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Tinker Support

August 13, 2024 by DotaCoachApp
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Tinker Support

DotA2 Hero: Tinker

Hero Skills

EUREKA! (Innate)


2 13 14 16

March of the Machines

1 3 5 7

Defense Matrix

4 8 9 10


6 12 18


11 15

Hero Talents

Rearm Grants 50% Magic Resistance for 4s
250 AoE Laser
-0.5s Keen Conveyance cooldown
+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance
+40 Laser Damage
+75 Defense Matrix damage absorbed
+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction
+1s March of the Machines Duration

Tinker Support

August 13, 2024

Key Strategy

Key strategic elements to consider when playing Tinker

  • You can use Laser to blind the enemy hero and secure or deny creeps while your opponent cannot do any right click damage.
  • If the enemy laner does not have great HP regeneration, you can whittle them down with Laser spam along with right clicks and March of the Machines.
  • Ask your teammates to stack and make some yourself. You can clear multiple jungle camps and ancients with March of the Machines.
  • Look around the map to join fights or gank. Be careful not to expose yourself, especially before Blink Dagger.
  • Take your time and farm Blink Dagger as it greatly improves your survivability and kill potential.
  • Make sure to apply Defense Matrix on yourself before teleporting out of the base.
  • Alert your teammates to not fight at places where you cannot join them quickly.
  • Look for arcane and regeneration runes as you`ll be able to pump in so much more damage in the fights.
  • Fight under your vision to position yourself in a safe spot for the Laser and March of the Machines spam. You can even place the wards yourself.
  • Avoid trapping yourself in tree lines where the enemy team might have an observer ward on a cliff.
  • You can smoke yourself here and there as another layer of protection in the fights.
  • Keep buyback available as you can rejoin the fights almost instantly.
  • Tinker is an insane highground defender. Don`t give up and lift up your team`s morale.

Main Combo

Main item and ability combo

March of the Machines => Defense Matrix => Laser => Blink Dagger => Rearm => March of the Machines

Further Information

You can use this guide in Dota 2 by subscribing on Steam: In-game Guide

Find out more about Tinker on Dota Coach's Heropedia

This guide was written by immortal player Basi who is based in SEA, has +10 years of experience and coached Division 1 and Division 2 teams in Dota's Pro Circuit: View Gamer Profile

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