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Tips for Soloing the Offlane.

June 6, 2015 by Yossarian
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Soloing the offlane can be a daunting task. You are all alone at the edge of the map, stranded just so that Nature's Profit can jungle, or that Anti Mage can have his precious trilane. The Offlane can be the most fun lane in the game, provided you are a Hero that can handle it. In this guide I will talk the necessary mindset for soloing the offlane, good Heroes to do it with, and general tips to make it easier.

The Offlane Mindset.

Most of the time in early game DOTA you are striving for Farm, glorious, glorious Farm. Or you are trying to get your carry Farm. In the Offlane, however, you should not worry about Farm, as if you are soloing(and have half a brain), you'll get it anyway. What you are most worried about is DENYING FARM. Your Goal is twofold, make sure the enemy carry is poorer that Yoko Ono's artistic value, and you have done your job. Second, stop their pushes. This is easy, just be in lane. I mean seriously, I see so many Offlaners leaving lanes and getting our towers killed. Don't do that, please.

Choosing the Right Offlaner.

The number one trait you need to solo the offlane is TANKYNESS. You can deny farm if you are constantly running back home to Mama. Another VERY important element is HARASS. It really helps being a Ranged hero too. I have
divided up the Offlaners into four main categories, because who doesn't love categories?

1. The Tanky Tanks of Tankyness!
these are your pure damage sponges that can harass without fear of death. These are
Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Centaur Warrunner , Abbadon, Axe etc.
2. The Slippery Narks That You Just Can't Catch!
"GAWD, JUST STAHP RUNNING!". These are the guys who can get in, annoy the **** outta you, then somehow get away. These are
Timbersaw, Slark, Dark Seer, Broodmother, Slark, Riki, Clinkz, Queen of Pain and freakin' Slark.
3. Pests.
these are the guys that have some sort of spam, and aren't afraid to flood your inbox with it.
Earth Spirit, Windranger, Necrophos, Axe, Gyrocopter, Disruptor
4. HOOD HEROES (Micro heroes).
Enigma, Broodmother, Venomancer, Lycan, Beastmaster etc.

Items and You.

Tango. If you have ever read a guide in your life, you know why. Even if it is not a DOTA guide. Team Fortress 2 guides talk about Tangoes all the time. Or is that Congas? Anyway, next item.
Orb of Venom. WHY DOES NOBODY BUY THIS?! If you are a melee hero in the offlane, this little bugger can make or break ganks. So many times I have gotten first blood with this. At least consider it.
Magic Stick/ Magic Wand. Siractionslacks said it best. This item is a seatbelt. Will you need it? Probably not, but when you do, you're glad to have it. This item depends on the Hero you play and your laning enemy. Timbersaw against Viper? Pfft no. Dark Seer against Zeus? Yes.
Bracer/ Wraith Band/ Null Talisman. These are the cheap stat items. Bracer for strength heroes, Wraith Band for agility, and Null Talisman for Intelligence. These are the "oh **** I'm doing bad needs more stats" items. Not much to talk about, but they build into some good items.
Tranquil Boots. These are so under loved. If you're squishy and against someone who has good harass, pull a Slark and duck out of the action to regen some health.


If you are too lazy to read, here is the tl;dr version.
>Be a tank
>deny farm
>stay in lane
>get you some Tangos or Tranquil Boots
>Pray to Shrek
>Radiant Victory


Well, this is my first guide, so suggestions/comments/corrections wanted. It is still technically under construction, as i am taking feedback to make it better. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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