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17 Votes

Thrall - Disruptor

July 9, 2012 by mokug
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ReevoH | July 11, 2012 12:06pm
My first time playing Disruptor I maxed Thunder Strike and netted a few kills and was able to contribute damage in early fights. I think sometimes a support is supporting more with damage than if they had maxed none damage spells such as Kinetic Field or Glimpse.

That is not to say you shouldn't put points into non-damage spells, of course you should. I guess my support playstyle is more aggressive.

A similar example would be how I play Witch Doctor. I always max out Maledict and Paraylyzing Cask first because of how strong it is early game. I always save Voodoo Restoration for last. Some say that is crazy but I always net kills for my team with early Maledict levels which usually gives my team the advantage.
WorkPants (7) | July 9, 2012 10:07am
FrostDK wrote:

Would it work out better changing the Arcane boots into boots of travel as the game progresses?

Always an option if the game either goes super late or features a lot of split pushing (and possibly backdooring). Whether or not replacing Arcane Boots for Boots of Travel is worth it always differs to your judgement (unless you have five Luxuries + Arcane Boots).
FrostDK | July 9, 2012 8:57am
Would it work out better changing the Arcane boots into boots of travel as the game progresses?
mokug | July 9, 2012 4:42am
Those are good ideas, but it seems that it would be risky. Unless you are going into a match with a pre-made team, then it would work very well.
And I agree with you completely on Thunder Strike, it only makes sense that it should give you true sight for the target being shocked. That would be a very deadly combo with Glimpse.
Surprisingly I do get a lot of kills with that skill (most probably early game). People being stupid or what ever it may be, they like to stay in they lane with low hp if you kept harassing them, give you the chance to pull off one more hit them thunder striking them. Watching them run away while it kills them.
jaslam (21) | July 9, 2012 3:13am
more of a question - than a comment on this guide
IMO - Thunder Strike is one of the ****tiest nukes going. I mean it's just bad.. no real damage/presence. tiny AOE which the enemies would need to be ******ed to get hit by. and not exactly spammable with a 14 sec cd. That's more than likely 1 use a clash, 2 if you can keep up.

Max Glimpse and Kinetic Field (glimpse first) and just not leveling Thunder Strike AT ALL - will probably be a great build. level 7 Glimpse has a 30 sec cd, however that is basically 1 use per wave. If you have a strong (early level) DPS lane partner, like Huskar or Slardar, that's easy kills every time.

I think Thunder Strike needs to be reworked, like giving truesight of something aoe around the target being hit (simimlar to Zues). only last 4 secs, but with gondar's and riki's that's enough. or a scalling AOE dmg that goes up (or down) to have greater presence. I mean you can't even farm creeps properly with the skill :S - the true sight will synergize well with glimpse, as your range gets further, and will have use at night.
Or simply level it once to give you the sight, and make casting glimpse easier?
Sp12 (25) | July 7, 2012 3:48pm
Needs some work, as early field is almost always worse than nuke+glimpse. If you get enough farm to consider anything past Mek you're probably doing it wrong, but Rod of Atos is a very solid item.
Squirrelly | July 7, 2012 2:00pm
I enjoy picking up Rod of Atos after my Force Staff just to get the extra boost in not only damage, but health, and it also makes landing Kinetic Field + Static Storm even easier.
WorkPants (7) | July 6, 2012 11:13pm
Leech wrote:

Getting a point in glimpse earlier is very important IMO. I don't see a need to save it until level 10.

I agree with this, +0.5s on Kinetic Field simply doesn't compare to Level 1 Glimpse.
mokug | July 6, 2012 8:16pm
I am still having some more play time with him to find out what can work the best. Least to the way I play him.
Leech (25) | July 6, 2012 6:29pm
Getting a point in glimpse earlier is very important IMO. I don't see a need to save it until level 10.
mokug | July 6, 2012 6:03pm
Those are good ideas. It would depend the team that you are up against for what items to strive for.
I found when I was play him, I didnt have much use for using glimpse at beginning game, or would be running out of mana to quick. But they are great ideas!
RedHair_Shanks | July 6, 2012 12:10pm
Nice build, i've done an Orchyd Malevolence instead of the Vyze, worked well, and a chiva's gard next. But i'm not so good to critisize others people builds :D
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