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He, first off all nice guide with a pleasing appearance.
As already discussed I do not consider
Also I think a offlane build could be integrated since it has become pretty common. Sure, there is not so many points to change, but some point to be mentioned (e.g. skilling Backtrack over
One thing I personally do not like at all is writing the title in capslock. Imo this makes the guide appear to be unserious, which does not match its content. Same goes for calling your own guide "awesome", which is to be jugded by the viewers.
Anyway, good job, keep going.
BKB is needed every game because even if there are no disables to start with, 1 euls or halberd will completely screw up the fight for you if you dont have it. so unless your enemies completely ignore the fact that there is a void on your team you will end with a BKB EVERY SINGLE GAME.
and once again, refresher orb is core EVERY GAME. there is no item that gives better lategame or DPS to void then refresher.
that extra crit or butterfly wont do jack **** against an enemy carry buyback or multiple important targets.
i honestly dont see how ANY item in the game will have a higher impact.
its like getting an abyssal blade on
As already discussed I do not consider
Also I think a offlane build could be integrated since it has become pretty common. Sure, there is not so many points to change, but some point to be mentioned (e.g. skilling Backtrack over
One thing I personally do not like at all is writing the title in capslock. Imo this makes the guide appear to be unserious, which does not match its content. Same goes for calling your own guide "awesome", which is to be jugded by the viewers.
Anyway, good job, keep going.
i dont see why you should not get refresher without scepter. if you go that build you go to the other extreme of getting low damage.
its not purely about the time that chrono is up, but more about the different positioning of the second so you can trap another enemy.
The problem with putting Refresher Or into the "lategame core" section without the Aghanim's Scpeter is, that you DONT have enough mana to sustain a second sphere. FV has ~52 Int at level 25 (!). 60 if you use Powertreads. 60*13 = 780 mana. Timewalk (90) + Sphere (200) + Refresher (370) + 2nd Spehre (200) = 860 Cost in total, thats 80 mana short...which you also cant regen fast enough during your first sphere. Also i didnt even count the MoM so far ....well its just 25, but still.
EDIT: NVM...i stand corrected.... forgot about the INT and mana regen you get from the orb itself :3 ...althou it could still be a problem if you are not high enough in levels ...since i calculated with lvl 25 FV stats.
Good guide btw ^.^
Wouldnt a core refresher not work since you dont have enough mana?
you will have enough, and plenty enough to spare if you choose to treadswitch, also you will have about 9 mana regen so using 25 mana for mask of madness and another jump wont be a problem.
This is a safe lane build, right? Because an offlane build, as Kyphoid said, could be very useful for all the people who think Void is only a "hard carry". Still, +1 because it's not an outdated build.
The guide is good, though I always get a
i dont think i will really make a different offlane build because as i said there is no real difference in their builds apart from situational item choices which i mentioned.
and personally i dont like getting the butterfly over refresher after you have damage. you dont have to get refresher before damage, but both 1 damage item and refresher are core. but butterfly can never have as much influence as a refresher. especially that late into the game where you are starting to need it and enemies can build MKB's anyway.
ill probably add gyro to good teammates, even though its not the most common combo its pretty nasty.
jugger i dont see as that of an amazing combo.
pugna i might add, timber i dont see much as a threat, since you can often evade the chrakram and timber wants to move freely into the fight and chrono is the perfect spell to deny him that space to move.
I'm glad you touched on common hero combos with void, which as you portrayed, are great in number. I am also glad you acknowledged that void is a character whose builds vary depending on the game situation. However, as one who is experienced with the game and with Faceless Void himself, I find a lot of item choices in this guide to be a little off.
First off, Refresher is a situational item. While double chrono is neat thing, and with certain combos can be devastating, void is not picked for chrono alone. He is picked because he is one of the hardest carries in the game, who is capable of killing entire teams by himself. Void is not one of those one-trick pony characters like beast master is. Youre going to fight people outside of chronosphere. No competent team is going to let you get 5 man chronos every single fight. Things like blink, manta, or linken"s aren't going to help you. Instead of these, why not get a BKB? That way there is almost nothing that can disrupt you outside of chronosphere, or even when you don't have chronosphere.
Also, everyone buys a damn mask of madness, and it pisses me off because it is not a core item. There is more to your character than RNG Bashes you may or may not get. Don't get me wrong, attack spead is important, but you're turning a squishy character into an even squishier character by making him take an extra 30% damage for 12 seconds. It's good if you need to do things in the early game, but late game it's just going to end up being the waste of an inventory slot. You're an agi hero, you're not exactly deprived of attack speed. If you want to jungle, get a poor mans, and get a ring of health that you can turn into a battle fury, that lets you do damage to everyone in chrono at once. A poor mans and a ring of health combined is cheaper than a mask, and you should be getting a poor mans anyway.
Speaking of item progression. Orb of venom? Are you going to build a skadi with that? Save yourself inventory space, if you need early game presence than just buy a mask and bkb and right click away.
refresher is not situational, its absolute core. i dont know how you can say that any item will have more of an impact then refresher. say you have MoM, BKB, mjollnir and MKB. a refresher will have a bigger impact then any item. what will a deadalus or butterfly do when you already kill anything in chronosphere anyways? refresher is a better lategame item on void then ANY item.
and he is a one trick pony, he is picked for chrono alone since that spell is what makes him so good lategame, time lock is nice and all but a melee carry with just OK mobility wont be able to just permabash an enemy in lategame with a 5 sec BKB. and backtrack is nice but not gamebreaking lategame against a lot of autoattacks. there is no carry in the game worse then void without chrono.
BKB was always in core items and linkens and stuff is extremely situational, have you read the guide well?
and the
the only reason void is played a lot nowadays in both pubs and professional games is because this build was discovered.
and its not like you wont get bashes CAUSE RNG, you will get them, pretty consistently actually because in dota its psuedo random.
so i see no reason to not get mask of madness unless you are against a zeus/lina/lion and even then its situational not to get it.
also please read more then just the top of the guide if you disagree with something. saying you shouldnt get orb of venom because you dont build skadi is like saying you shouldnt get null talisman as a mid death prophet because you wont build dagon. its all about being stronger in lane, and even if OOV gives you 1 kill its worth it.
If you're really planing to make
Void Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb
i dont see why you should not get refresher without scepter. if you go that build you go to the other extreme of getting low damage.
its not purely about the time that chrono is up, but more about the different positioning of the second so you can trap another enemy.
Nice guide, but like all guides I review, I'm going to now make fun of it. In dota, there really is no Item that is the best choice 100% of the time. Rushing
as i said in reponse to starbucks i dont really see a situation where you dont get get it apart from a very rare situation.
if you run at the enemy without chrono and ESPECIALLY without bkb activated you are playing it wrong.
its all about a good buildup, not about getting ready for lategame by only buying big items.
also i dont see a reason to ever get heart on void, i know its a popular item but its pretty bad on most non strength heroes.
If you're really planing to make
Void Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb
The thing with
If you are going for a build more oriented for late game then I don't think aghs is needed, you have enough damage to bring down at least half of their team within 9~10 seconds, and an extra slot for either survivability or more damage would probably be better than extra 2 seconds of chrono and a 20 second cooldown difference.
For a position 2 or 3 void sure, but I doubt refresher without aghs is actually dumb.
Void Aghanim's Scepter + Refresher Orb
I'm glad you touched on common hero combos with void, which as you portrayed, are great in number. I am also glad you acknowledged that void is a character whose builds vary depending on the game situation. However, as one who is experienced with the game and with Faceless Void himself, I find a lot of item choices in this guide to be a little off.
First off, Refresher is a situational item. While double chrono is neat thing, and with certain combos can be devastating, void is not picked for chrono alone. He is picked because he is one of the hardest carries in the game, who is capable of killing entire teams by himself. Void is not one of those one-trick pony characters like beast master is. Youre going to fight people outside of chronosphere. No competent team is going to let you get 5 man chronos every single fight. Things like blink, manta, or linken"s aren't going to help you. Instead of these, why not get a BKB? That way there is almost nothing that can disrupt you outside of chronosphere, or even when you don't have chronosphere.
Also, everyone buys a damn mask of madness, and it pisses me off because it is not a core item. There is more to your character than RNG Bashes you may or may not get. Don't get me wrong, attack spead is important, but you're turning a squishy character into an even squishier character by making him take an extra 30% damage for 12 seconds. It's good if you need to do things in the early game, but late game it's just going to end up being the waste of an inventory slot. You're an agi hero, you're not exactly deprived of attack speed. If you want to jungle, get a poor mans, and get a ring of health that you can turn into a battle fury, that lets you do damage to everyone in chrono at once. A poor mans and a ring of health combined is cheaper than a mask, and you should be getting a poor mans anyway.
Speaking of item progression. Orb of venom? Are you going to build a skadi with that? Save yourself inventory space, if you need early game presence than just buy a mask and bkb and right click away.
I disagree. I honestly don't see any other reason to pick void apart from
Most of the items you question are listed as situational, with specific times when they are useful. And
First off, Refresher is a situational item. While double chrono is neat thing, and with certain combos can be devastating, void is not picked for chrono alone. He is picked because he is one of the hardest carries in the game, who is capable of killing entire teams by himself. Void is not one of those one-trick pony characters like beast master is. Youre going to fight people outside of chronosphere. No competent team is going to let you get 5 man chronos every single fight. Things like blink, manta, or linken"s aren't going to help you. Instead of these, why not get a BKB? That way there is almost nothing that can disrupt you outside of chronosphere, or even when you don't have chronosphere.
Also, everyone buys a damn mask of madness, and it pisses me off because it is not a core item. There is more to your character than RNG Bashes you may or may not get. Don't get me wrong, attack spead is important, but you're turning a squishy character into an even squishier character by making him take an extra 30% damage for 12 seconds. It's good if you need to do things in the early game, but late game it's just going to end up being the waste of an inventory slot. You're an agi hero, you're not exactly deprived of attack speed. If you want to jungle, get a poor mans, and get a ring of health that you can turn into a battle fury, that lets you do damage to everyone in chrono at once. A poor mans and a ring of health combined is cheaper than a mask, and you should be getting a poor mans anyway.
Speaking of item progression. Orb of venom? Are you going to build a skadi with that? Save yourself inventory space, if you need early game presence than just buy a mask and bkb and right click away.