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51 Votes

The Silken Road to Victory

November 5, 2013 by Furied
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DotA2 Hero: Broodmother

Hero Skills

Spider's Milk (Innate)

Insatiable Hunger

4 5 7 8

Spin Web

1 3 9 10

Incapacitating Bite

2 12 13 14

Silken Bola

1 3 9 10

Spawn Spiderlings

6 11 16


15 17 18


The preview for the 6.79 patch is viewable here:

Here is how it pertains to broodmother:

- Spin Web AoE increased from 650 to 900
- Spin Web cast range increased from 600 to 1000
- Spin Web cast point nerfed from 0.2 to 0.4
- Spin Web no longer destroys trees
- Broodmother now has completely unobstructed movement when under the web (can walk over cliffs, trees, etc)
- Removed buffer time when leaving Spin Web (you now immediately lose your regen/movement/pathing/invis bonuses)

Quick Tips

You just randomed Broodmother and you've got 40 seconds till gametime. This is what you need to know:

- Webs provide movement speed upon contact, stealth after 2 seconds, and allow you to pass over trees, cliffs, and units while on your web. You can become temporarily stuck if you leave your web in the middle of trees. Enemies will lose natural line of sight to you if you are in trees.

- Spiderlings, from Spawn Spiderlings do pitiful damage, but soak 3-4 turret shots each from full health. They tag enemies they damage with a debuff that causes a single lesser spiderling to spawn on its death, allowing you to build up a large push with just a few casts.

- Spiderlings are worth 20 gold to an enemy that kills them, and some experience in an area. If your laning enemy can AOE them down, don't spawn them when they're there.

- Spiderlings slow a little bit.

- Spin Web no longer clears trees like it used to.

- Incapacitating Bite Is a unique attack modifier (or orb) and won't stack with other attack modifiers such as Morbid Mask and Diffusal Blade.

- All of your abilities will unstealth you from your web. Consider saving your q until you are in melee unless you have to use it from a distance.

- Farm and push lanes when you can.

Leveling order

Ability leveling order matters. Each leveling order has its advantages, and each one fits a different lane.

Having a high rank Spawn Spiderlings, coupled with ample mana regen can give you improved ganking power as well as ranged burst/poke. It is important to balance using this on minions to finish and using it to poke enemy heroes. Spiderlings are worth 20 gold each to the enemy if they last hit them, and give exp in an area

Leveling Spin Web first gives you more territory and lane sustain.

Leveling Incapacitating Bite will give you a potent slow and miss chance. This is most powerful when used with supporting allies or during your ultimate, and against heroes who rely completely upon autoattacks for damage.

Since its recent buff to miss chance, from 10/20/30/40 to 30/40/50/60, Incapacitating Bite it is a much greater debuff, and much more so at rank 1.

Broodmother's Role

Broodmother is either a melee agility carry or a semi-tanky solo lane pusher and bruiser. Her specialization is healthy early game farming, lategame carry vs carry dueling, and unprotected tower demolition.

Her most notable strengths are:
- Stealthed on her web
- Constant health regen (on web)
- Build in anti-auto-attacker debuff
- Overwhelming lifesteal through ult
- Demolishes unguarded towers
- High mobility across web
- Her kit reduces/eliminates the need for a shadow blade and a vladimir's
- Benefits from special melee modifiers from stout shield and its variants as well as skull basher and quelling blade.

Her most notable weaknesses are:
- Blue wards can be dropped in the middle of her webs, removing the invisibility.
- Spiderlings can be killed for money. Alot of money.
- Can be kited by hard cc, especially if the target leaves her web
- Early to mid game damage is miserable because of poor stats
- Weak nuking power
- Revealed when auto-attacking, make it difficult for her to counter AOE pushes
- Abilities cost a lot of mana
- Large numbers of spiderlings tangle up her movement and prevent her from autoattacking
- Weak vs heavy stun teams
- Doesn't have as much lategame carry damage as other, harder carries.

Spiderling Control

Spiderlings are your primary pushing tool, but they must be managed with a certain deal of care. You should have keys to select yourself, and select all other units set up. I mapped mine to g for minions and t for self.

Spiderlings and the spiderites that they spawn have a lifespan of 60 seconds. Spiderites spawned from spiderlings get their own fresh 60 second timer, but cannot spawn spiderites like spiderlings. Either one grants 20-21 gold if killed by an enemy hero.

Spiderlings tag enemies they hit with spawn spiderite. It works like spawn spiderlings, but spawns much weaker versions, and always only spawns 1.

Spiderlings also slow by 15%.

Spiderlings benefit from stealth and should be kept hidden when not in use. Try to avoid using them to push minions, as this leaves them exposed.

Because they slow and large groups tangle movement, you can give them a separate order to attack while you flee from enemies.

In some lanes, especially 1 v 1 lanes, using your Spawn Spiderlings ability as a nuke is useful, as your sustain will let you force some enemies out of the lane.

The Silken Road

Your webs are your silken road and, in many cases, the lifeblood of your existence. Besides being a source of stealth, they give you health regen and movement speed. The movement speed and fade timer begin as soon as your head or butt are over the web.

Since the changes to webs, they are now very large and can be placed a good distance in front of you.

You should place them so they include some solid wooded areas when placing your lane webs. Buying TP's from the side shop can help you teleport out of ganks, even when the enemy uses stealth detection. You can make web trails to the nearest rune, even over cliffs.

Best place for the spider to thrive

Broodmother, like most heroes, has good and bad laning situations. Her most common laning positions is the suicide lane (top for radiant, bot for dire) but this is actually a bad place for her, overall. Suicide laning should be left to heroes with strong ranged AOE clear, diving countermeasures, and good unfarmed game impact.

The best place for broodmother is in lane with a "semi-carry" or high damage support, or solo with a high ganking power jungler in the adjacent jungle. In a duo lane, getting an early rank of Incapitating bite will be helpful.

If you must solo lane against 2 or 3, rush a soul ring and a force staff, plus regular boots of speed. Staying in lane and using your spiderlings to hold creeps under tower will be critical.

Force Staff

Force Staff is an interesting item, capable of incredible good or incredible fail. I prefer to get force staff over soul ring , for the added personal and team mobility it gives.

Sometimes its the extra distance you need to autoattack for the slow. Sometimes you're throwing an allied sven at an unsuspected enemy. It can also give you distance to get from one web to another in a rough situation. If you don't think you will benefit from its active, however, stick with a soul ring.


As an agility carry, broodmother will have around 8 - 14 armor lategame, depending somewhat on items. This is a 34 - 45% decrease in physical damage taken.

If you suspect the enemy to be building armor reducing items or using armor reducing heroes, get a plate mail (1400 gold for +10 armor) instead of a skull basher and build it lategame into an assault curi***, after boots, black king bar, and 1 other damage item.

These are some of the red lights:

Desolator: Builds from 2x mithril hammer. - 6 armor on auto attack.

Assault Cuirass: Builds from hyperstone, platemail, chainmail. - 5 aura.

Medallion of Courage: - 6 armor on item active.

Slardar using Amplify Damage: - 8/14/20! Yikes!

Elder Titan Using Natural Order - Reduces natural armor to 0, requiring some + armor to avoid taking pure damage

Ward fighting

Many enemies will try to use Dust of Appearance and blue wards to reveal you. You should check an enemies inventory every time you see them after having not known where they were. Look for dust of appearance, gem of true sight, and sentry ward.

Sentry wards come in stacks of 2. If they enemy has 1, that means they placed one of them. People will often have the courier deliver it also.

If you think you know where the enemy put their blue ward, you can place your own blue ward to give you vision of theirs so you can destroy it.

Their ward, however, gives them vision of yours. For this reason, is it important that when you do place yours, you make sure that you can destroy theirs before they can destroy yours, and without any significant risk to yourself.

The suicide lane

I've added this section for the pusher playstyle of broodmother where she is typically outnumbered in a lane and must focus on surviving while protecting her tower and maintaining some gold and level income.

Your starting items for this lane are soul ring recipe, Ring of Regen, and a Healing Salve (or Tango). Use your early farm to buy the pieces of your Soul Ring first, then Boots of Speed, then get another Ring of Regen to put toward a Force Staff.

Keeping your turret alive is a priority and part of achieving this will be to last hit with spawn spiderling and use the accumulated force to block directly under the turret to reduce the damage it takes. Gotta have that soul ring.

The Courier

You should be spending your money frequently, even if you aren't going back to base. Keeping your unreliable gold low is usually a good strategy for minimizing death costs, even if the items just sit in your stash.

While this is good practice for all heroes, it is unusually important for Broodmother because of her reliance on farm and her ability to stay in lane for incredible periods of time.

When possible, it is good to have the courier deliver items to you, but you need to go behind your turret as its coming to collect your items. It is important that you do not let the enemy take a shot at your courier, and you need to make sure no-one else is trying to use the courier.

If your farming is going unhindered you will likely be on first, middle, and last name turns with the team courier.

Matchup concerns

This is my developing sections for heroes who I find require special care when fighting, for various reasons.

- Templar Assassin: Psi blades frontal cone hits you and your spiderlings when stealthed.

- Bounty Hunter: Can track you

- Slardar: Amplify Damage reveals you

- Pudge: Can pull you off your web

- Faceless Void: Getting caught in chronosphere prevents you from fading

- Bloodseeker: True vision of you when you are at 10/15/20/25 percent of max health, depending on his rank of thirst.

- Alchemist: Farms spiderlings very efficently and for extra gold.

- Earthshaker: His ultimate echo slam will echo off your spiderlings, possibly dealing extreme damage to you if they are close by.


Reference Xenasis's amazing guide on junging here for basic info:

I don't generally advise jungling with broodmother, as her laning phase is one of the best amoung melee carries and her ganks are kinda lols, but if your team calls for it, it is possible to a degree.

Starting items are tango and ring of basilus.

To jungle with broodmother, you're going to have to go for a spiderling build. You start at the easiest camp. Bring the strongest mob to low health and tag it with spawn spiderlings, then kill it. Back away from the camp and allow spiderlings to take aggro. Focus fire with your spiderlings and broodmother.

Go to the medium camps next. Avoid centaurs. Focus fire the weakest enemies within medium camps and spawn spiderlings where mana allows.

Continue to clear camps as long as you have spiderlings to tank for you.

Go back once at level 4. Acquire a quelling blade, a poor man's shield, and tangos as money allows.

As you level your web, place it over your jungling route for health regen and speed (spiderlings benefit also)

Use spawn spiderlings only on very low health mobs. It has a very short spawn window and jungle mobs are tougher than they look.

No special items are needed for jungling with broodmother after that, aside from the normal build.

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