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8 Votes

They who live by the wand shall die by my blade!

September 28, 2012 by Sallomi
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Sallomi (2) | September 28, 2012 12:05pm
Elemming wrote:

can you put some text on so people how have not played anti-mage before know what to do + so people know why you use the items you use

if you put the text on i think you could get to the top + i will give it + 1 :-)

OK buddy, i've added text and even credited you for making me bothered enough to do it :D
Elemming | September 26, 2012 1:50am
can you put some text on so people how have not played anti-mage before know what to do + so people know why you use the items you use

if you put the text on i think you could get to the top + i will give it + 1 :-)
Spock#262527 | September 1, 2012 7:10am
You can not go Vangaurd first if you're getting a Bfury. The point of a Bfury is to get it nice and early and be able to farm insanely fast. Vangaurd -> Manta -> Basher is not a must, just a different build then the Bfury build.
TardRifle | August 30, 2012 5:06am
Lol IT'S A LOL***
Sallomi (2) | August 22, 2012 10:24am
ty fishy :) and go away lol***!
Fishy (2) | August 22, 2012 4:46am
Normally i build both Vanguard and B-fury so health regen isn't a problem.In that case i would prefer Butterfly over the Heart as it isn't really needed.

Your skill build and items are a pretty solid guide so i'll +1 for that.
Sallomi (2) | August 22, 2012 4:29am
vangard delays battlefury too much, thats why you get heart straight after the manta style, this build if for serious farming and not really even joining your team for as long as possible, i put the other less greedy one aswell in the 2nd build for me (vangard treds manta) i thought abysall covered skull basher, thats why i didn't put both, its redundent, i dunno why ethereal is there xD i'll remove it. Also, 2levels of blink early are generally fine and useually you want a strong lane when playing as anti mage.

Edit:Also, spell shield scales very poorly however lv 1 is definatly worth it iearly (such as phantom assassin's blur) and since you don't have a high hp pool leveling it over mana break is a pretty bad idea because if your keeping your foes on low mana, your far more likley to live over having another 26%magic resistance, obvouisly if your lane is very hard (which means you can't realy do this build, do build 2 insted) its better to get blink over mana break, but its still better than maxing spell shield.
StevenLK (10) | August 22, 2012 3:26am
Unless you are harassing a lot, mana break should not take priority over blink and spell shield. One point in it should be enough for early game since being survivable is much more important.
Hades4u (296) | August 22, 2012 3:05am

Also, Vanguard is a must not a situational, you need that health, regeneration and damage block, it's great for Anti-Mage.

Also, where's Skull Basher? That item is a must for him, after getting Vanguard and Manta Style, and later upgrading it into Abyssal Blade.
rayzorpenguin | August 22, 2012 2:47am
ethereal is bad for am
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