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17 Votes

Thrall - Disruptor

July 9, 2012 by mokug
Comments: 13    |    Views: 85327    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Build 1

DotA2 Hero: Disruptor

Hero Skills

Electromagnetic Repulsion (Innate)

Thunder Strike

1 4 5 8


2 7 9 11

Kinetic Field

3 10 12 13

Static Storm



14 15 16 17 18

Thrall - Disruptor

July 9, 2012


A build that works for me, but still trying to fine tune it. (open for input)

Disruptor is not a difficult hero to play, but with skill can become very strong. He is a hero that is very strong in team battles, supporting them with his skills and items. Also he works well in the outside lanes or even solo in the middle.


Disruptors skills are very versatile, great for trapping your enemy's, tossing them around the map, or saving your self or allies from sudden doom.

First things first, You want to get Thunder Strike maxed out. It does a decent amount of damage, hits your enemy's 3 times in a row, and has a good casting range so you don't need to jump into the mosh pit. You can catch enemy's off guard with low or medium health, then using Glimpse while they run away for you or your allies to finish them off.

Glimpse is a very handy skill with a crazy range when maxed out. You can use this skill to bring back enemy's who are running away or push back a hero that is chasing you down. For those tricky heros who like blink out of your Kinetic Field, with good timing you can use Glimpse to trap them once again. Also while you are trying to take down a tower, you don't need to sweat if you see a enemy trying to teleport in, just use Glimpse to send them back to where ever they came from. Because you can use this skill at such a great distance, it is a good idea to carry Wards with you.

Kinetic Field is the skill that required the most skill to master becuase of its delay after you cast it to actually trap your enemy's. Even if your not the best at capturing someone inside the field, it is a good skill for saving your allies in need; since they can run through it and your enemy's cannot. Kinetic Field also works hand in hand with Static Storm. With no where for your enemy's to run to, it can allow Static Storm to build up its damage on all the enemy's inside the field.

Static Storm is a odd ultimate. You should only put 1 point into it at level 6 then not worry about it until later in your match. Because by upgrading it, the damage barely increases and makes your waist more of your mana doing so. More or less, you use this skill for its silence and a little bit of extra damage if you have a couple enemy heroes trapped inside your Kinetic Field.


Personally I find Disruptor doesn't need a lot of mana items unlike other heroes. Having Arcane Boots can keep your supply of mana until you work on your late game items like Eul or Vyse.
Since you will be mainly spending your time in groups, I found it was a good idea to pick up Mekansm. The aura and heal can help you and your team mates in early and mid game during those tricky situations, saving someone from death or giving that little boost to finish an enemy off.
Then when it comes to the final game, you should choose between Eul's Scepter or Scythe of Vyse. Both items can work very well in aiding you with your Kenetic Field skill, allowing the field to form leaving your enemys traped. Eul is cheaper to acquire, so if your not playing a good game I would recommend this item. If you did well farming, I would recommend Vyse, having that +35 Int will increase your damage output nicely.
Then there is the Force Staff, a good item to help you escape or to jump ahead to catch your enemy.
Orchid Malevolence can be a good item to have as well. With its nice stats plus the 25% damage increase, you and your team can easily burn down your enemy's.
I thought Dagon is a nice item to pick up if your playing a good game. Upgrading this can do a good amount of damage, helping you take down those high HP heroes. But its not a item that you should stress about having.

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