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15 Votes

To Oppose Me is to Deny Death: A Guide to Visage

April 4, 2013 by Nicnac
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KombatCZ | May 10, 2013 10:33am
I gotta say that this is one of the best guides I've yet seen on Visage. I've just wondered a few things. First of all, could Meepo be considered as a valid counter? He could potentially disable you and your familiars and than kill you in a matter of seconds. Second of all, you said that you don't think, that Visage can be a viable right - clicker, but would buying atleast some DPS items along side of your armor items be a good idea? Because I don't see why not. And at last I kinda have to agree with Gryre, that seeing some footage of your games would be awesome. You gotta excuse me, if I made some mistakes, because im quite new to Dota :). Anyways, +1 , you diserve it :D.
Stank (2) | April 26, 2013 11:36pm
Great, informative guide. + :)
Gryre | February 22, 2013 9:51pm
New to a forum doesn't mean I'm new to the game... I'm curious about your in game name/how you actually play visage in a game. Some replays or your dotabuff name would be nice. Let's see your build in action.
Nicnac | February 18, 2013 6:49pm
Gryre wrote:

I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm about to tear some parts of this guide apart. First off, let's talk spellcheck/proofreading: You have numerous spelling errors/wrong words used at wrong times. This says to me that you didn't even bother proofreading what you wrote.
Skills: I am all for an early level of gravekeeper's cloak. Depending on the situation, two or three levels, but generally you are better suited getting one level and then maxing soul assumption. Now why would I say that? Because of the mana cost. The extra potential for damage is nice, and I find the I can usually do enough damage at early levels to max out level two soul assumption, but the biggest thing is visage is usually hurting for mana early on. Leveling up soul assumption helps a lot with solving that mana crisis.
Items: While your item choices are not bad alone, when you put it all together it's less powerful than it could be. You are focusing on the disable/armor. How do you get charges in a fight? You cause damage. This is why items like deso and mjolnir are great midgame.
Biggest issue I have is with friends and foes. How did you not mention axe, omni, dazzle, kunka, etc etc. Each one of these heroes can easily kill your familiars accidentally, let alone if they're trying. This is a big deal considering the amount of gold your familiars give. Additionally it handicaps you not having familiars around.
In essence, I think that this guide is not super well thought out and that while the ideas in it are interesting, you are putting all your eggs in one basket, magic damage. Visage is a great semi carry, get him some physical damage and let him work wonders with both his w and his auto attack. If he's supporting that's fine, he can still benefit from damage once you get his basic survival gear, treads and mek.
Additionally, I was curious if you would link yourself on dotabuff or tell us what name you're under so we can check out your games, builds, and playing style, since you didn't link replays.

Thank you for your post... although i think you may be being a tad more rude than you think. As far as the grammar/proofreading i don't really have a lot of free time on my hands to make lots of edits. I apologize but it could be worse. As for the skills I have already mentioned how well Grave Keeper's Cloak scales and is very beneficial in the lane, where charges for your Soul Assumption are of short supply. I really don't know why you would build Visage with dps and right clicks. Go play Drow Ranger] or something. Visage is a caster and I've built him so that he can do as much casting as possible. You do make a valid point about the heroes who can kill Familiars easily and I thank you for the suggestions. As far as you are concerned you have only been around dotafire since like yesterday. Kind of early to start trying to dismantle other peoples guides no? I appreciate you trying to help but you just seem like your just trying to be extremely critical. As far as the items and skills go, lets just agree to disagree.
Gryre | February 17, 2013 6:01am
I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm about to tear some parts of this guide apart. First off, let's talk spellcheck/proofreading: You have numerous spelling errors/wrong words used at wrong times. This says to me that you didn't even bother proofreading what you wrote.
Skills: I am all for an early level of gravekeeper's cloak. Depending on the situation, two or three levels, but generally you are better suited getting one level and then maxing soul assumption. Now why would I say that? Because of the mana cost. The extra potential for damage is nice, and I find the I can usually do enough damage at early levels to max out level two soul assumption, but the biggest thing is visage is usually hurting for mana early on. Leveling up soul assumption helps a lot with solving that mana crisis.
Items: While your item choices are not bad alone, when you put it all together it's less powerful than it could be. You are focusing on the disable/armor. How do you get charges in a fight? You cause damage. This is why items like deso and mjolnir are great midgame.
Biggest issue I have is with friends and foes. How did you not mention axe, omni, dazzle, kunka, etc etc. Each one of these heroes can easily kill your familiars accidentally, let alone if they're trying. This is a big deal considering the amount of gold your familiars give. Additionally it handicaps you not having familiars around.
In essence, I think that this guide is not super well thought out and that while the ideas in it are interesting, you are putting all your eggs in one basket, magic damage. Visage is a great semi carry, get him some physical damage and let him work wonders with both his w and his auto attack. If he's supporting that's fine, he can still benefit from damage once you get his basic survival gear, treads and mek.
Additionally, I was curious if you would link yourself on dotabuff or tell us what name you're under so we can check out your games, builds, and playing style, since you didn't link replays.
Nicnac | February 15, 2013 8:11pm
Vorse wrote:

That makes Bane a possible counter to Visage
For 200 mana and a 14 sec cooldown, he gets 100 gold from your familiars.
And if your familiars are dead before the Summon Familiars cools down, it sucks.

Ah i see....thank you i'll make a note of that soon. However, the HP drain is only 300 at max level while familiar HP is 300 only at level 1 so as soon as they hit level two its not a one hit wonder anymore.
Vorse (1) | February 15, 2013 4:27pm
Nicnac wrote:

Your point?

That makes Bane a possible counter to Visage
For 200 mana and a 14 sec cooldown, he gets 100 gold from your familiars.
And if your familiars are dead before the Summon Familiars cools down, it sucks.
Nicnac | February 15, 2013 5:39am
TangoNCash wrote:

I think this guide is well-conceived on the whole. My only quibble is taking so many early levels in Gravekeeper's Cloak. It's a really nice skill to be sure but I really feel that Soul Assumption is incredibly powerful in lane. It gives you incredible early ganking power. Otherwise good job an a neglected hero!

Thanks for your comment. I do put a few points into Soul Assumption early on. But you really don't get very many soul charges in the lane. It also doesn't scale as well as Grave Keeper's Cloak. I believe you get the most bang for buck early on by levling up his passive skill. But thank you for expressing your opinion
Nicnac | February 15, 2013 5:34am
Vorse wrote:

Bane can kill familiars with Brain Sap

Your point?
TangoNCash (3) | February 15, 2013 4:57am
I think this guide is well-conceived on the whole. My only quibble is taking so many early levels in Gravekeeper's Cloak. It's a really nice skill to be sure but I really feel that Soul Assumption is incredibly powerful in lane. It gives you incredible early ganking power. Otherwise good job an a neglected hero!
Vorse (1) | February 15, 2013 3:52am
Bane can kill familiars with Brain Sap
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