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The Teddy Bear of TERROR! - DvalinTheCacnea's Guide To Ursa

May 10, 2015 by DvalinTheCacnea
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DvalinTheCacnea (1) | May 10, 2015 11:18am
j.rod9 wrote:

Just a couple things to add...
1. Vlad's is now created with a headdress, so it also gives a HP regen aura to your team.
2. In the orbs section, you make it sound like you can only choose one orb. Skadi slow stacks with life steal, and lightning for maelstrom only overrides other orbs when it procs, so if you have a desolator (for example), you only need to apply the orb once, then it doesn't matter if the lightning overrides other orbs.
3. MoM seems like a bad idea considering you have an ability that gives max attack speed

1. Done adding it
2. Yes, in some points you are correct. However, considering the effectiveness of Ursa, it is best to just buy one orb item and go.
3. Since Enrage focuses on Fury Swipes, consider to use MoM, since double Overpower cast are not enough to humiliate the whole team (Or at least 2-3 heroes), so MoM is another option by using like Overpower --> approach --> Enrage --> Blink if possible --> Earthshock --> hit --> Overpower --> hit --> pop out MoM --> chase and hit --> kills

Besides, MoM increase movement speed when activated and stack with Phase Boots which usually covers the pursuit again high ms heroes like Luna
j.rod9 (1) | May 6, 2015 2:56pm
Just a couple things to add...
1. Vlad's is now created with a headdress, so it also gives a HP regen aura to your team.
2. In the orbs section, you make it sound like you can only choose one orb. Skadi slow stacks with life steal, and lightning for maelstrom only overrides other orbs when it procs, so if you have a desolator (for example), you only need to apply the orb once, then it doesn't matter if the lightning overrides other orbs.
3. MoM seems like a bad idea considering you have an ability that gives max attack speed
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | May 6, 2015 2:59am
MaRSS wrote:

I will have to agree with what someone said in an earlier post. Vlads would be a very effective item if you are your teams Utility #3 position, but if you plan on being a 1 or 2 you need Helm into Satanic. It's just overall better. Also, adding Hex to your build would be a plus. Hex is almost a must if you plan on being that roaming ganking Mushi type Ursa. It's flat out awesome and you will absolutely pawn the **** and blow up anyone you jump on. Also, Earthshock is a must if you plan on rushing Blink Dagger. If you don't have it you are going to be missing easy peasy ganks. Good players will laugh at you as they either run away, kite or disable you if you jump on them with Blink and no EarthShock.

You got a point in there. However, it is not very likely that Ursa will be in position 1 or 2 since there are lots of games where the game falls into late (and so his effectiveness will fall somehow since more hard carries will get farmed), so my point is making Ursa in position 1 or 2 at first and then to position 3 later on.

About Hex. I would not agree more with Sheepstick on your item slot. However, as I said before, later on Ursa will change into position 3, which is tanker in this case. So I would emphasize on being a hitter at first and tanker later on.

You have got a point in Earthshock, but maybe you don't have to in some cases or if your support knows when to disable and for you to jump in. Nevertheless, since most of the games players want to get the kills for themselves, Earthshock must be taken early in the game.

T3xo wrote:

fix the 6.74 update enrage part to 6.84

T3xo (1) | May 4, 2015 3:27pm
fix the 6.74 update enrage part to 6.84
MaRSS | May 4, 2015 3:12pm
I will have to agree with what someone said in an earlier post. Vlads would be a very effective item if you are your teams Utility #3 position, but if you plan on being a 1 or 2 you need Helm into Satanic. It's just overall better. Also, adding Hex to your build would be a plus. Hex is almost a must if you plan on being that roaming ganking Mushi type Ursa. It's flat out awesome and you will absolutely pawn the **** and blow up anyone you jump on. Also, Earthshock is a must if you plan on rushing Blink Dagger. If you don't have it you are going to be missing easy peasy ganks. Good players will laugh at you as they either run away, kite or disable you if you jump on them with Blink and no EarthShock.
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | January 6, 2015 7:14am
It is a good idea indeed if you have good support from your teammates, but what happens usually is when laning, it is not like 2 v 2, but 1 v 3 instead.
hofelixho | November 26, 2014 3:02am
I'll just add a few
You don't need to be lvl 9 to go solo roshan, level 6 is already enough. I've experienced this and always success (4k++ MMR). And you don't have to go jungle Ursa, cause it sucks. Once you have Vladmir's Offering and a pair of BOOTS, you can just roam and wreck havoc. It may sound ridiculous, but try it! XD
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | November 14, 2014 6:22am
thanks for the comment, lampmaster! I'll try those things...
lampmaster | November 12, 2014 12:52pm
Unless you'll be camping out in the jungle for the first half of the game, I would recommend picking up at least one early point in Earthshock before level 10. It can serve as a highly useful tool when ganking lanes, and the aoe damage can help to clear out neutral camps. Besides, why pick up an early Blink Dagger if you don't also have your slow to initiate on enemies? I like the Five Nights at Freddie's reference though. That was cute.
DvalinTheCacnea (1) | November 7, 2014 10:05pm
Well, I'm still writing an old way of playing because I still need to adapt to the system in DOTA2, later on I'll add the Satanic and the other Orb/UAM such as Eye of Skadi build. True, Fury Swipes cannot crit, but the thing about Ursa late-game is Fury Swipes may not be an important thing as the math for the extra damage on full Overpower use is 15x30 = 450 damage. Sure it is important in mid-game, but not anymore in late game as the opposing carries can just hold them easily. I will add an Orb/UAM item references, but for now I'll keep it in this state. Spam Overpower is important for me as it shortens your jungling time and gain level much more quickly.
For the late-game, sure you still can fight as the DPS is still strong. In that case, buy Black King Bar, although some late-game carries like Faceless Void or Spectre will kill you easily.
Anyway, thanks for the comment because that means you have read this guide.
Unscathed (47) | November 7, 2014 4:17pm
Why do people still even get vlads. If you are not getting a UAM you should get Satanic instead.

Why do spamming overpower be an important thing. You should get morbid mask first so you actually have survivability.

Sorry, but fury swipes cannot crit.

And really? Just because its late game doesnt mean that you cant fight. Splitpush the only way? Really?
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

not very detailed.

wall of text.

annoying writing style.

annoying hero.

Fury Swipes cannot crit or cleave.

Totally agree

DvalinTheCacnea (1) | November 7, 2014 3:14pm
Thank you for your comments anyway...
You see, I'm a new person here, so I don't know how to use some formatting, but well, I'll try to fix some points later.

About the blink dagger and the Earthshock, usually you will get it on about the minimum of level 11/12 after Roshan so it will not be a problem on the Earthshock being on level 2.

Sange and Yasha... Yes I have tried that, and it seems quite good, well I will add it later.
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