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it really is the end bit that says it all, you need to convince them that tide is a carry.
You seem to genuinely believe that Tidehunter is a carry. There is absolutely nothing to make him a carry. His q slows and reduces armor. His w lets him tank. His e does good damage. His ult stuns everyone. None of these abilities make him a carry. With your logic, every initiater in the game is a carry.
however, my bro plays the same build - and his is the best.
gush, smash, smash, shell,smash, ravage, smash, shellx3, ravage, stats..
And he builds this way as a support. so no radiance, just arcane boots and creep stacking. walking tank, solid slow - 225 damage, arcane boots, nice little ravage - I'm the carry and now farmed my *** off.. gg