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21 Votes

The way to be the best Assassin

July 14, 2012 by KrankerToaster
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Jardio | September 8, 2012 4:37pm
This is honestly the worst build I have ever seen before, dont even look at this build at all.
xelacroix | August 4, 2012 4:30pm
no early refraction? are u kidding me
Hades4u (296) | July 18, 2012 3:52am
You didn't even explain how to play Lanaya... What will the beginners do? Yeah, they may have a build to use, but they won't know how to play the hero since you didn't explain.
Talix | July 17, 2012 1:13pm
Is this guide meant to be a troll post? No dagger is just worthless, period - 0/10
Blitxxen (7) | July 15, 2012 7:24am
Xenasis wrote:

Power Treads are situational I'd say, but traps don't have too low of a cool down when you consider it's her only CC - and she still needs to close the gap somehow, she has no innate blink or speed buff.

Both are definitely viable and noteworthy, however - though I'd definitely say Phase Boots are a lot stronger in most situations for chases.

Thats a point I give to phase boots, its a really good choise for hunting down enemies, but with phase boots, at lvl 12 (items = Phase boots, blink dagger, medalion of courage, bottle) your health is like 900 bar, wich doesnt even reach the 1k, so she is mainly squishy, thats why people take refraction first. But as you said, both are viable choises, lets leave it like that.
Xenasis (11) | July 14, 2012 4:54pm
Blitxxen wrote:

I agree with you at all, except for Phase boots. He psionic traps have really low cooldown has well the time of 50% slow is way too much (11 secs I believe). So catching up to an enemy isnt hard for her.
I find it more useful buying power treads on her as she is such a squishy hero and the bonus attack speed is good for her, but mainly for stats. Refraction can be easily broken by some heroes like doom, pudge and venomancer, and you want extra health when that happens.

Power Treads are situational I'd say, but traps don't have too low of a cool down when you consider it's her only CC - and she still needs to close the gap somehow, she has no innate blink or speed buff.

Both are definitely viable and noteworthy, however - though I'd definitely say Phase Boots are a lot stronger in most situations for chases.
Blitxxen (7) | July 14, 2012 10:24am
Xenasis wrote:

This guide made me want to cry. Except for the particular reference that made me want to Smile Smile Smile.

Some points you may want to consider -
  • Only take 1 point in E, usually at level 1. Spill damage doesn't change and 60 (or whatever) range is not worth a point in refraction.
  • Max Refraction first. The damage is more than 36 stacks of Necromastery and that shield is what makes her good at her role - she can take damage other carries can't dream of.
  • Blink Dagger is core on Lanaya and is used every time she is competitively.
  • Medallion of Courage is a really good situational item.
  • What are you building those slippers into?
  • Daedalus is by no means core on her whatsoever
  • Manta isn't too great on her - her main damage comes from Refraction and Meld
  • BKB is core on her after a Blink and/or Desolator.
  • Sange and Yasha is not viable on her or most other heroes
  • She needs the chasing power from Phase Boots!
  • Consider a Bottle if you're mid lane.
  • This is not a guide.

I agree with you at all, except for Phase boots. He psionic traps have really low cooldown has well the time of 50% slow is way too much (11 secs I believe). So catching up to an enemy isnt hard for her.
I find it more useful buying power treads on her as she is such a squishy hero and the bonus attack speed is good for her, but mainly for stats. Refraction can be easily broken by some heroes like doom, pudge and venomancer, and you want extra health when that happens.
Xenasis (11) | July 14, 2012 8:02am
This guide made me want to cry. Except for the particular reference that made me want to Smile Smile Smile.

Some points you may want to consider -
  • Only take 1 point in E, usually at level 1. Spill damage doesn't change and 60 (or whatever) range is not worth a point in refraction.
  • Max Refraction first. The damage is more than 36 stacks of Necromastery and that shield is what makes her good at her role - she can take damage other carries can't dream of.
  • Blink Dagger is core on Lanaya and is used every time she is competitively.
  • Medallion of Courage is a really good situational item.
  • What are you building those slippers into?
  • Daedalus is by no means core on her whatsoever
  • Manta isn't too great on her - her main damage comes from Refraction and Meld
  • BKB is core on her after a Blink and/or Desolator.
  • Sange and Yasha is not viable on her or most other heroes
  • She needs the chasing power from Phase Boots!
  • Consider a Bottle if you're mid lane.
  • This is not a guide.
xxblackxxrosexx | July 14, 2012 7:42am
I gave you a vote because you have some different ideas. :) But still i would like to criticize few points:
1. Lanaya is really really fragile early game so Refraction is a MUST. It will not only save you in lane, but also make last hitting easier than Psi Blade since it has a bonus damage for a few hits. Only one level of Psi Blades should be taken at lvl 1 then should be completely ignored till Refraction is maxed out. This is no brainer. So lvl 1 skill Psi Blade, lvl 2 Meld is acceptable but lvl 3,4,5 must be Refraction. 3 lvls of Refraction before lvl 6 is important cuhz most probably the opposite laner will be harassing yuh alot. (if he lets yuh free farm he must be noob or mentally ******ed) :)
2. IMO Blink Dagger is still core for Lanaya, not only its a good escape mechanism but also helps to land Meld easily(even without much higher lvl of Psi Blade) So it will net you some easy kills. Desolater after Dagger is even more awesome.

But still these are my arrogant opinions so don't feel bad bout them. :)

B. Rose
Blitxxen (7) | July 14, 2012 7:20am
1-Lanaya is a really squishy heroe, no early refraction, her survivability will be incredibly reduced has also with refraction you can harras/deal more dmg ganking.

2-One point on Psi blades early is more than enough to lanaya to harras and have little range with it, according to the situation of course.

3-One point of meld early game is pretty useless, only -2 armor and 60 dmg at ganking is nothing, althought it gives you invisibility, you never know when they have Gem or Dust of reveal.

4-Blink dagger is a core and a must on lanaya, her attack range is really low and if you want to hit melds easier blink is the solution, just because you dont like how to use blink doesnt mean it isnt a core on her.

Overall, you should look top rated guides to see what a real guide is before doing this. -1
Sarcy (27) | July 14, 2012 6:11am

Nope maybe cuze I just don't like it. But you don't realy need it for her

Thats all well and good that you don't like it however if you're trying to construct a well thought out and helpful guide then you should put it under items that are good for TA but not necessary. I myself consider blink to be core on her as it allows you to get that initial meld off with ease. On top of that you have a skill build that is going to make new TA players worse at her from the start, poor item choice, little to no detail on how she is played, what your role is and what you need to do to fulfill that role.

Taking all that into account gonna -1 the guide.
KrankerToaster | July 14, 2012 3:43am

so... no blink?]

Nope maybe cuze I just don't like it. But you don't realy need it for her
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