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4 Votes


February 23, 2014 by SOHEARNY
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Donald0son (1) | May 2, 2014 12:56am
I really doubted the blink pick up on Timber before until the other night playing ranked when a timber picked up a blink and man that guy went crazy, brilliant to watch and glad he was on my team so i defnitely love the blink pick up on him but is for sure situational though if you perfect it with him it clearly can devestate.

I really like the guide, love to play Timber, i agree with the platemail and also agree hood can be great depending on the enemy hero's.

Thanks for the guide bro, good work.
Timminatorr (57) | February 24, 2014 11:28am
Timbersaw is my favorite hero and i can say that Platemail intantly after Bloodstone is a great choice. if i get bloodstone really early i might get travels or blink first, but against teams with decent physical damage you start needing extra armor badly after 20 minutes.
against more magic damage i might get a hood first, but it really depends on their hero composition, i might even get a casual cloak or platemail and then build into a different item.
GotYou | February 22, 2014 2:51pm
I think taking a 3rd Iron Branch over Healing Salve is a significant mistake if you're heading into the offlane.
That aside, the guide feels fairly complete in terms of items. Nevertheless, I don't agree with Platemail being a core item. Though, I see the benefits and in most games it probably is a safe bet to get it.
SupercellMiku | February 22, 2014 2:37pm
LeGentleman wrote:

I also dont really think blink dagger should even be considered with his already amazing mobility.

I can see it being used once or twice in a game, but the only times you would need to is if you're either getting kited hard, or trees everywhere are gone constantly. It's not that it shouldn't be considered, but it should only be done so, if there are no trees on the map anymore. However, I really never play Timby, so from what I read, you're right. It wouldn't be needed, ever.
LeGentleman (2) | February 22, 2014 2:18pm
Its a nice guide, but i really dont think Platemail is "Core".
I also dont really think blink dagger should even be considered with his already amazing mobility.
Although i do rather enjoy Shivas, i find myself building more often into a heart or blademail after finishing my bloodstone.

Good guide nonetheless. id give it 4/5 Chainsaws
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