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Ash's Templar Carry - Safe/Mid 7.36b

June 23, 2024 by AshFlexem
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Ash's Templar Carry Safe/Mid Lanes

DotA2 Hero: Templar Assassin

Hero Skills

Third Eye (Innate)


1 3 5 7


6 8 9 12

Psi Blades

Psionic Trap

13 14 18


10 15

Hero Talents

+3 Refraction Instances
1s Meld Hit Bash
-3 Meld Armor Reduction
Refraction Dispels
+100 Psi Blades Attack/Spill Range
Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled
+5% Psionic Trap Slow
+20 Refraction Damage

Ash's Templar Carry - Safe/Mid 7.36b

June 23, 2024


This guide will hopefully help you accel in the mid or safe lanes.
There are two different early game set ups.

Once this build comes online around 20-25 mins it will be hard to stop you.
1 vs 3/4 is very possible, can check this match to see it in action: 7810758309.

This build focuses on getting your Refraction and Psi Blades online early in order to maximize the lane CS and early ganking stages. Most guides put meld or traps way before Psi blades but the blades help you last hit, kill neutrals, illusion heros and team fight even better which leads to more gold. Meld is very important still.

It is based off my own experience and pro data build item picks from dota2protracker.

Match examples and in game guide

This is an example match of this being played

You can subscribe to the build here to use it in-game as well as this site


Slot psi blades at levels: 2,4,11,16 this site didn't let me select them


This guide works for both mid and safe/off lane its really just the early game that is different when it comes to purchase order and items. You don't have to get the bottle you can just go with the wand or mangos.

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