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9 Votes

The Sniper Omnibus.

May 19, 2015 by KoDyAbAbA
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KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 19, 2015 5:36pm
of course it works, I've tried it in legit lobbies :D

how does it work? fear.even if it is just a one level shrapnel, people run away from it as if its level 4.

The same principle works when tinker secures rune with a level one tickles a bit, to be honest, but nothing serious.
michimatsch (26) | May 19, 2015 5:18pm
So a guy comes around a corner with some useful tips about readability (they all sound legit) but uses blue background so our eyes die while reading it?
And Kody: Is there always a need for something no one would do?(Ballers Unite!(faceless void))
Anyways i gonna try out sniper support now.
Edit: **** you Kody! I curse you and your familiy! Sniper support worked.
OMFG stack the camps and farm em with Shrapnell and zone the enemy so they can only run like
headless chicken. But pls...why? How does this work....freakin 2.5 k mmr players are worthless

Anyways I love the Sniper guide and maybe I will even try to play Sniper in a legit way.
Janitsu (74) | April 5, 2015 11:14am
Janitsu's Aesthetic Review Service
Coding I will be using links to imgur in order to show and explain better what I mean.

First of all, I noticed a coding mistake over here. Fix the double brackets.

This thing could be done better with tables or columns, side by side preferably. Saves space and eases the comparing.

Over here the icon is far too big for the text. You could also use tables/columns to make it similar to this over here

Bolding means emphasizing! Bolding everything on the other hand is a style and look mistake.

For colours, use this thing. These colours are too popping and making them less saturated, I'd make them brighter/darker.

Too big icons and what's that 3x over there?

More spaces between text and [rule]
Readability You have many mistakes, which could have easily been avoided with some accuracy. Add spaces after marks such as: "!, ?, ,, . etc". That way it is already far easier to read.

Also, less emphasize. You are highlighting way too much for one chapter and that kinda takes the point from emphasizing. If you think something long is essential, put it in a chapter. Also the colours, more eye friendly there.
Dimonychan (43) | January 10, 2015 2:30am
Btw add gem as situational if enemy has Shadow Blade users or invis heroes. You can not only prevet some deaths if you are careful, but also roam the map looking for wards, farming creeps with Maelstrom, dishing out Shrapnel evriwere, swagyolo.
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 10, 2015 12:12am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Which is why I have so many mobility items in all of my builds.

The reason i upvoted.
My only point is if you are skilled and know how to play sniper, you can get a mask of madness core.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 10, 2015 12:09am

they said it. Positioning a sniper is key to win, notwithstanding item choice.

Which is why I have so many mobility items in all of my builds.
Kyphoid returns (42) | January 10, 2015 12:01am
Sanvitch wrote:

A carry isn't always the highest priority to kill in a fight. That's an extemely large generalization. It's more accurate to say the priority should be on the hero who can have the largest impact.

I would argue you shouldn't be picking Sniper against dedicated gap closers in the first place, who are the primary people to punish Mask of Madness on squishy heroes. Like, you are still stupidly squishy no matter what you build, so building glass cannon is justifiable, because a Sniper should only be picked in a line-up where he can realistically just sit on the backline and right click. Because if he can't, he's worthless (Thus why he is not a popular pick in organised games)

You need to have front-line heroes who can force engagements, and not let your opponent pick and choose when and how to engage. Heroes like Centaur Warrunner for example.

You say Mask of Madness is only good against people who can't gank Sniper. I say Mask of Madness is good when you have a good Sniper game, and you have proper positioning allowing you to just right click.

You think bootyhunter outcarrie Sniper. Its ok you smoke weed just dont share the cancer.
DoTA is 5 man game and sniper shines when you have teammates that run interference....
Chaos creators like Brewmaster, Razor, Naga Siren, Chaos Knight, centaur warruner and their ilk.

You wanna reach to a good positioned sniper?? you go through them and if you are lucky enough, you are sitting at 100 hp. The core of sniper gameplay is positioning. If you cant position you should never play sniper. This dwarf can actually avoid chronos and gapclosers if the team has some sense to initiate and counter initiate with damage dealing left at his hands, late game of of course. You dont wanna mess with him. He perma bashes you, you will literally crawl on that 950 range and when you come near him, you are done.

If he is in frontlines , sure go kill him. But dont expect a well thought out player to ever do that , as in to come forward and start pounding without backup, or giving you chance to gapclose at him. He is needy, he is greedy, he needs item and much worse he needs wards, vision, teamsupport, chaos element and every person in opposing team to have their hands full with your other 4 heroes. Thats why he is a ranged creep. A ranged super-mega-ultra creep. He is the Io of carries, dont play him unless you have a mic and a team.

Bounty out-carries sniper late game, heh. In. Your. Dreams.

they said it. Positioning a sniper is key to win, notwithstanding item choice.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 9, 2015 11:17pm
Sat 12:37 PM IST
Alright guys,after profound introspection, i have decided to properly explain the generic sniper builds because there is clearly some merit to it.

Edit: 1:17 PM IST
I have added the generic item explanation and skill build along with item explanations!
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 9, 2015 8:09pm
Sanvitch wrote:

You say Mask of Madness is only good against people who can't gank Sniper. I say Mask of Madness is good when you have a good Sniper game, and you have proper positioning allowing you to just right click.

KoDyAbAbA wrote:

Its just that risky.If you pull it off,You win.Otherwise,you lose.

Something like I already said.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | January 9, 2015 7:53pm
TheSofa wrote:

Hmm... I think you underestimate Sharpnel. The fact that it gives vision for your ult and such makes it so freaking good.

But yeah, good guide, what I wanted to say has been said, but one thing.

There is only one skill build?

its some huge glitch.I have added a skill-build for EVERY build. It just won't show ;_;

Edit:i put all the values again and now its up!
Cataclysm2146 (3) | January 9, 2015 4:30pm
Ooh! Finally somebody mentions Rod of Atos on sniper! Instant +1
TheSofa (54) | January 9, 2015 3:54pm
Hmm... I think you underestimate Sharpnel. The fact that it gives vision for your ult and such makes it so freaking good.

But yeah, good guide, what I wanted to say has been said, but one thing.

There is only one skill build?
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