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16 Votes


November 3, 2014 by Susan0
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Tigerre (4) | September 25, 2014 3:08am
As of 6.82, getting Vanguard on ranged heroes is decent, thanks to the fact that there's now Crimson Guard.
Crimson Guard is good on most utility heroes and is the perfect excuse for getting a Stout Shield into Vanguard on ranged heroes :P :D
Susan0 | August 14, 2014 10:17pm
yes abyssal can be disassembled, and you will get the basher and relic in return (seperately)
Tigerre (4) | August 12, 2014 9:28pm
How good is SmAsh at Windranger? I saw a YouTube vid with SmAsh playing Windranger and he seemed pretty good, if this is true, pls add a SmAsh build thingy...
Tigerre (4) | August 12, 2014 9:26pm
Can you even break Abyssal Blade down? I didn't think you could or else I would do it more often when I play Abaddon so I can get that important Divine Rapier XD
Tigerre (4) | August 12, 2014 9:24pm
Susan0 wrote:

for the sing build you go phase>blink/force>mom>buy a thousand tp scrolls while buying back>buy basher> get abyssal> disassemble for rapier> get booterfly> get abyssal> steal aegis>get bots and its gucci

remember to stay in the trees as windrunner

Sounds fairly legit, will have to try it in my first PvP match as Windranger when I get my 10K MMR :P

I hope you can finish this guide soon, I can't wait to see the entire thing finished, though you should add Maelstrom and Mjollnir into the mid build, as they're some of the best items a farmed Windranger can get. Another item that's absolutely needed for a core Windranger is... Aghanim's Scepter ! Its upgrade and all of its stats are just too good, though it's better gotten after a UaM.

Would love to see you place Blink Dagger into the mid-game items for the mid build, even the offlane build, just because some people might prefer that, I know that I find it useful when chasing people... Blink Dagger- Shackleshot- Powershot-profit *****es :P
Susan0 | August 8, 2014 10:40pm
for the sing build you go phase>blink/force>mom>buy a thousand tp scrolls while buying back>buy basher> get abyssal> disassemble for rapier> get booterfly> get abyssal> steal aegis>get bots and its gucci

remember to stay in the trees as windrunner
Tigerre (4) | July 27, 2014 10:29pm
Great guide.
I'd like to see all of the builds explained though, and also why you get each skill when you do in each build, and also what the build-up for the "Fak U, I'm SingSing" Items.
Like I said earlier, great guide, now... Where's the guy who made those name changes? I want to talk to him and tell him the name of this hero is WINDRUNNER, not WINDRANGER :P
Susan0 | February 27, 2014 2:34am
I ran out of space :X sorry mate

I cant put two more cheeses
eeon (6) | February 26, 2014 5:21pm
Wow, you just put all the items there didn't you:) add 2 more Cheese to fill those 2 empty spaces because it s freakin me out. forgot Mjollnir. Great guide +1
Susan0 | February 26, 2014 12:25am

The guide is kinda a WIP

I dont know when will it be completed .-.
Legion Commander (1) | February 25, 2014 2:36pm
Sup Lyra? :)
Wulfstan (77) | February 22, 2014 11:32am
Why are people down voting this?It's good, could use some extra explanations, but it's definately not bad. +1 .
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