Hi All
my name is Smuggler or Smuggels or great god above in the sky with puppies and candy (or so it says on the side of my van....that was a joke btw ...so.... laugh).
anyway i like to think i have a decent amount of knowledge concerning DOTA2 but as with all people who play our beloved game know, i probably haven't even scratched the surface. now ive done one previous guide and that was in a more frivolous tone then this one will be because *GASP* im going to be serious...ok ... semi serious, BUT still serious as i feel this might actually help people out there who are starting or even some people who feel have become a veteran.
what im going to write about in this guide is the reason behind the differences you find in so many advised hero builds, item builds, lane builds and team builds or in laymans terms "The What, Who, When, Where and Why they are built."
these differences all stem from a simple core cause.
The "Situation"
*CUE Dramatic music and audience gasps*
The Situation is based upon many factors but in the essence of time ill focus on the four core types.
Now when it comes to hero builds ill split this into two parts.
A lot of people have a set item build for each hero, they use this same build each and every time they play that character and the only thing that changes is "when" they buy them.
this is "okay" it allows stability and knowledge transference in your build.
but! sometimes when playing that hero say for example Wraith King a lot of people build him into a durable semi/hard carry.
they have the same items every game and no matter what is happening in game, who they are versing, and the team composition they buy the same items every time.
now for some red colouring
in my opinion:
now before the flamerinos come along id like to explain.
Yes some heroes are quite restricted in how they are skilled and yes some are quite restricted in what items they should buy to become viable in the game.
BUT to explain further i will give you another SITUATION
you have random'd Wraith King your Tri-laning with a
Leshrac and a
Gyrocopter with an offlaner and a mid already picked. In this SITUATION the most viable option is for you to play as a support, which means rushing Armlet and
Black King Bar is not the best choice as you will need farm and space to achieve such items. thus your ITEM BUILD will need to change. since you have a position 5 already that means building position 4 items and supporting your team.
This is where your TEAM will change your hero item builds.
Wraith King is playing against a Zues
Queen of Pain and another high magic damage output hero. now building a
Pipe of Insight would be the best option for him as the magic block will allow your team to survive longer in fights. [[ *basic stuff i know but....
This is where the ENEMY will change your item build.
ok this is where im upto just need a small amount of help so post comments and other assorted musing below so i can get some inspiration to finish this thing!!!!!
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