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The Revolutionary Flush

March 2, 2015 by Art of morphology
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Art of morphology | March 6, 2015 2:02pm
I have been thinking of the fastest way to put on a reliable Ethereal Blade, so getting cost effective regen items would rush it up. Now eblade combo can be done in 415 mana which is very cheap in fact, nyx 3 spells 515 mana, lina and lion ulti already 680 mana. However, with this horrible 1.5 int gain, u see that it was purposely done to prevent abuse. Arcane is good on those heroes but more urgently needed for Morphlingand it also gives mana to others. Mana pool becomes more impt than the mana regen during ganking with eblade, (said earlier).

Now with the option to soulbooster then Bloodstone, u can abuse yr spells, health hack all u want, jump here and there with BoT & replicate, shotgun several times, without the need to go to base. If u think that there is a problem with my concept: Agility = Strength = hp + slight regen to a certain extent, bloodstone gives around 26 agi/str, then pls voice out.
armc3j (3) | March 5, 2015 2:39am
Not sure what to think. Some stuff here sounds reasonable, but then I feel that the "tried and true" morphling has a particular set items that work well for him.

-about the Arcane Boots... Ring of Aquila gives you enough mana regen for early game without you needing to dish out the 1000 gold for arcanes. I can understand getting them, then disassembling them, if your going for Bloodstone, but it seems a waste of gold that would slow down your farm.
-never tried armlet on Morphling?

I'll have to give this build a try before I upvote or downvote it
Art of morphology | March 4, 2015 11:11am
Of course morphling cant make his own illusions, I was referring to manta being a good combination with armlet. Under brute flush, the highlight is armlet repump, gaining health during combat. So try and wait and adjust yr health to around 200- 300 so that when u waveform and double tap armlet, u recover over 200hp safely. Of course u calibrate yr health when u activate armlet to prevent death. Catch flush is very mana intensive which is solved by arcane bottle build, and hopefully with some support.

Bloodstone may not seem good if u are engaged in short battles, but give it a try. Its win rate has always been significantly better than linken, so is arcane's win rate better than treads. Morphling is a mana dependent hero, not being able to cast waveform because he lacks mana is a very embarassing problem. Health hackation is a non-combat regen that usually follows after hp repump, even if u do not have bloodstone to support such a technique, u can do it in base to save time with other hp items like eye.
apaz (17) | March 4, 2015 12:30am
First, I would like to say, in his defense, that making a guide is hard. I got yelled at for mentioning Veil of Discord on Lina.

Basically, critics of the guide, don't think that what is the common build is the BEST build. Remember Juggernaut? What made him OP? It used to be that Blade Fury + Max Omnislash was the only way to play. People unknowingly kept building him wrong. Because of that, he got perpetually buffed, until one value point in Blade Fury was/still is better than one point in Coup de Grace. Then, a new way to play Juggernaut came into fashion. Now, people just go 1-1-1, and get stats. Then, eventually, they get the other stuff. They also just get a Mask of Madness instead of a Desolator, which gets you up to the next damage threshold on Omnislash. What i'm trying to say is: what if Bloodstone is the new DAC? It actually gives you WAY more than it SHOULD, because of the various ways that you can abuse how Morph Agility Gain works with stats. You could jungle with it, and do so without Lifesteal. It isn't bad, and could also get more spammabilty of your spells, which would make Morphling farm WAY faster. Look at Items closer before you dismiss them as terrible. Do some math, do some speculation, then decide.
Unscathed (47) | March 3, 2015 1:14pm
bloodstone, arcanes, and 'u'

sorry man but no :/
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 3, 2015 10:14am
Shadow blade cannot be called a late game item, because late game everyone will buy as much dust and wards as they want. The bloodstone fixes mana problems, but it is too expensive and does not give stats. Morphling needs stats bro. Get linkens instead.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 3, 2015 1:15am
big names on the titles, was genuinely interested until i saw some unrealistic stuff.

the "health hackathon(?)" unusable in real-time are already doing to much as your relpicate is just as important as the main hero due to it's insane tankability and damage dealing capacity.

bloodstone : .-.

Brute flush :

1. that applies for all heroes.

2. nope.

3.It comes at the cost of loss of attack damage,attack speed and armor, yeah, not a good deal. you are "healing" 190 health per second "yay!", but losing 10 damage, 10 attack speed and 1.3~ armor(appx 6% of EHP) :/ really don't need health when you are invulnerable and moving a 1000 units away from danger dude .-.

5. ....


Catch flush :

considering morphling has 75 agility and 50 strength (after morph.)

morphing to strength (need to morph 50 points) : 5 seconds, which translate into 150 mana.

This + adaptive strike = 150 + 100 =250 mana

again morph to agility = 150 mana.

+ waveform = 165 mana

total = 250 + 150 + 165 = 565 mana

Morphling's mana pool at level 16 = 533 mana

you do see where i'm getting at aren't you?It's not sanely possible for a morphling to be in the game with a full mana pool. There is just soo much to do with each and every one of your skills!You mentioned that the catch flush is not used often.there is a reason for costs too much mana and it is hard to predict the amount of agility/str you have morphed.
I Have Layers (4) | March 2, 2015 11:53pm
That is a very expensive midgame on the early eblade.

Bloodstone is okay, but I've never built it on morphling. Morphling needs raw stats more than just HP and Mana regen. A HoT should definetly be on the late game items list. People forget that adaptive strike is also a stun that scales with strength.

Blink Dagger >>>> Shadow Blade. Always remember this.

Not to mention Morphling already has Waveform
Art of morphology | February 26, 2015 5:25pm
More improvements will be coming up. Meanwhile,constructive critiscm are welcome.
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