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Cheap give nice stats and speed bonus plus,with boots ans Eul, make you really hard to chase/escape from.
Actually, lots of discussions because it's topic of the week at Reddit.
I quite like your guide but there is one thing I thought you could mention. You extensively talk about how DP is semi-dependent on farm and really shouldn't be played as a hard support to maximize the dmg on her ult.
I find that to be true and therefore often times go for kind of cheap items like Eul's but foremost Vanguard.
I feel the block, health and regen from Vanguard can be really usseful if you are not given the farm for a quick Bloodstone, which will often times be the case when you play with other priority farmers.
An offlane with another nuker/support, effectively splitting the farm seems to work fairly well.
Whether you agree or disagree with me, an answer would be highly appreciated :D
Think AC is a fair assessment of a good 2nd large item for her (I wouldn't get it before some essentials for mana/hp) - certainly the reduced armour isn't something I'd thought of. Will add it to the list of luxury options. For most games I'd suggest going in with a mindset of making your mana pool deep enough to be able to spam
Not quite so sure about the mek, sure the stats that if offers would be useful for her, but you really need to get it as early as possible for it to be effective, and that means that you're delaying a mana regeneration item and potentially slowing your midgame. Certainly could see it on a support DP, but I'm not totally sold on that concept. Same with Tranquil boots really - they have some very useful effects, but as a tank you're going to get hit and could lose them at a vital moment. Again, probably better for a support Prophet.
Dazzle does get a mention for ulti already - agree he's potentially one of your strongest allies.
DP also has very strong int growth, making attack speed items like treads/midas/lothar's/assault curi*** semiviable at giving her good rightclick. In fact AC is a pretty common extension as her ulti obviously benefits from armor reduction, and she needs armor to maximize her large str growth. Of course you have to weigh the benefit of rightclicking over moving/casting, and Shiva's competes with AC as the extension of the mid-game platemail.
I see no mention of mekansm, despite the fact that she's a pretty common Mek carrier. In fact it's like her 4th most common item at dotabuff (obviously helped by the fact that she can use any boots). She obviously uses the HP boost and armor well along with the pushing synergy it offers. Another unmentioned item is tranquil boots -- they synergize well with her large HP but low armor as well as movespeed bonus from witchcraft, and disassemble into an eventual pipe, mek, or force staff with potential basilius for pushing.
I think you should add dazzle as your best friend. Armor for you to take advantage of your HP pool, armor reduction for your enemies to maximize your ulti, along with heals/shallow grave for when you're taking focus fire.