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21 Votes

Told you a storm was coming! - Guide to Storm Spirit

February 8, 2013 by Balder
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mitchapalooza (2) | December 12, 2012 4:36pm

Came in here to laugh at this. It is a bit silly that you would post your best Storm games to hint at a new reader that "I own, so you should take me seriously". I don't know dude, your starting items and situation items are a bit funny. I would never say a BKB is not worth getting if an enemy on the the opposing team has a spell hat goes through magic immunity. Didn't read in depth because there are too many words.
Freelancer | July 21, 2012 12:02am
Your guides are extremely good, especially for new players.
A request by me, please make more guides :P
HamSandwich (34) | June 19, 2012 11:36pm
iN7.Ganker wrote:

Your OWnZoR Games are ridicoulus, remove them, it's just completely useless. If you wanted to imply that I should look your steam ID up to see you owning all day with Storm Spirit would amuse me all day. Are you trying to get new players upvoting you because of your score? WTF, srsly ...

I totally agree.

Here are some other games:

Overall pretty ****ty storm play.
mishamisha | May 11, 2012 1:39am
don't listen to these idiots. great guide.. i think BKB should always be in the 'situational' items category, so much so that it is hardly worth mentioning. similar to how you shouldn't put Doom Bringer in the 'heroes that counter you' section of ANY guide because it is obviously implied that he counters everyone.

you went in-depth with combos/pictures/skill builds and item choices. my only advice to you is to not get so caught up in dealing with mongoloids on the internet. they baited you and trolled you and it just makes you look bad.
iN7.Ganker (17) | April 27, 2012 5:31pm
There is no reason to insult somebody, I agree that you dont have to listen to somebody who insults you but look a little closer on his arguments he might brings something important to the table.

I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't tell anybody how good you are in playing Storm Spirit that you own evergame and that you are pro, nobody wants to hear that, you understand ... and it steals seriousness from your guide.

I dont blame you for something, dont take every word in a harrassing way. I want to improve the community and I will only reach it if I help you to improve your guide. I fairly know that you mentioned the "alternative Skillbuild" I simply suggest you to add them in a second build, for more instant overview, not everyone will read your guide until the end, they will simply trust the "Build". Pictures will be they thing they remember best. You might agree.

There is no challenge in creating the best guides. The real challenge is to just simply hekp each other to create good guides in general.

"weak guide" shouldn't mean: "OMG you are a ******." It just explains that I think there is enough more space to improve.

I am not sure I got all points now, hmmm. You might tell me if I missed sth. I am quite tired now. Anyway one more note to explain me. You might got me wrong.

Storm Spirit is and will always remain a semi-carry/utility hero. Storm Spirit should usally get utility items to fullfill his role. An initiating Storm Spirit, hexing one enemy, silencing another enemy hero (orchid), pulling a third will most likely do more for his team as a pseudo hardcarry storm. What Storm is capable of if hes played the right way you may experience later on.

You simply imply to get items against several heroes which are completely nonsense. Explanation required? I may post my Storm games up to show i got 21/1/4.

My friend ...
Your OWnZoR Games are ridicoulus, remove them, it's just completely useless. If you wanted to imply that I should look your steam ID up to see you owning all day with Storm Spirit would amuse me all day. Are you trying to get new players upvoting you because of your score? WTF, srsly ...

Your guide as it is right now, is missing content and looks ... you know, you could just simply take your pics and change their resolution useing a random program that is capable of that. I simply dont like it as it is right now and maybe I am wasting to much effort on this instead of sleeping. :D

You may rewrite your guide or rework it or just leave it untouched, I only wanted to help you. You spent much time on this I am sure of that and I dont blame your work but to take a closer look and rethink some parts can actually never be wrong? ;)
Whated (12) | April 27, 2012 3:09pm
Well that's just one more explanation of your act, ****er.
Balder (5) | April 27, 2012 3:06pm
Whated wrote:

I call you a ****er, because you act like you know about the **** you are talking about. Also you act like you are better, when you have given a few hours of making a guide. Which end up being bad and now you are crying and not accepting criticism. Which is given you the offensive way, but a grown up mannered guy you should accept it anyways and try to learn from it, you ****ing piece of **** ****er ****** *****.

Haha good luck growing up kid. You will learn a thing or two when you get older. Before that, ask your parents before publishing something on internet, or maybe they will get angry :O .
Balder (5) | April 27, 2012 10:24am
iN7.Ganker wrote:

weak guide ...
Only one skillbuild mentioned,

2 Skill builds are published and explained. Don't blame me if you don't know how to watch them. The second implies maxing Overload over Static Remnant, read the guide and you will see this:

Common Skill build & Alternative Skill build.

What build would you suggest?
Personally, I'll recommend you guys this skill build. BUT, I do, because suits better to my play style. Feel free to try the alternative build if you want.

Read the guide first, i'm not saying it's better, i'm saying i like it more, PERSONAL suggestion, thats all.

iN7.Ganker wrote:

weak guide ...
Only one skillbuild mentioned, many important items missing, most terrible starting items after boots first. You dont need to post your best storm games up, nobody is intrested in seeing them, atleast if you raped which anybody does one time, everybody will learn more if he sees someone performing well and loosing anyway.

My steam profile is published so you can check my games whenever you want.

iN7.Ganker wrote:

"Learn some manners and maybe we can discuss about how Storm Spirit should be played, until then, I don't care about anything you say."

Good way to accept criticism. All these professional players winning thousands of money who skilling Overload over Static are just completle dumb I guess.

I'm not going to accept any criticism from someone who calls me a "****er" just because he didn't like my guide. I corrected a lot of things with some constructive criticism i got in my other Balanar guide. I accept them if they are properly expressed and with right facts.

iN7.Ganker wrote:

Just leaving a note that your formatting went wrong sometimes. Check out the formatting guide to learn how to adjust the pictures.

I'll check this, the pictures get out of frame because they are 1024x768 and it's bigger than the page, but if i put them on 800x600 they are too small. im looking forward to improve this, thank you very much.
iN7.Ganker (17) | April 27, 2012 7:31am
weak guide ...
Only one skillbuild mentioned, many important items missing, most terrible starting items after boots first. You dont need to post your best storm games up, nobody is intrested in seeing them, atleast if you raped which anybody does one time, everybody will learn more if he sees someone performing well and loosing anyway.

You didn't add an alternative skill-and itembuild yet. You didn't explain some things in depth which you should. If you aren't able to edit your alternative skill/itembuild " it is your problem."

"Learn some manners and maybe we can discuss about how Storm Spirit should be played, until then, I don't care about anything you say."

Good way to accept criticism. All these professional players winning thousands of money who skilling Overload over Static are just completle dumb I guess.

Just leaving a note that your formatting went wrong sometimes. Check out the formatting guide to learn how to adjust the pictures.

All in all, moderate guide. Neither +1 nor -1.
Balder (5) | April 26, 2012 1:26pm
Whated wrote:

Divine Rapier Is always a bad item.

Amazing explanation.

Whated wrote:

Also Desolator only brings mid game advantage.

Desolator is SITUATIONAL (im tired of repeating this) and only against tanky heroes. And without it it's impossible to kill a 4k hp pudge.

Whated wrote:

Black King Bar gives ridiculously much benefits for it's cost, some people even consider as "over powered" and the cost should go up or "nerf" it somehow. It gives you extra hp and regen. Damage and the most powerful 5 second magic immunity.

As i said, you should check the REALLY long list of spells (including bash) that pass trough BKB, making it usless in many situations (i'm not like you, i think different items fits in differents situations, making BKB an amazing item in some SPECIFIC situations.

Whated wrote:

I think you are more narrow minded that I am, ****er. Atleast it's not wide enough to see the facts.

I don't know why are you so angry, and I never called you "****er" or insulted you. You should learn some respect before publishing your thoughts trough Internet. With this you are only confirming that you are a 13 year old child or a non-equilibrated person with a mean attitude who can't live in society or interact with other people in proper ways. So I don't give a **** of what you think and your opinion is not valid anymore.

Whated wrote:

EDIT: Also skill Overload over Static for more damage. And start with 3 GG branches, mantle, tango and salve for a faster bottle.

Alternative skill is published if you don't know how to see it is your problem. Also the alternative starting items.

Learn some manners and maybe we can discuss about how Storm Spirit should be played, until then, I don't care about anything you say.

Thanks for passing by.
Whated (12) | April 26, 2012 10:42am
Divine Rapier Is always a bad item. Also Desolator only brings mid game advantage. And only provides damage. Black King Bar gives ridiculously much benefits for it's cost, some people even consider as "over powered" and the cost should go up or "nerf" it somehow. It gives you extra hp and regen. Damage and the most powerful 5 second magic immunity.

I think you are more narrow minded that I am, ****er. Atleast it's not wide enough to see the facts.

EDIT: Also skill Overload over Static for more damage. And start with 3 GG branches, mantle, tango and salve for a faster bottle.
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