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There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity (6.85 guide)

November 30, 2015 by nwoh99
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nwoh99 | November 29, 2015 8:09pm
Brutal Jones wrote:

Great guide. This is a great help to me because often find myself stuck on which items to build on him since so many of them seem to have synergy with Jugg. He feels pretty versatile as far as carries go. He seems to do everything well--Fight, farm, gank, even push.

Like you said, really fun hero to play, and he's been buffed pretty much non-stop for years so he's pretty viable at all brackets I think.

Thanks. I've updated my guide, you should read it again. Like you said, he is a great carry as he can fight, farm and push well. He's received an Agi gain nerf from 2.85 to 2.4 in 6.83c and a cast range nerf from 450 to 350 for Omnislash in 6.83b. He was much stronger in 6.83 tbh.
Brutal Jones | November 29, 2015 5:53pm
Great guide. This is a great help to me because often find myself stuck on which items to build on him since so many of them seem to have synergy with Jugg. He feels pretty versatile as far as carries go. He seems to do everything well--Fight, farm, gank, even push.

Like you said, really fun hero to play, and he's been buffed pretty much non-stop for years so he's pretty viable at all brackets I think.
nwoh99 | November 28, 2015 2:51am
vtecmag wrote:

I thought putting points into stats early was the new thing on Jugger. The Redit people bash the BF build but I still think its the way to go.

The early orb of venom is gross on jugger too and should at least be an option. If your enemy stands in and takes a few hits and then decides to run its lights out for them early game.

Getting max spin helps you get early kills. Yeah Battlefury build is the way to go for me too. I added the orb of venom to situational early game items, thanks for the suggestion!
vtecmag | November 27, 2015 9:50pm
I thought putting points into stats early was the new thing on Jugger. The Redit people bash the BF build but I still think its the way to go.

The early orb of venom is gross on jugger too and should at least be an option. If your enemy stands in and takes a few hits and then decides to run its lights out for them early game.
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