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3 Votes

Time Stopper

September 11, 2012 by Ismokecokez
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Ismokecokez | September 11, 2012 6:47pm
SuperNova wrote:

Could you explain why you would take battle fury? It does synergize with crystalys but thats a lot of gold to spend and i dont think time lock affects cleaved units. also 1.75% crit damage isnt much.

Because when you could do a lot more dps (damage per second) in the chronosphere once you are fed. Known to me, faceless void is the hardest carry in the game and once it gets it's basic items, its unstoppable and will be more op than ursa or anyone you think that is op. That's why getting a battle fury for faceless void is good because you could kill multiple people inside the choronosphere.
Sp12 (25) | September 11, 2012 1:33pm
Battlefury used to be really popular on void as a farming item. He also needs consistent regen for both mana and health so the perseverance isn't bad. I mean, it doesn't give bad damage for the gold and cleave can work if they fail positioned in your chrono.

I mean, I wouldn't build it in most games but it's OK.
SuperNova (16) | September 11, 2012 7:35am
Could you explain why you would take battle fury? It does synergize with crystalys but thats a lot of gold to spend and i dont think time lock affects cleaved units. also 1.75% crit damage isnt much.
jaslam (21) | September 11, 2012 6:20am
Hades4u is completely correct.. +1
Ironically butterfly is probably one of the best items with void for that reason, probably better than anyone. mini-bash from MKB, also the point you deal bonus damage, is not considered a 'bash'
25% backtrack + 35% evasion - they are both considered as seperate instances (ie, you can backtrack the hit, if it fails, then D2 will calculate the probability of evading the hit)
Hades4u (296) | September 11, 2012 3:52am
Starbucks 64 wrote:

You shouldn't be getting butterfly and mkb on void because his bash and his evasion do not stack.

Actually... The evasion does stack, and anyway, the bash from Monkey King Bar doesn't have anything to do with his passive bash.

To confirm what I just said, please visit this link.
Starbucks 64 (3) | September 11, 2012 3:07am
You shouldn't be getting butterfly and mkb on void because his bash and his evasion do not stack.
NotSureIf (16) | September 11, 2012 2:31am
All I can recommend you to do is to add a description to justify what your builds are about. The skill and item builds are pretty nice. Perhaps add some notes about why players shouldn't grab a Mask of Madness instead of the items you have, who Faceless Void is good/bad against and so on.
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