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8 Votes

They who live by the wand shall die by my blade!

September 28, 2012 by Sallomi
Comments: 10    |    Views: 12658    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Hard Carry Anti mage

DotA2 Hero: Anti-Mage

Hero Skills

Persecutor (Innate)

Mana Break

2 12 13 14


1 4 5 7


3 15 17 18

Mana Void

6 11 16


8 9 10

They who live by the wand shall die by my blade!

September 28, 2012


Hello, this is my guide for Anti-Mage, I've played anti mage for probs +100games and i've used many different builds and i find that this general build will almost always work, read on for explanations.

Skill build

I used to max mana break for early game harass with 1 point in spell shield (lv 4) and maxing blink 2nd, while this is great if your in a strong lane, it leaves anti mage incredibly weak in terms of str in the mid-game, so recently i've adopted whats known as the "Burning build" (popularised by DK Burning i think) which is getting 1 level in mana break and spell shield while maxing blink and getting stats afterwards. I've stated to start levelling mana break at lv 12, but i'd say its best to level it when you have gotten your battle-fury, whenever that may be, as stats are far more useful to anti mage than mana burn pre-manta style.

Spell shield scales poorly but is fantastic at lv 1(basicly doubles magic resistance) so I get the 1 early level (usually 2 but sometimes three if in a trilane) and just leave spell shild at that till fairly late game (usually between lvs 17-20)

Item build

As Anti-mage, I always get poor mans shield insted of vanguard, it basicly gives 1 armor and the damage block, and for a hero like anti mage, just that 1 point of armor can literally save your life, and its a much cheaper option than vanguard (difficult to get a vanguard if building a battlefury). So unless farming very well i get boots of speed (or ring of health first) poormans, treds, then finish battlefury, from here you farm up a manta, anti mage is almost useless at this stage before getting manta style.

I go ulti orb first insted of Yasha as the extra hp is very useful as all your doing is farming at this stage as you still can't fight until the finished manta.

After manta style, you will have to go heart after this as your biggest problem is HP as you skipped vangard, heart+spell shield=TANK

After this its between two options, completely situational, butterfly, abyssal blade, or BKB.

Abyssal if your team lacks stuns, or butterfly if your opponent has a hard carry (e.g drow morph void pa)

I'd say only get a BKB on this hero if your against a team that has lots of disable/is stacking sheep sticks, unless your getting completely chain stuned i'd recommend butterfly or abyssal instead, as bkb removes the illusion confusion and makes spell shield useless.



Just farm, unless you have a strong laning partner or are in a trilane, in that case just kill and don't forget to farm :P


You should have a bfury by now, best thing to do is it jungle and split push towers while your team fights, honestly unless you can land an awsome ulti that catches 2 or 3, your useless in teamfights

>30mins or at manta style

try and create a good balance between fighting and farming, you havn't reached near full potential yet, but you can now defiantly contribute.


Have fun carrying your team buddy!

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