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Whoa good point :-) So what you are saying is , you can get a bottle before the first ruin ? That still relies on you getting every single creep though, I don't think i am on that level yet to do that consistently. Dota is such a complex game and every single thing is situational.
But on second thought if i have a null and branch for that little extra stat gain, i stand a better chance of getting all the last hits. My problem is i focus too much on denying and often lose out on last hits while denying.
Sorry, I don't think I clarified my point.
There are 2 ways to build tinker, imho.
1. 2 pooled tangoes, 2 iron branches. Costs 100 gold. You have 525 gold left over. You then pick up the rune, which brings you back up to 625. You need to get 1 last-hit to get your bottle.
2. Null Tali + Faerie Fire + Iron Branch. Costs 595. You have 35 gold left over. You get the rune, which brings you to 135. You buy a Salve. You get the salve. You bully the enemy mid really hard with your auto-attacks, and your stat superiority should let you get most last-hits.
Both of these allow you to get the bottle out by the 2 minute rune.
But on second thought if i have a null and branch for that little extra stat gain, i stand a better chance of getting all the last hits. My problem is i focus too much on denying and often lose out on last hits while denying.
It's something along the lines of: 2 pooled tangoes and 2
And honestly, starting out with Null + Iron branch + Tango is reeeeeaaally good.
A bottle costs 660. A full wave is 165 remember? Which means you should have 330 + 100 = 430 gold by minute 1. Which also means that you can get a bottle out before the 2 minute rune.
Try it and see for yourself!
Dota is not only about your item timings, but that of the opposition too.
Thank you all for taking the time to comment on my guide (although i see it more as a statement than a guide) I do believe Bottle first is the best way to go 90 % of the time.
Sofa..maybe the opposing mid is actually trying to zone him and deny creeps?
You also need to refill your bottle and even if you push before doing that you sometimes loose a creep or two.
I am not saying that you are wrong - this isn't the best score but I think it shows that everyone can achieve this amount of gold if he can play tinker to a good level.
I'm not going to count the 625 starting gold.
A melee creep = ~40 gold
A ranged creep = ~45 gold
A full wave = 3 melee + 1 ranged.
A full wave = 165 gold.
1 min = 2 full waves.
1 min = 330 gold
Therefore, maximum GPM without kills is 430 gpm (330 + 100 base)
You got 340 gpm.
You got 430 - 90 gpm
You missed one range creep every wave.
You missed even more if you got kills.
Is that something to be proud of?
3100 is only 340 gpm, right?
Same as BoT at min 7 :)