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29 Votes

Tinker by Dach&Max

December 5, 2012 by DachEtMax
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[-] | January 19, 2013 9:00am
100% agree with HamSandwich on the sheepstick/rearm thing, keeping your rearm at level one with a soul ring will give you a decent amount of killing power with your two skills, rocket's 2500 range means that even if they do start running you can usually get around 3 cycles on them and still have mana. After sheepstick you need a quicker rearm time to fully make use of the disable and to keep them permanently stuck, but until then there's no point coming into a fight doing only 2 cycles and being left with no mana.
666zarike | September 14, 2012 8:03am
Nice. tried this build and it worked awsome =)
Derael | August 16, 2012 3:25pm
Very nice guide. I'm quite newbie to dota yet, but played LoL quite a lot and I DOMINATED with that guide even while I made a couple of mistakes first time I played Tinker. We losed that game but mostly because of one leaver in our team. Before that we had better K/D and tower score, but hard push was so dramatic for us cuz of 4 vs 5.
For me the hardes phase was farming for Boots of Travel. But even that phase was quite easy because I hadn't been ganked (like a not really skilled enemy team, I know). But it's right so easy to farm with him like with most mid line champions. So if you are smart that quide will be even better for you and you can win without almost any deaths in late game.
And what about his ultimate, I hadn't got any problems with it right when I got travel boots. With mid items and especially with shiva's guard you have right enough mana to teleport fкom base, use all your abilities+items twiсe and teleport back to base for regen. Also you have that bottle and soul ring so it's really hard to have problems with mana.
That's my opinion on this guide and it is really awesome).
Glayde (13) | August 12, 2012 6:18am
I like keeping rearm at level 2. Level 1 takes too long, but level 3 costs waaaaay too much mana. And that Dagon idea doesn't seem too bad. I think I'll test it.
FlyingWaffle (1) | July 29, 2012 2:14pm
With Dagon, couldn't you just hit, rearm, hit, then they would be dead? That is 1600 damage, I'm not sure if it's pure or not, but still, it does more damage than Tinkers abilities.
Adronius | April 8, 2012 3:04am
Totally agree. Skill build is good. And even I learn something new from item build. Thumb-up!
booshes (1) | April 6, 2012 4:22pm
Just a thought, but I find using Rearm in teamfights to take a HUGE toll on my mana, so much that I can't cast more than one follow up spell(usually Laser). Seeing as the Mana cost goes up as you level it, is keeping Rearm at Lvl 1 for the 200 decrease in Mana cost(and another ability in a fight) worth the 3 seconds rearm time?
permadaze | January 30, 2012 8:36am
thumbs up
HamSandwich (34) | January 10, 2012 8:14am
I usually take rearm level 2&3 after I finish sheepstick.
Banderas | January 9, 2012 1:21am
Approved! :)
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