun so you do it right after the first stun because the stun is 1/1.25/1.5 secs long, so as he said you stun-lock them for 2/2.5/3 secs. Sorry if I read your question wrong.
RMK221 | December 19, 2013 9:13am
Nice guide.

Another fun thing to do is hide familiars in trees in a tower that's practically doomed, time their flight, bring them in and deny the tower. I've done that multiple times with 3 or 4 heroes on an uncontested tower xD
Same goes with taking a list hit on Roshan and/or denying Aegis.
LEEKING2005 | November 22, 2013 1:12am
That used to be my Top 1 War God when his ultimate still got 7 birds.

Not only they rework visage ulti, but they also weaken his 1st skill(15 sec to 6 sec), 2nd skill and 3rd skill (damage reduction to paper armor).

Now it just turn to bunch of **** which not even worth to play. Not only many hero make a fool out of new visage, but he also never became the carry he used to be like before. New visage just so weak in late game that any agi hero buy BKB will hunt him like food(and his melee range families).

I'd rework the pro and cons in your guide a little bit.

Visage can kill and hunt easily in early game, at least being a good support if they don't choose any counter hero in 1st place.

He can only target single hero at a time and suck on team fight, especially with 4 str and 1 agi team.
He is so paper in team fight that most probably enemy will take him for 1st target.
He is so unfit with any item in late game with those ******** skill of him, so late game he is food.
He is only able to make kill on other weaker magician or early game's agi hero if they buy their item properly.
His bird gave great bounty on kill.
His skill only work for those who don't understand visage, and those skill pretty much is garbage.

In conclusion, he's not only suck at surviving, damage and disable, but also farming, tower pushing, tanking and team fight. He is so suck that he is neither str or agi or int hero, he is rubbish. Believe me if I want to make a guide that teach how to counter visage, there is plenty of way turning this hero to food. But he is so suck that he is the least hero used in pub or tournament, so I spare him because that really no point in doing this.

PS: If you like the new visage you should probably try the old one, it was real visage I considered, it was perfect in surviving, damage, farming, tower pushing, tanking and team fight hero. It was the first hero I played when I play DotA 5 years ago, and I can tell you this, this hero was died because some ****** reworked it ... so beat it!
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