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Before you say anything, this was my first online Tinker game and my first ever Tinker game where i got farm so I now know that the Aghanims was probably not the best choice and i would buy Shiva's next time.
1)When going for ancients, I start with only sage mask and recipe for soul ring and snag the ring of health from side shop or via courier. I just stay back in the lane till I get to level 3 and then concentrate on ancients. This can speed things up a bit if it can be done safely.
2)I prefer blink dagger over force staff because force staff takes a fraction of a second to use. Using blink you can shift queue to blink into trees while pushing. This way the enemy wont ever see you on the minimap. Also, as you get faster with your hands you can blink dodge a ton of projectiles. The best is dodging a void chrono, so satisfying xD.
3)Ghost scepter becomes important if there is a juggernaut on the opposite team. It takes only a few slashes from his ulti to kill you.
4)Bloodstone is a great item if you are snowballing because then the mana regen does come into play. You can continuously cast dagon or hex with level 3 rearm without losing much mana.
5)You should add a friends section. Prophet, Chen, Beastmaster, etc as their summons/creeps allow you to tp into a fight even if it occurs far from a lane.
Overall a very detailed guide than the rest of the ones I read, +1 from me
You could consider adding a section about queuing commands on Tinker (usage of shift + abilities/items). For example: Tp to a lane creep-> Hold shift + blink inside trees= instant blink after arriving. This causes enemies not to know exactly where you are, since you do it so fast. Works wonders against camping stealth heroes like Nyx and Riki.
Another variation of this can be done when defending towers: Tp to tower-> hold shift+ use hex on enemy+ use dagon on enemy+ blink into trees. All this happens instantly because items have no cast time.
If you want to go agressive and kill SOLO players: Tp-> Hold shift + dagger next to enemy+ use hex+ use dagon->finish him with your Rearm combo. With this enemy gets hex'd the same moment you arrive with tp. BKBs on enemies won't help because they can't use it while sheeped. If the enemy sees you TPing to a near creep/tower and uses BKB beforehand to counter you, well... you can simply hit S to stop and watch him waste a precious BKB charge.
In my opinion Shift+clicking deserves a special mention on Tinker because of his frequent need to channel rearm and BOT. Atleast my own game play has improved enormously.
Pushing style is quite different - Tink can get in and out much quicker, and his anti-push is much better. Prophet is better at taking towers due to the extra tanking and his more developed right click.
Late game matchup very much depends on items, Prophet tends to have better right click damage, but
It's the same with
I'd say pick NP when you think you'll have plenty of safe farming time, the team needs some more right click power, and/or want to be able to jump in on ganks early. Pick
Sorry, not sure on the
Necrobook - doesn't refresh with
One thing that really annoys and confuses me is that
Also, many many people play
Finally, I'd like to know what your thoughts are on
I'd look to build
(sorry so long, also just my opinion)
1) What to do in team fight 90% of the time I just see tinkers tping at the wrong time and instantly dying.
2) Why you need to upgrade your ulti, more then once.
3) How to push the lanes correctly minimizing their deaths.
4) Tips on managing all of his items and skills.
I would also place bat rider in the bad enemies section, since he normally goes blink dagger.
Place the "when to pick" section below the "pros and cons section".
Lastly add some replays.
Other than that good work.