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Tiny Solo at MID very effective - for advanced Players (Deutsch)

March 25, 2013 by Flyor
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Flyor | March 29, 2013 12:03pm
Hello fredchen,
thanks for your comment!

At the past, everytime i used the bottle, i have to go back to base for reloading them. Because of Tinys speed, this takes as long as the enemy at the middle need for killing 3 creep waves. After reaching the middle again, my opponent was 2-3 levels above me. That's the reason why i don't use them anymore...

Toss is also a great stun and alle the facts you wrote are true... Nearly all the guides describe that Toss is better, i've done this in the past... And anytime i need Toss, there was no enemy to throw... So it was useless for me at this moments...

A few friends which are nice to have at the lane and the worst enemies you could get, that's would be nice, i will add them in a few days.... I will also upload the same guide in english for the other users...

The build with Null Talisman -> Dagon get realy important for me in the mid.. But if I play at a Lane, i also choose Drum's and Yasha....

I wrote the Guide during the my lunch time, so please clemency the often use of german equivalents =)

Thanks for your comment...
fredchen777 | March 26, 2013 6:21am
i'm gonna write this comment in english, since you seem to know english as well and i want the english readers to understand what i'm saying. i'm german, so i was able to read and understand your guide fyi.

when talking about a mid lane tiny, why no bottle? with your stun you can control the runesa little bit better than some other mid heros (not talking about qop or anything as mobile)..

what is the reasoning for maxing out avalanche before toss? the damage is ~same but toss has a bigger range, you dont get extra stun duration or lower cooldown, so why not max the toss? plus, it damages towers, so you can even pressure the tower a little bit.

maybe you should add some friends/foes in team and maybe a easy lane carry build with good lane partners / bad lane enemies. for example the tiny + wisp combo is really nice for split pushing and ganking because of relocate and overcharge. and maybe you should add a section where you describe when tiny is a valid pick for mid lane and when he isn't since you normally want to play against a shadow fiend since he should not get any souls with your high base damage, but you dont want to play against puck or qop because they are hard to kill.

another thing you could add item-build-wise are the two most common styles to build him. that being the arcane boots + dagger + aghanims and the movement speed - tiny with phase boots + drums + yasha early on.

after all it's a good work, although i'd recommend you translating it into english since this site is mostly visited by english speaking users and if someone doesn't know german this guide will be 0/5 for him (maybe 1/5 with item-build, although i don't agree on the null talisman -> dagon).

3/5, because there is still alot to be done. Your german is grammarwise correct and nice to read. you dont overuse the english words for everything but tend to use the german equivalents most of the time, so even the younger / less educated german speaking players understand what you mean.
Flyor | March 25, 2013 5:37pm
Thanks for your comment...

A Tango couldn't restore so much HP like a healing salve, that's why I don't use Tangos...

You need the mantle for Null Talismann, and the Null Talismann to get the Dagon later...

So, i couldn't understand what you meant, but it would be nice to hear you again!
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 25, 2013 4:46pm
I don't speak this language... BUT I can say that for a solo mid I don't see why not just go 3 GG Brantches and a Tango, save for an early bottle... since I can only assume the Mantle is for mana.
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